Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

How to Beat Sun of a Gun

Sun of A Gun Banner
This is a boss guide on how to beat Sun of a Gun in Chrono Cross Remaster: The Radical Dreamers Edition. Read on to learn more information on Sun of a Gun, its Abilities, item drops, and how to beat Sun of a Gun fast!

How to Beat Sun of a Gun

Its Moveset are Based on its Expression

Expression Moveset
Smiling Kissy-Wissy

Mode Change
Neutral Anti-Black

Holy Light
Sad Weak Minded

Strong Minded
Angry Photon Beam

Meteor Shower

The key to defeating this boss is by anticipating its attacks by monitoring its facial expressions. You'll know when Sun of a Gun will switch expressions when it casts Mode Change.

The table above lists down what moves Sun of a Gun will do depending on its expression. Knowing this will give you a better grasp as to when to be offensive and when to be defensive.

It is recommended to go offensive when its expression is either Smiling or Sad. Likewise, should Sun of a Gun's expression be Neutral or Angry, consider taking a few turns to heal and defend as needed.

Watch Out for its Holy Light Attack

Mode Change

Sun of a Gun is most dangerous when it changes its expression to Neutral coming from being Sad.

This sequence of expressions is challenging as the first expression buffs itself and debuffs your party, followed by Sun of a Gun switching to Neutral and executing its strongest move Holy Light at its peak strength.

Break All White Field Effects

White Field Effect

Sun of a Gun is known to use Tech Skills and Elemental Abilities in succession, which allows the Field Effect to turn White very quickly.

This is dangerous for your party especially when it casts Holy Light as it will inflict increased damage due to the Field Effect.

It is recommended to break the Field Effect immediately should it turn completely White to prevent massive damage dealt by Sun of a Gun's attacks. Alternatively, use the white field to your advantage by using Recover All to heal yourself from Holy Light's damage!

Gains an Increasing Magic Defense

Its moveset allows it to reduce your magic defense while increasing its own. We do not recommend having party members that focus on magic attacks in this battle.

Rely on Physical Buffs and Debuffs

As Sun of A Gun has no way to increase its physical defense, we highly recommend slotting in some Lo-Res, Strengthens, and Eagle Eyes for this battle and solely focusing on recovery and physical attacks.

Bring a Panacea

Sun of a Gun's Kissy-Wissy will remove a party member for a long while. If you don't want to fight this battle with only two members for the fight's duration, bring a Panacea and immediately cure the status ailment!

Sun of a Gun Boss Information

Sun of a Gun Stats and Item Drops

Element White HP 365
Attack 47 Defense 68
Mag Atk 12 Mag Def 50
Drops (Common) Iron
Steal (Common) Screw
Location Fort Dragonia (Another World)

A Star Level (★) is earned from this battle.

Sun of a Gun Abilities

Elemental Attacks

Name Description
Photon Beam Bombards enemy with an extra-powerful laser.
Anti-Black Temporary seals Black Elements.
Meteor Shower Hurls several large asteroids at foes.
Strong Minded Temporarily increases your magical defenses.
Weak Minded Temporarily decreases your foe's magical defenses.
Holy Light Casts a holy light (annihilates undead).

Tech Skills

Name Description
Mode Change White-innate tech that targets self to change attack patterns.
Kissy-Wissy White-innate attack on a single target that can inflict asleep status.

General Tips

Taking Advantage of Field Effects

Field Guide

This battle is a perfect example of using Field Effects to one's advantage.

It is highly recommended to monitor Field Effects as it can influence the damage you deal and receive to and from your foes.

In this case, having a fully White Field Effect will be dangerous for your party especially when Sun of a Gun uses its Elemental Ability, Holy Light.

How Do Field Effects Work?

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