Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

List of All Weapons

List of All Weapons.png

This is a list of all the weapons available in Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers. Learn about each weapon, their stats, and which characters can use each weapon!

List of All Weapons

Swallow Dagger Staff Rod
Sword Gun Pick Axe
Hammer Lure Boomerang Shot
Card Decks Kitchen Utensils Glove Carrot


Weapon Attack Hit %
Sea Swallow 60 86
Copper Swallow 62 86
Iron Swallow 65 87
Silver Swallow 68 87
Stone Swallow 72 88
MasterMune 75 89
Spectra Swallow 77 89

Swallow Users

Swallow Users
Serge IconSerge Lynx IconLynx

List of All Swallows


Weapon Attack Hit %
Ivory Dagger 50 89
Copper Dagger 52 90
Iron Dagger 55 91
Mythril Dagger 58 91
Denadorite Dagger 62 92
Prism Dagger 69 93

Dagger Users

Dagger Users
Kid IconKid

List of All Daggers


Weapon Attack Hit %
Silver Staff 54 91
Stone Staff 58 92
Spectral Staff 63 93

Staff Users

Staff Users
Radius IconRadius Sprigg IconSprigg

List of All Staffs


Weapon Attack Hit %
Porcelain Rod 40 85
Copper Rod 42 84
Iron Rod 45 85
Mythril Rod 48 85
Denadorite Rod 42 86
Floral Rod 56 85
Rainbow Rod 57 87

Rod Users

Rod Users
Guile IconGuile Riddel IconRiddel Razzly IconRazzly

List of All Rods


Weapon Attack Hit %
Bone Sword 36 82
Copper Sword 38 83
Iron Sword 41 84
Silver Sword 44 84
Stone Sword 48 85
Spectral Sword 53 86
Viper's Venom 51 82
Slasher 15 86
Hero's Blade 39 86
Einlanzer (One) 49 86
Einlanzer (Two) 54 86

Sword Users

Sword Users
Viper IconViper Fargo IconFargo Glenn IconGlenn
Turnip IconTurnip Steena IconSteena Pierre IconPierre

List of All Swords


Weapon Attack Hit %
Ferrous Gun 58 87
Argent Gun 61 87
Shockwave Gun 63 89
Denadorite Gun 65 88
Plasma Pistol 69 89
Spectral Gun 70 89

Gun Users

Gun Users
Norris IconNorris Starky IconStarky

List of All Guns


Weapon Attack Hit %
Porcelain Pick 48 89
Copper Pick 50 90
Iron Pick 53 91
Mythril Pick 56 91
Pebble Pick 60 92
Prism Pick 65 93

Pick Users

Pick Users
Nikki IconNikki Irenes IconIrenes

List of All Picks


Weapon Attack Hit %
Bone Axe 51 82
Iron Axe 56 83
Silver Axe 59 84
Stone Axe 63 85
Rainbow Axe 68 85

Axe Users

Axe Users
Karsh IconKarsh Zappa IconZappa Funguy IconFunguy Leah IconLeah

List of All Axes


Weapon Attack Hit %
Great Hammer 60 87
Master Hammer 66 87

Hammer Users

Hammer Users
Zappa IconZappa Funguy IconFunguy

List of All Hammers


Weapon Attack Hit %
Bronze Lure 52 86
Iron Lure 55 87
Mythril Lure 58 87
Stone Lure 62 88
Prism Lure 67 89

Lure Users

Lure Users
Korcha IconKorcha

List of All Lures


Weapon Attack Hit %
Ironerang 50 84
Silverang 53 84
Rockerang 57 85
Prismarang 62 86

Boomerang Users

Boomerang Users
Van IconVan Mel IconMel

List of All Boomerangs


Weapon Attack Hit %
Copper Shot 48 84
Iron Shot 51 85
Silver Shot 54 85
Stone Shot 58 86
Prism Pellets 63 87

Shot Users

Shot Users
Sneff IconSneff Luccia IconLuccia Doc IconDoc Harle IconHarle

List of All Shots

Card Decks

Weapon Attack Hit %
Private Deck 58 87
Pack of Lies 63 87

Card Deck Users

Card Deck Users
Sneff IconSneff Luccia IconLuccia Doc IconDoc Harle IconHarle

List of All Card Decks

Kitchen Utensils

Weapon Attack Hit %
Spatula Ca20 51 85
Besom Cu29 53 86
Ladle Fe26 56 87
Frypan Ag47 59 87
Saucepan Si02 63 88
Crystalpan C6 65 89

Kitchen Utensil Users

Kitchen Users
Leena IconLeena Orcha IconOrcha Macha IconMacha

List of All Kitchen Utensils


Weapon Attack Hit %
Bone Glove 47 85
Copper Glove 49 86
Iron Glove 52 87
Mythril Glove 55 87
Granite Glove 59 88
Spectral Glove 64 89

Glove Users

Glove Users
Poshul IconPoshul Zoah IconZoah Marcy IconMarcy Miki IconMiki
Draggy IconDraggy Mojo IconMojo NeoFio IconNeoFio Greco IconGreco
Skelly IconSkelly Grobyc IconGrobyc Orlha IconOrlha Pip IconPip

List of All Gloves


Weapon Attack Hit %
Carrot 61 93
Betta Carotene 67 93

Carrot Users

Carrot Users
Janice IconJanice

List of All Carrots

How to Forge Weapons


You can find Blacksmiths all across El Nido that will forge your weapons provided that you have the required materials and money to pay for the service. As you progress through the game, Blacksmiths can forge more powerful weapons so make it a habit to check on them from time to time.

You can find a blacksmith in Arni Village, Termina, and Guldove.

Smith Spirit

You can also forge weapons through an item you can receive mid-game called Smith Spirit. With this item, you can forge equipment anywhere on the World Map or at any Record of Fate.

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