Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

Mount Pyre (Another World) Walkthrough

Mount Pyre Another Chrono Cross Remaster
Mount Pyre (Another World) is one of the main quest areas in Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers that you visit as part of the story. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, list of items, enemies, and more!

Previous Quest Next Quest
Water Dragon Isle (Home World) Fort Dragonia (Another World)

Mount Pyre (Another World) Overview

Basic Information

# 24: Mount Pyre (Another World)
Mount Pyre (Another World) Walkthrough Chrono Cross Remaster
With the gift of the Water Dragon in tow, you can now face the flames of Mount Pyre!
Enemies encountered: Items:
No items are found here.
Magma Burst, Tablet, Magma Bomb, Trap Inferno, & Capsule

Recruitable Characters

No Characters Available.

Mount Pyre (Another World) Map, Items, and Elements

Mount Pyre (Another World) Map

View Full Map Image

Obtainable Items and Elements

Area Items and Elements
A Magma Burst
B -
C Magma Bomb
D Inferno(Trap)
E -

Mount Pyre (Another World) Walkthrough

・Travel to Mt. Pyre
Return to Odessa Beach and use the Astral Amulet to return to Another World. Board your boat and travel to the opposite side of the main island to find Pyre Shore. Head into Mt. Pyre.
・Walk Through the Flames
Use the Ice Breath key item from your inventory immediately on entering, and again on each new room you enter. Most of the area in Mount Pyre is magma and blazing heat. Normally, characters would take damage from standing in magma. But, with the Ice Breathe Item, this is no longer an issue. Make your way through to grab chests and items without worry.

・Defeat Solt and Peppor (Again)
Solt and Peppor will jump at your party, teaching you Trap Element mechanics along the way. This fight should be very simple so have fun with it!

・Approach the Fire Dragon
After Solt and Peppor are defeated, continue north until you reach a Record of Fate. Save your game here before approaching. Once you meet the Fire Dragon, don't let its small form deceive you. It packs a punch and deals a boatload of damage! You will need to defeat him to progress.

・Defeat the Dragoon Devas
While defeating the Fire Dragon may have earned you some respect, that won't stop the Dragoon Devas - Karsh, Marcy, and Zoah - from picking a fight! Take them down to continue.
・Choose to keep going
Harle will suddenly appear and warn you that if you continue then there's no turning back. Tell her you'll keep going to proceed on to Fort Dragonia (Another World).
Previous Quest Next Quest
Water Dragon Isle (Home World) Fort Dragonia (Another World)

Tips and Strategies

Use the FrogPrince Summon On Enemies

With the FrogPrince Summon that you received from the Water Dragon god, you can use it to eliminate enemies quickly and collect some Shiny Materials for future weapons and armor.

However, using this Summon on the FireDragon may be difficult and not worth the effort especially since it would be at a lower level.

Beware the Flames of the Fire Dragon

Fiery Breath Chrono Cross Remaster
For a small creature, the Fire Dragon packs a punch. He will often use Strengthen and Weaken to make his FireryBreath more effective. To avoid succumbing to the effects, you can use Turn Elements to boost the attacks of Blue Elements to deal more damage!

How to Beat Mini Fire Dragon

Focus Fire on the Dragoon Devas

Focus Fire Chrono Cross Remaster
Because of their varying Innate Elements, it's difficult to stick to only one Element when battling this group. Instead, focus fire on a certain enemy to take them out of the equation quickly. If you have Glenn and Serge in your party, their combined X-Strike Tech Skill could make a solid difference. Otherwise, focus on Zoah, Marcy, and finally Karsh.
Gyromino Chrono Cross Remaster
Zoah can deal a great deal of damage with his Gyromino Skill, while Marcy can leave the party debilitated with status effects. Karsh can pack a punch, but compared to the other two is more manageable.

How to Beat Karsh, Marcy, and Zoah

Obtainable Items and Elements


No Obtainable Items are found here.



Trap Inferno, Capsule & Tablet


Trap Inferno


You can find three different Elements in Section D. One is on top of the stairs on the right and the others are in the lava on each side of the map.

Tablet & Magma Burst

Magma Burst


At the entrance you can find a Magma Burst and Tablet on the left side. The Magma Burst is in lava, while the Tablet is

Magma Bomb

Magma Bomb Chrono Cross Remaster
Once you arrive at Section C of the map with the two magma falls, head down to the left one, and in the center, before reaching the other exit you'll find a Magma Bomb.


Enemy Innate Element HP
Cat Burglar (Another World) Red 195
Hot Doggity (Another World) Red 165
Lava-Boy (Another World) Red 230

Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers Related Guides

Story Walkthrough Partial.png
Full Story Walkthrough List

Story Walkthrough (By Location)
1 Dream Dungeon 2 Arni Village (Home World)
3 Cape Howl (Home World) 4 Lizard Rock (Home World)
5 Opassa Beach (Home World) 6 Lizard Rock (Another World)
7 Arni Village (Another World) 8 Cape Howl (Another World)
9 Fossil Valley (Another World) 10 Termina (Another World)
11 Viper Manor Bluffs (Another World) 12 Viper Manor Gates (Another World)
13 Shadow Forest (Another World) 14 Viper Manor (Another World)
15 Guldove (Another World) 16 Termina After Viper Manor (Another World)
17 Viper Manor Aftermath (Another World) 18 Hydra Marshes (Another World)
19 Hydra Marshes (Home World) 20 Hermit's Hideaway (Another World)
21 S.S. Invincible (Another World) 22 Water Dragon Isle (Another World) Walkthrough
23 Water Dragon Isle (Home World) 24 Mount Pyre (Another World)
25 Fort Dragonia (Another World) 26 Dimensional Vortex
27 Return to Arni (Home World) 28 Termina (Home World)
29 Shadow Forest (Home World) 30 Viper Manor Ruins (Home World)
31 El Nido Triangle (Home World) 32 Sky Dragon Isle (Home World)
33 Earth Dragon Isle (Home World) 34 Marbule (Home World)
35 S.S Zelbess (Home World) 36 Death's Door (Home World)
37 Hermit's Hideaway (Home World) 38 Isle of the Damned (Home World)
39 The Dead Sea (Home World) 40 Occupied Termina (Another World)
41 Viper Manor Rescue (Another World) 42 Return to Hermit's Hideaway
43 Isle of the Damned (Another World) 44 Return to Hydra Marshes (Another World)
45 Return to Guldove (Another World) 46 Saving Marbule (Home World)
47 Return to Water Dragon Isle (Home World) 48 Cleared Earth Dragon Isle (Home World)
49 Gaea's Navel (Home World) 50 Return to Mount Pyre (Another World)
51 Marbule (Another World) 52 Sky Dragon Isle (Another World)
53 Return to Earth Dragon Isle (Another World) 54 Forbidden Island (Home World)
55 Fort Dragonia (Home World) 56 The Sea of Eden
57 Chronopolis 58 Divine Dragon Falls (Another World)
59 Orphanage on Fire (Another World) 60 El Nido Triangle (Another World)
61 Terra Tower 62 Darkness at the End of Time Walkthrough


3 Anonymous12 months

When I use ice breath, I can’t access the chests. FYI.


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