Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

Criosphinx Riddle Answers and All Questions

Criosphinx Banner
The Criosphinx is a secret boss in Chrono Cross Remaster: The Radical Dreamers Edition. Read on to learn about the answers to Criosphinx's questions, riddles, and battle strategies on how to beat Criosphinx fast!

Criosphinx Riddle Answers and All Questions

List of Answers to Riddles

Riddle Corresponding Element
"What the extorted one is bled, with knuckles of fear. The plumage of a coward when faced with the hottest of heat." White
"Auburn nay the burn, iron pyrite nay the fool, all that glitters is nay... But silence be..." Yellow
"In my anger, I see... Both the rag to charge at, and the flat to stop at. Blushing, I walk the royal carpet." Red
"It isn't easy being... A friend of the planet, With the jealous monster's eyes giving me a sign to proceed!" Green
"Mare et caelum et viola, give me a melancholy gloom, but a first prize ribbon, make me feel I've royal blood!" Blue
"Like pontoon nay the knave, or Jolly Roger nay the bones, even the top rank of self-defense, be no protection from the Plague." Black

You can agree to answer its riddles by having all your characters defend during your first turn. Afterwards, every riddle can be answered by attacking the Criosphinx with the corresponding Element.

If you answer all of the Criosphinx's riddles correctly, it will deem you as an equal in terms of intellect and will take its leave.

The Riddles are a Clue for the True Ending

Criosphinx Riddles

The point of the riddles is to give the player a clue on how to unlock the True Ending.

The correct answers to the riddles correspond to the sequence of Elements you need to use in order to make use of the Chrono Cross Element against the Time Devourer (True Form) to unlock the True Ending.

How to Get the Chrono Cross Key Item

What Happens if You Don't Defend?

If you attack the Criosphinx or failed to defend your entire party during the first turn, it will bombard you with Earthquake and Thunda Storm four times in a row.

It is not recommended to attack the Criosphinx during your first turn unless you're very late in the game or coming from NG+ and have the necessary equips to withstand its attacks. Otherwise, your party will be wiped out immediately.

If you want to learn how to take on the Criosphinx, be sure to read on!

How to Beat Criosphinx

The Criosphinx is the game's superboss.
It is recommended to take on the Criosphinx
near the end of the game or on NG+!

Equip the Yellow Plate and Plaster Cap

Equipping the Yellow Plate to a party member is essential for this battle, as it can guarantee at least one character to survive the fight.

Additionally, consider equipping Plaster Cap to one of your party members as well in order to prevent Sprain status, which can reduce a character's physical damage by 25%, further prolonging the fight.

The Criosphinx has a knack for spamming its two Elemental Attacks Earthquake and Thunda Storm in succession before busting out a couple of physical attacks.

It will never really know that one of your party members is benefiting from its Yellow Elements. The character equipped with the Yellow Plate will just gain back their lost HP from Criosphinx's physical attacks whenever it unleashes a sequence of Yellow Elements.

Consider equipping the Yellow Plate to a Green-innate character like Glenn, and casting Negate Magic to the rest of your party to render the Criosphinx's Elemental attacks useless momentarily!

How to Get Yellow Plate: Armor Stats and Info

Cast Diminish at the Start

Casting Diminish

The Criosphinx's Elemental Attacks hit hard, especially to those in your party without the special equipment to protect them from Yellow-innate skills.

It is recommended to cast Diminish at the start of battle in order to cut down the damage of its Yellow-innate skills!

Prioritize Physical Attackers

Serge Tech Skill

The Criosphinx is known for having the highest health in the game, boasting a whopping 13,000 HP.

That said, it may be more ideal to have physical attackers in your party and allot your Element grid with Healing abilities than having to go with a Magic-based party.

Doing this ensures that you will not run out of a strong means of damaging the boss, which Magic users have trouble with especially once they've exhausted all Elemental Abilities and Tech Skills.

