Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

List of All Enemies

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This is a list of all enemies found in Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers Edition. Read on to learn the location of all enemies in the game!

List of All Enemies

White Black Green
Yellow Red Blue

Innate Element White

Enemy Locations
Cupoid IconCupoid Terra Tower
Dodo (Another World) IconDodo (Another World) Fossil Valley (Another World)
Gyroblade IconGyroblade Chronopolis
Porre PVT IconPorre PVT Viper Manor Rescue (Another World)
Porre SGT IconPorre SGT Viper Manor (Another World)
Robo Ducky IconRobo Ducky The Dead Sea (Home World)
Terraterror IconTerraterror Terra Tower

List of All White Elemental Enemies

Innate Element Black

Enemy Locations
Airframe IconAirframe Isle of the Damned (Home World)
Alphabat (Another World) IconAlphabat (Another World) Fort Dragonia (Another World)
Bomber IconBomber Earth Dragon Isle (Home World)
Combat IconCombat Fort Dragonia (Another World)
Crossbones IconCrossbones S.S. Invincible (Another World)
Dead Beat (Another World) IconDead Beat (Another World) S.S. Invincible (Another World)
Isle of the Damned (Home World)
Deadhead IconDeadhead Isle of the Damned (Home World)
Geos IconGeos The Dead Sea (Home World)
Man-At-Arms IconMan-At-Arms Viper Manor (Another World)
Man-O-War IconMan-O-War Viper Manor (Another World)
S.S. Invincible (Another World)
Shadow Cat IconShadow Cat Fossil Valley (Another World)
Total Chaos IconTotal Chaos Dimensional Vortex
Tzetze Fly IconTzetze Fly Hydra Marshes (Another World)
Wight Knight IconWight Knight Isle of the Damned (Home World)
Wraith (Another World) IconWraith (Another World) Hydra Marshes (Another World)

List of All Black Elemental Enemies

Innate Element Green

Enemy Locations
Bulb (Another World) IconBulb (Another World) Shadow Forest (Another World)
Cuscus (Home World) IconCuscus (Home World) Shadow Forest (Home World)
Drongo (Another World) IconDrongo (Another World) Fossil Valley (Another World)
Gremlin IconGremlin The Dead Sea (Home World)
Loch Nest (Another World) IconLoch Nest (Another World) Viper Manor Bluffs (Another World)
Potpourri IconPotpourri Hydra Marshes (Another World)
Hydra Marshes (Home World)
Prey Mantis IconPrey Mantis Gaea's Navel (Home World)
Quadffid (Another World) IconQuadffid (Another World) Shadow Forest (Another World)
Snibgoblin IconSnibgoblin Hydra Marshes (Another World)
Hydra Marshes (Home World)
Return to Hydra Marshes (Another World)
Snobgoblin IconSnobgoblin Hydra Marshes (Another World)
Hydra Marshes (Home World)
Return to Hydra Marshes (Another World)

List of All Green Elemental Enemies

Innate Element Yellow

Enemy Locations
Acacia PVT IconAcacia PVT Viper Manor (Another World)
Acacia SGT IconAcacia SGT Viper Manor Gates (Another World)
Beeba IconBeeba Hydra Marshes (Home World)
Big Boxer IconBig Boxer Viper Manor (Another World)
Centaurpede IconCentaurpede Hydra Marshes (Another World)
Cybot (Home World) IconCybot (Home World) Dream Dungeon
Daffy Dwarf IconDaffy Dwarf Hydra Marshes (Home World)
Daggy Dwarf IconDaggy Dwarf Hydra Marshes (Home World)
Dwarf IconDwarf Hydra Marshes (Home World)
Fossicker IconFossicker Earth Dragon Isle (Home World)
Googhoul IconGooghoul Fort Dragonia (Another World)
Gurgoyle IconGurgoyle Fort Dragonia (Home World)
LiLi'l Boxer Viper Manor (Another World)
Mannequeen IconMannequeen The Dead Sea (Home World)
Mantarrey (Home World) IconMantarrey (Home World) Marbule (Home World)
Saving Marbule (Home World)
Return to Water Dragon Isle (Home World)
Paper Boy IconPaper Boy Fort Dragonia (Another World)
Portalgheist IconPortalgheist Viper Manor (Another World)
Potty IconPotty Viper Manor (Another World)
Prehysteric IconPrehysteric Gaea's Navel (Home World)
Puffy IconPuffy El Nido Triangle (Home World)
El Nido Triangle (Another World)
Roborg IconRoborg Viper Manor (Another World)
Viper Manor Aftermath (Another World)
Rockroach IconRockroach Cleared Earth Dragon Isle (Home World)
Whoot IconWhoot Terra Tower
Yellowbelly IconYellowbelly Earth Dragon Isle (Home World)
Cleared Earth Dragon Isle (Home World)

