Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

Best Element List and Best Element Colors

There are several elements that belong to one of the six available elements in Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers edition! Read on to see the best element type and the best elements to use for each element color!

Tier Guides
Character Tier List
Best Party Comps Best Characters by Element Best Element Combos
Best Weapons Best Armor List Best Element List
Best Doppelgang Forms Best Accessories Best Early Elements
Best Side Quests - -

Best Elements by Color

Below are our list of the best elements in the game. Take note that techs are not included in the list and only element that everyone can equip.

Element Type Jump Directory
White Black Blue
Red Green Yellow


Name (Lv.) Ability Type Effect
Meteor Shower
Attack Hurls several large asteroids at foes.
Healing Recovers friend from incapacitated status.
Recover All
Healing Restores HP (medium).
Healing Removes all status effects.
Full Revival
Healing Recovers incapcitated status and heals all HP.
Supplemental Temporary seals Black Elements.
Strong Minded
Supplemental Temporarily increases your magical defenses.
Supplemental Temporarily increases Element damage by 1.5
Negate Magic
Supplemental Temporarily nullifies foe's magic attacks.
★ Unicorn
Summons Holy horse's prayer raises Defense and & Magic Defense
★ Saints
Summons Army of angels attacks foes and heals party.


Name (Lv.) Ability Type Effect
Attack Crushes foes with a supergravity field.
Supplemental Temporarily seals White Elements.
Supplemental Temporarily increase your magical power.
Seal All
Supplemental Temporarily stops everyone's Elements.
Supplemental Temporarily halves Elemental Damage.
★ Mother Ship
Summons Contacts a spaceship to blast foes to pieces.
★ Grim Reaper
Summons Summon Death to wreck doom and destruction.


Name (Lv.) Ability Type Effect
Attack Inundates enemies in icy-cold floodwaters.
Attack Hails large chunk of ice down on foes.
Healing Restores HP (small).
Cure All
Healing Restores HP (large).
Supplemental Temporarily seals Red Elements.
Supplemental Temporarily stops your stamina from decreasing.
★ Frog Prince
Summons Summons Frog Prince to perform a water attack.
★ Blue Whale
Summons Calls on Neputune's anger to create a tsunami.


Name (Lv.) Ability Type Effect
Magma Bomb
Attack Launches a volley of fireballs at foes.
Attack Heats air to a burning-hot temperature.
Attack Induces an enormous volcanic eruption.
Healing Recovers a used Element for re-use.
Supplemental Temporarily seals Blue Elements.
Supplemental Temporarily increases your attack power.
★ Red Wolf
Summons Summons a fire wolf to create a sea of flames.
★ Salamander
Summons Use salamander's breath to incinerate foes.


Name (Lv.) Ability Type Effect
Attack A humongous Venus Flytrap devours foes.
Attack Causes a cyclone that batters foe to bits.
Healing Restores HP (small).
Heal All
Healing Restores HP (medium).
Heal Plus
Healing Restores HP (large).
Supplemental Temporarily seals Yellow Elements.
Eagle Eye
Supplemental Temporarily increases your attack Hit%.
★ Sonja
Summons Summons a forest dryad to sprinkle poison dust.
★ Genie
Summons A wind djinn blows away your foes witha twister.


Name (Lv.) Ability Type Effect
Attack Crushes foes beneath giant stone pillars.
Thunda Storm
Attack Causes a series of thunderbolts to occur.
Supplemental Temporarily increases your defense.
Phys Negate
Supplemental Temporarily nullifes foe's physical attacks.
★ Golem
Summons Summons an earth giant to stomp on your foes.
★ Thunda Snake
Summons An electric serpent zaps anything in its path.

Element Color Tier List

S Tier.png White, Blue
A Tier.png Green, Yellow, Black
B Tier.png Red

Element Color Tier Explanation

S Tiers
White Possesses spells that can cure your whole party and even remove status ailments. They also have the Saints summon that can launch an offensive while healing your own party. As Chrono Cross characers can output more damage via physicals, effects that will heal your party or buff them are much more valuable and White does this the best.
Blue The element that can use Vigora, one of the most broken element in the game. Vigora will allow the character that the spell was cast on perform any actions and not have their stamina get reduced. This means you can even launch several elements continuously provided you have the element grid levels or unleash a flurry of fierce attacks.
A Tiers
Green Green also possess the ability to keep your party's HP up with heals and heal alls. Aside from these, Green also has the Eagle Eye which is one of the better buffs to use since your attacks won't mean anything if they don't hit. The best part is anyone can equip this element so no need to forcefully put a green character for this buff. The reason that Green is in the A tier is due to them having one of the worst elements in the game which is infoscope. It only displays the enemy's HP for the current battle and does not work on bosses which makes it one element you would not want to have at all.
Yellow Yellow is subpar at a first glance but they do have a focus on physical defense buffs which is great for some bosses.
Black Similarly to Yellow, Black is placed on our A tier despite having one of the most lack luster offensive elements simply due to the fact that they have Diminish and even Seal All which can make magic attacks weaker. Most enemies rely on element to deal damage which salvages the black element to our A tier simply due to having Diminish in their element choices.
B Tiers
Red Red is arguably the worst element in the game. They have a high focus on dealing damage but most damage you will deal later on with a right setup will be from Critical hits and not actual base damage. Their unique buff is also a 99% accuracy buff which is done by Eagle Eye already. Lack of buffs and heals just makes Red the bottom tier of the element choices.

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List of All Element Shops -


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