Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

How to Recruit Miki and Unlock Lv 7 Tech Skill

Chrono Cross Remaster - MIKI BANNER
Miki is a character in Chrono Cross Remaster: The Radical Dreamers Edition. Read on to learn more about Miki, her Tech Skills, how to unlock her Lv. 7 Tech Skill, Weapons, and how to recruit Miki!

How to Recruit Miki

Story Chapter Return to Marbule (Home World)
Missable? Yes.

Defeat All Enemies at Marbule (Home World)

Defeat All Enemies After Nikki's Concert

Chrono Cross Remaster - Nikki
After the Nikki's concert, Serge and his party will be able to clear all monsters on Marbule (Home World). The enemies found are Lagoonate, which are Blue innate monsters weak to Red elemental abilities.
Elemental Weakness Guide

Return to S.S. Zelbess

Chrono Cross Remaster - Miki.png
After clearing all the monsters on Marbule (Home World), return to the S.S. Zelbess and speak with Miki in the restaurant and she will join your party.

Miki Character Profile

Innate Element Red
Age 19 Origin S.S. Zelbess
Height 5'7" Weight 95 lbs.
Build Slender Dominant Hand Right-handed
The lead dancer of the musical group, Magical Dreamers, along with the frontman Nikki. She is passionate with her craft and cares deeply for the people she shares a stage with.

Miki Attacks

Weak (High%) Normal (Mid%) Fierce (Low%)
Tassel slice Tassel whip Spin chop

Should You Use Miki?

Rank Description
A Tier.png Miki is the strongest red character when it comes to spell casting but red in general is just bad if you're looking for a spell caster which doesn't make Miki's strength a really impressive thing.

Character Tier List: Best Characters to Include in Your Party

How to Unlock Miki Level 7 Tech Skill

Automatically Learned at 35 Stars

Dance on Air
Dance on Air is Miki's level 7 tech and is automatically learned at 35 stars.

List of All Bosses

Miki Tech Skills

Single Tech Skills

Name Lv. Description
Head Bopper 3 A dance that's bound to make heads turn!
Sexy Wink 5 A lusty look that'll make any foe go gaga. A Red-innate skill that can cause Confuse status.
Dance On Air 7 Dance in the sky while attacking with air-waves.

Dual Tech Skills

Name Description
(Miki and Nikki)
A Red-innate combo tech that temporarily increases the stats of all allies, that requires the powers of DanceOnAir (Miki) and LimeLight (Nikki) to perform.

List of All Character Tech Skills

Miki Weapons

List of Weapons

Name Atk Hit %
Bone Glove 47 85
Copper Glove 49 86
Iron Glove 52 87
Mythril Glove 55 87
Granite Glove 59 88
Spectral Glove 64 89

List of All Weapons

MIki Story Explained

Member of the Magical Dreamers

Miki is the lead dancer of the musical group, Magical Dreamers, along with Nikki, the group's frontman. Serge first meets Miki when choosing the Nikki route, when attempting to infiltrate Viper Manor (Another World). She warns that Nikki has gone missing in Shadow Forest (Another World).

Serge later encounters the Home World counterpart of Miki in the S.S. Zelbess (Home World). After clearing Marbule (Home World) of monsters, Miki will ask to join your party.

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Characters Partial Banner

List of Characters and How to Recruit

All Recruitable Characters

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Serge Serge Riddel Riddel Starky Starky Steena Steena
Pip Pip

Red Users

Kid Kid Zappa Zappa Orcha Orcha Macha Macha
Miki Miki Draggy Draggy Greco Greco Doc Doc

Black Users

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Janice Janice Mojo Mojo Skelly Skelly Grobyc Grobyc

Blue Users

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Leena Leena Irenes Irenes Pierre Pierre Orlha Orlha

Green Users

Karsh Karsh Razzly Razzly Radius Radius Glenn Glenn
Sprigg Sprigg Turnip Turnip NeoFio NeoFio Van Van

Yellow Users

Norris Norris Viper Viper Zoah Zoah Poshul Poshul
Funguy Funguy Mel Mel Leah Leah Sneff Sneff


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