Bringing along hard-hitters like Glenn, especially with Dual Einlanzers (1)(2), Grobyc, and Serge with the Mastermune, is a recommended physical team to take on the Criosphinx.

Best Party Members and Party Comps

Using Eagle Eye and Vigora

Serge Eagle Eye

It is recommended to buff a character's accuracy and give them unwavering stamina for a short period of time using Eagle Eye and Vigora respectively.

You can also choose to allot one to two Strengthens and Weakens in your grid to take this strategy up a notch, but it would be much better to occupy more slots for healing in case of emergencies.

Item Drop Sunglasses is Worth It

After besting the Criosphinx, you will receive the accessory, Sunglasses.

This accessory amplifies a single character's overall attack, be it an Elemental Ability, a Tech Skill, or even just plain physical attacks!

Criosphinx Boss Information

Criosphinx Stats and Item Drops

Element Yellow HP 13,000
Attack 140 Defense 95
Mag Atk 30 Mag Def 28
Drops (Common) Sunglasses
Drops (Rare) Denadorite
Steal (Common) Rainbow Shell
Location Return to Earth Dragon Isle (Another World)

No Star Level (★) will be earned from this battle.

Criosphinx Abilities

Elemental Attacks

Name Description
Earthquake Crushes foes beneath giant stone pillars.
Thunda Storm Causes a series of thunderbolts to occur.

General Tips

Heal Consistently

Riddel Recover All

The Crisphinx's attacks are no joke, even with high-level equipment. Be sure to heal consistently to prevent getting spammed by its physical attacks and Yellow-innate Abilities!

It is recommended to allocate healing both party-wide, individual, as well as placing some Full Revivals for any instances of your party members falling!

Increasing Evasion Through Equips

Another way to prevent the Criosphinx from damaging you is by equipping your party with accessories that can increase your Evasion stat.

Granted, it's not guaranteed that Criosphinx will miss all the time, but it will surely lessen the damage you'll take from it due to its misses.

Defender Plus + Winged Shoes

Defender Plus Winged Shoes

With these accessories combined, you can avoid several enemy attacks and is perfect for characters that already have high evasion stat for more synergy!

The two aforementioned accessories increase your evasion by 12% and 18% respectively for a whopping 30% evasion rate!

Best Accessories to Equip

Farming its Elemental Abilities

Given that the Criophinx uses Earthquake and Thunda Storm abundantly throughout the fight, you can have a run wherein you just set up Elemental Traps for the two skills.

Even though this is already the strongest boss in the game, the option is there if you want a lot of Earthquakes and Thunda Storms!

You can do this by assigning one character to set up Trap Elements and healing only. Allocate the number of healing skills and Trap Elements to your liking.

Upon reaching max grid level, proceed by only dealing weak attacks to ensure that the grid is always filled, giving you access to your Trap Elements and Healing at all costs.

Trappable Elements and How to Use Trap Elements

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Boss Partial
List of All Bosses

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(Water Dragon Isle)
Hi-Ho Tank
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(Mount Pyre)
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Taurusoid Giant Gloop Sun of a Gun Bunyip
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Roachester Hell's Cook Grobyc Guillot
Orlha Water Dragon Earth Dragon Tyrano
Green Dragon Fire Dragon 2 Black Dragon Sky Dragon
Dark Serge Vita Unus, Dos, Tres Polis Police FATE
Royal Jelly Terrator Pyrotor Anemotor
Gravitor Luxator Aquator Time Devourer
Time Devourer
(True Form)
- - -

Optional Bosses

List of Bosses
Harle Solt and Peppor
(Isle of the Damned)
De-Hydrate Dario
Criosphinx Ozzie, Flea, and Slash - -


7 Daraixabout 1 year

The drop and Steal are backwards Drops (Common) Rainbow Shell Steal (Rare) Denadorite

1 Anonymousalmost 3 years

x1, 2, 3 Yellow Plate and auto attack. Dead in 5min.


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