Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

Best Element Combos

There are many supplemental Elements that can be used to buff your team or debuff the enemy in Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers Edition. Read on to see a list of the best buffs and debuffs to use in the game, as well as the best combos and how to use them!

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Best Buffs and Debuffs

Best Buff List

Element Buffs

Name (Lv.) Effect
Temporarily increases Element damage by 1.5
Negate Magic
Temporarily nullifies foe's magic attacks.
★ Unicorn
Holy horse's prayer raises Defense and & Magic Defense
Phys Negate
Temporarily nullifes foe's physical attacks.
Eagle Eye
Temporarily increases your attack Hit%.
Temporarily stops your stamina from decreasing.

Tech Skill Buffs

Name User(s) Effect
Moon Shine Harle Boosts defense and magic defense of all allies.
Flamenco Miki and Nikki A Red-innate combo tech that temporarily increases the stats of all allies that requires the powers of Dance On Air (Miki) and Lime Light (Nikki) to perform.
Raz-Flower Razzly Decreases damage taken from elemental attacks for all allies.
Hang Ten Doc Recovers HP and boosts attack of all allies.
Maiden Faith Leena Increases Leena's attack power and buffs her accuracy to 99%. Will also automatically revive her if she dies in battle.
Medalsome Pierre If Pierre has the Hero's Blade and Hero's Shield equipped, this Tech Skill buffs all of his stats and reduces the damage he takes from elemental attacks.

Best Debuff List

Name (Lv.) Effect
Temporarily decreases you enemy's defense.
Temporarily decreases foe's attack power.
Temporarily decreases foe's magical power.
Seal All
Temporarily stops everyone's Elements.
Temporarily halves Elemental Damage.

Best Buff and Debuff Combinations

Eagle Eye + Strengthen

Eagle Eye Strengthen

Eagle Eye is supposed to be your budgent Ninety Nine as Ninety Nine fixes your accuracy stat while Eagle Eye increases it. However, Eagle Eye's increase is actually so huge that you automatically get to 99% anyway without it being locked for red innates. Together with a Strengthen damage boost makes your character a hard hitting machine.

Magnify + Genius + WeakMinded

Magnify Genius Weak Minded

A spell caster buff and debuff combo. Especially great against bosses and getting partnered with summons as this can easily obliterate bosses with ease. Magnify increases the damage of all elements by 50%. With Genius, you increase your character's magic attack stat and Weak Minded reduces your enemy's magic resistance.

Diminish + Strong Minded

Diminish Strong Minded Imbecile

This is the complete opposite of the previous buff and debuff combo. This is if your enemy is strong at using magic attacks as this will greatly lower their magic abilities.

Strengthen + LoRes + Eagle Eye

Strengthen LoRes Eagle Eye

An amplified version of our first buff and debuff combo. This works better against bosses as you'll only need to debuff one enemy.

Vigora + Eagle Eye + Strengthen + LoRes

Vigora Eagle Eye Strengthen LoRes

Our lengthiest buff combo suggestion. We highly recommend not spending your turn over four or more buffs but this is the sole exception due to how insane Vigora is. It prevents your character's stamina from dropping when used so if that character is a physical damage dealer like Serge with Mastermune and he hits 99% of all his Fierce attacks while having boosted damage against an enemy with lowered defense, you can only imagine the amount of damage he will output!

What Are Buffs and Debuffs

Buffs Strengthens the Targets

Depending on the buff used, the targets that the buff was used on will get bonuses on certain stats upon use. Elements like Strengthen will increase your damage and elements like Eagle Eye will increase your accuracy.

Debuffs weakens the Targets

As opposed to buffs, debuffs will lessen the target's specific stat upon use. Weaken will lessen the target's damage while numble will decrease the target's evasion.

Buffs and Debuffs Tips

Use Before A Full Assault

Buffs are best used before starting your actual damaging skills to enemies. Elements like Genius and Weak Minded should be used before casting elements to maximize the element's damage and elements like Eagle Eye should be used before blindly launching Fierce attacks.

Avoid Using Too Much Buffs

While focusing on buffing your team is tempting, buffs expire and do not last forever. Using too much buffs will eat up on the earlier buff's use which makes maximizing their effects not efficient.

Put on Lowest Level Grid Possible

You will often see a minus sign or a plus sign on some elements that are placed on a lower level grid or higher grid. This works the same for buffs and debuffs. But unlike normal elements, the effects of these buffs and debuffs are not diminished! This means you can spend less element grid level for these buffs without suffering from consequences!

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