Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

How to Recruit Janice and Unlock Lv 7 Tech Skill

Chrono Cross - Janice.png
Janice is a character in Chrono Cross Remaster: The Radical Dreamers Edition. Read on to learn more about Janice, her Tech Skills, how to unlock her Lv. 7 Tech Skill, her best Weapon, and how to recruit Janice!

All Janice Pages
How to Recruit Janice Grand Slam Mini Game Guide

How to Recruit Janice

Story Chapter S.S. Zelbess (Home World)
Missable? No.
Janice Recruitment Steps

Defeat the Sage of Marbule Aboard the S.S. Zelbess

Sage of Marbule.

As part of the S.S. Zelbess (Home World) chapter, you'll need to defeat Fargo at his rigged game of Roulette, then beat the Sage of Marbule to gain access to the Grand Slam.
How to Beat Sage of Marbule

Complete the Grand Slam Minigame and Recruit Janice by Defeating Her Monsters

Grand Slam Entrance.jpg
Defeat Janice's monsters for three rounds in the Grand Slam Mini Game on the S.S. Zelbess (Home World). You automatically have access to some default enemies to use in the Grand Slam, however it may require a bit of luck and patience as most of the monsters at your disposal are on the weaker side. If you're determined to recruit Janice right away and would like to try winning with a default set up, it is possible.

Grand Slam Mini Game: Default Monsters Guide

Recruit Stronger Monsters with Sprigg's Doppelgang Ability or the Forget-me-not Pot

Sprigg Doppelgang.jpeg

Using Sprigg's's Level 5 Tech Skill Doppelgang, each enemy you defeat with Sprigg in her normal form will allow you to transform into that enemy in battle and unlocks that enemy for use in Janice's Grand Slam minigame.

If you prefer not to use Sprigg, there is another way to unlock monsters. Equipping one of your active party members with the Forget-me-not Pot and having them deal the final blow on an enemy you want to unlock will have the same effect as defeating them with Sprigg.

For this reason, it's recommended that you return later in the game to beat the Grand Slam and recruit Janice once you've built a strong team of monsters encountered on your journey by either defeating them with Sprigg or whichever character has equipped the Forget-me-not-pot.

Recruit Janice.jpg
After defeating Janice and her monsters for three rounds, she will recognize your strength and join your party.

Janice Character Profile

Innate Element Red
Age 22 Origin S.S. Zelbess
Height 5'7" Weight 104 lbs.
Build Plumpish Dominant Hand Right-handed
A demi-human dedicated to training and fighting monsters aboard the S.S. Zelbes. She is very focused to only training and fighting, and only notices those who can best her in battle.

Janice Attacks

Carrot/Beta Carotene
Weak (High%) Normal (Mid%) Fierce (Low%)
Carrot poke Bonk Plant em!

Should You Use Janice?

Rank Description
B Tier.png The fact that she uses a carrot to fight is a huge indicator that Janice is just not a great character overall. You can obtain the Beta Carotene on the without crafting it which is the only pro to having Janice since she can get a good weapon without much investment.

Character Tier List: Best Characters to Include in Your Party

How to Unlock Janice Level 7 Tech Skill

Bring Janice to the Bend of Time

Bend of Time Location.jpg

Once you have obtained Janice, you'll want to proceed to the Bend of Time. The Bend of Time is a hidden location where you can re-fight monsters you may have missed while playing the game.

Bend of Time Location

Talk to the Octomonster with Janice in the Lead

The next step is to talk to the Octopus monster in the center of the area. It'll then have a special dialogue with Janice and the god of combat and she'll be given her Level 7 Tech Skill.

Janice Tech Skills

Single Tech Skills

Name Lv. Description
Beat It 3 Beat enemy with your trusty bunny-drum.
24 Carrots 5 Bounce carrots off drum as true "BeaterCarotene". Deals Red-innate damage.
What's Up Doc 7 Concentrate all energy on drumming foe sky-high.

List of All Character Tech Skills

Janice Weapons

List of Weapons

Name Atk Hit %
Carrot 61 93
Betta Carotene 67 93

List of All Weapons

Janice Story Explained

Keeps the Grand Slam Running

Janice Fight with Might.jpg
Janice is the demi-human who runs the Grand Slam below deck on the S.S. Zelbess (Home World). Despite her bunny-girl looks, she's quite the fierce opponent. She loves nothing more than putting her monsters' training to the test in battle.

Janice will join your party in hopes of finding other monsters if you defeat her for three consecutive rounds in the Grand Slam.

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Characters Partial Banner

List of Characters and How to Recruit

All Recruitable Characters

White Users

Serge Serge Riddel Riddel Starky Starky Steena Steena
Pip Pip

Red Users

Kid Kid Zappa Zappa Orcha Orcha Macha Macha
Miki Miki Draggy Draggy Greco Greco Doc Doc

Black Users

Lynx Lynx Guile Guile Lucia Luccia Harle Harle
Janice Janice Mojo Mojo Skelly Skelly Grobyc Grobyc

Blue Users

Nikki Nikki Marcy Marcy Korcha Korcha Fargo Fargo
Leena Leena Irenes Irenes Pierre Pierre Orlha Orlha

Green Users

Karsh Karsh Razzly Razzly Radius Radius Glenn Glenn
Sprigg Sprigg Turnip Turnip NeoFio NeoFio Van Van

Yellow Users

Norris Norris Viper Viper Zoah Zoah Poshul Poshul
Funguy Funguy Mel Mel Leah Leah Sneff Sneff


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