List of All Yellow Elemental Enemies

Innate Element Red

Enemy Locations
Bubba Dingo (Another World) IconBubba Dingo (Another World) Fossil Valley (Another World)
Cat Burglar (Another World) IconCat Burglar (Another World) Mount Pyre (Another World)
Combot IconCombot Chronopolis
Ectoplasm IconEctoplasm Terra Tower
Gizmotoid IconGizmotoid Chronopolis
Gobledygook (Another World) IconGobledygook (Another World) Viper Manor Bluffs (Another World)
Viper Manor (Another World)
Hot Doggity (Another World) IconHot Doggity (Another World) Mount Pyre (Another World)
Return to Mount Pyre (Another World)
Lava-Boy (Another World) IconLava-Boy (Another World) Mount Pyre (Another World)
Return to Mount Pyre (Another World)
Orphanage on Fire (Another World)
Mamma Dingo (Another World) Fossil Valley (Another World)
Opah Fish IconOpah Fish Lizard Rock (Another World)
Viper Manor (Another World)
Pterodact IconPterodact Gaea's Navel (Home World)
Redmoaman IconRedmoaman Viper Manor Bluffs (Another World)
Taurminator IconTaurminator Fort Dragonia (Another World)
Tragedienne IconTragedienne The Dead Sea (Home World)
Tutanshaman IconTutanshaman Fossil Valley (Another World)
Will OWill O' wisp Viper Manor (Another World)
Isle of the Damned (Another World)

List of All Red Elemental Enemies

Innate Element Blue

Enemy Locations
Aero Guard IconAero Guard Chronopolis
Beachbum IconBeachbum Cape Howl (Home World)
Lizard Rock (Home World)
Cape Howl (Another World)
Bluemoaman IconBluemoaman Viper Manor Bluffs (Another World)
Chamellion IconChamellion Fort Dragonia (Home World)
Gerridae (Another World) IconGerridae (Another World) Shadow Forest (Another World)
Gloop (Another World) IconGloop (Another World) Shadow Forest (Another World)
Jellyblubba IconJellyblubba El Nido Triangle (Another World)
Komodo Pup IconKomodo Pup Lizard Rock (Home World)
Lizard Rock (Another World)
Lagoonate IconLagoonate Marbule (Home World)
Saving Marbule (Home World)
Return to Water Dragon Isle (Home World)
Lantern Jaw IconLantern Jaw Viper Manor Rescue (Another World)
Sandsquirt IconSandsquirt Cape Howl (Home World)
Lizard Rock (Home World)
Schoolmates IconSchoolmates El Nido Triangle (Home World)
El Nido Triangle (Another World)
Scorpiod IconScorpiod Water Dragon Isle (Another World)
Sidesteppa (Home World) IconSidesteppa (Home World) Return to Water Dragon Isle (Home World)
Spearfisher IconSpearfisher Viper Manor Rescue (Another World)
Swamp Bug IconSwamp Bug Hydra Marshes (Home World)
Witchetty IconWitchetty Viper Manor Ruins (Home World)

List of All Blue Elemental Enemies

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