Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

Recharge: Element Effects and How to Get

This is an article on the Element Ability Recharge for Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers Edition. Read on to learn everything about Recharge, including its type, level requirements, effects, and how to get the ability.

How to Get Recharge

Where to Get
Shop Locations
Cost N/A
Stolen From N/A
Dropped By N/A

Found on the Second Floor of Chronopolis

There is only a single Recharge in the game, and it can be found on the second floor of Chronopolis. In the room with 5 Hatches, you'll need to enter a code to open the door on the left side. Each hatch adds a value to the code when it is open, so the easiest way to solve the puzzle is to simply close all the hatches and enter 00 for the code. You'll find a Recharge inside the door.

If you're curious, the value each hatch adds to the door code is shown below. For example, if the far right two hatches are open, the code will be 02 + 01 = 03.

Hatch Code Values (Left to Right)
1 (Left) 16
2 08
3 04
4 02
5 (Right) 01

Recharge Basic Info


PS1 Name: Recharge
Element Red Level Requirement 6
Level Range 0 Target Single Ally
Consumable Yes Ability Type Healing
Ability Effect
Recovers a used Element for re-use.

Chrono Cross Remaster: Related Guides

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List of All Elemental Abilities

Types of Elemental Abilities

All Elements
White Yellow Green
Blue Red Black

List of All Healing Elemental Abilities

All Red Elemental Abilities
★ Red Wolf ★ Salamander Anti-Blue
Fire Pillar Fireball Inferno
Inferno (Trap) Magma Bomb Magma Burst
Ninety Nine Ointment Recharge
Red Field Red Wolf Strengthen
Tablet Turn Red Volcano
Volcano (Trap) Weaken

List of All Red Elemental Abilities


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