Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

Compass Roulette Casino Minigame Guide and Rewards: Can You Pause the Roulette?

Chrono Cross - Roulette Minigame Guide.png

This is a guide to the Compass Roulette Minigame at the casino on the S.S. Zelbess in Chrono Cross Remaster: The Radical Dreamers Edition. Learn the best timing to stop the roulette, all rewards and prizes, and whether you can use the pause button trick to win easily.

Can You Pause the Roulette?

You Can Pause in the PC Version

Chrono Cross - Roulette Minigame - Pause on PC.jpg

In the original game, players were able to use a trick on the Roulette game by pausing the game repeatedly and pressing X after unpausing to time the needle landing perfectly. However, in the Radical Dreamers Edition, the pause menu, as well as the slow down and speed up features available in the Remaster are all temporarily deactivated upon entering the casino room.

A new version of the trick is available in the PC (Steam) version only. Players with this version of the game can pause the game to the PC-exclusive ESC Menu and carry out the trick in the same way as in the original game to win easily.

You Cannot Pause in the Nintendo Switch Version

Based on our testing, there is no way to pause the roulette in the Nintendo Switch version of the game. It's possible that methods are available on other platforms, so if you have found a method to pause the game during the roulette or other useful tricks, please let us know in the comments!

How to Win the Roulette

Best Timing to Stop (Pause Trick)

1 Pause and unpause repeatedly as the needle spins
2 Get ready when the needle is pointing at South
3 After unpausing the game, press the button to stop the needle immediately

When playing on PC, you should unpause the game and press the button to stop the roulette when the needle is facing due South.

When executed correctly, you should be able to hit North 100% of the time and get the Rainbow Shell easily.

Best Timing to Stop (No Pause Trick)

Chrono Cross - SS Zelbess - Roulette Best Timing to Stop.png

The explanation below details when to stop the needle without using the Pause trick on PC.

Try hitting the button at the timing the red marker on the needle is slightly above the East marker as shown in the picture. As the needle is spinning extremely quickly, it's impossible to time it perfectly, but if you can find a good rhythm where you can have it land on North reliably, you'll be able to win the first prize of a Rainbow Shell even if it you can't hit North every single time.

Hit North 7 Times to Win

To win the game, you'll need to hit North on the compass 7 times without hitting South. Occasionally hitting West or East will not affect your total so much, unless you hit West on the first spin.

Even if your timing is not perfect, you'll still have a 20% chance of winning the game as long as you can hit North 4 out of every 5 spins.

Points per Victory

Times Played Points Rank
1 200 -
2 400 4th
3 800 4th
4 1600 3rd
5 3200 3rd
6 6400 2nd
7 12800 1st

Roulette Rewards

Rainbow Shell Available

Chrono Cross - Roulette Minigame - Rainbow Shell Reward.jpeg

A single Rainbow Shell can be won for achieving 10,000 Points. Rainbow Shells are used in crafting the Rainbow Equipment, the set of the game's ultimate weapons, so this is a prize you don't want to miss! Sadly, only one is available so they cannot be farmed in this way.

All Rewards by Rank

1st Rank
(10,000 Points)
Rainbow Shell (1st Time)
Denadorite (2nd+ Time)
2nd Rank
(5,000-9,950 Points)
3rd Rank
(1,000-4,950 Points)
4th Rank
(500-950 Points)

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7 Anonymousover 2 years

U have to pause the needle. Then return to game and press key ONCE, asap; not spamming repetitively. I have tried 14 rounds so I'm posting needle position for each round. Needle position/round # EES 1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14 NNE 3 SSE 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Consistent results. If it's too hard to press fast, consider moving one needle backwards CCW.

6 Anonymousover 2 years

I managed to win the rainbow shell by pressing the stop button on the roulette wheel when the red tip of the spinner was about 1/2 way between west & north. Or I was just lucky!


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