Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

Radical Dreamers Story Walkthrough

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This is a full walkthrough and guide for Radical Dreamers, a text-based game in Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition. Read on to see a step-by-step guide on how to beat the main story of the game and more!

Radical Dreamers Walkthrough

Viper Manor Full Map

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Le Trésor Interdit Route Objectives

Radical Dreamers Objectives
1 Starting the Game
As you begin Radical Dreamers, you will be shown the controls list and have the opportunity to input your character's name.
2 Encounter: Wildcats
As you begin your adventure, you will face a pack of wildcats. Choosing any decision is okay, as Magil will take them down with his magic.
3 Location: Terrace
Proceed onwards until you reach the manor. Once you get to the terrace, you will be given an option to go left or right. It is recommended to head right first.
4 Location: Clocktower Room
Upon turning right from the terrace, you will face an ancient-looking door. Continue on for now unless you're in dire need of healing.
5 Location: Treasure Vault
As you press on, you will see a sturdy-looking door. Choose to open the door to trigger your search for the Vault Key.
6 Location: Chamber of Death
Continue on from the Treasure Vault and you will be face an old, sturdy-looking door. Enter to find out that it's a trap. Choose to barge down the door to prevent further damage or even instant death. Coming back to the room, you will obtain the Acacian Signet.
7 Head back to the terrace and proceed to the opposite side of where you came from.
8 Intersection
As you press on, you will face an intersection. Going straight ahead will lead you to the Ballroom, folllowing the side passage to the left will bring you to the Study, and downstairs a new set of rooms.
9 You are free to visit the Ballroom and the Study. Afterwards, head downstairs.
10 After heading down, you can choose whether to go left to the Atrium, or head right towards a dark hallway. Turn right for now.
11 Location: Riddel's Room
Upon turning right, you will see an ornate door leading to Riddel's room. Enter and choosing to pick up the little box will trigger a scene with Kid and choosing the chest of drawers or the bed will simply just annoy her.
12 Any answer you've chosen inside Riddel's room will automatically send you oustide room. Proceed onwards by turning right to head to the next room.
13 Location: Lynx's Room
You will face a sturdy-looking, immaculately polished door. Go inside to find out it's Lynx's room. If you visited the Treasure Vault beforehand, ask the Mirror where the key is. Otherwise, ask about Magil and the Mirror will point a clue towards a key.
* Optional: Lynx's Room
After heading out of Lynx's Room, head back in, then watch a scene with the Mirror.
14 Location: Study
Head to the Study and inspect the purple book in the far bookcase to find the Vault Key. Afterwards, head back to the Treasure Vault.
15 Location: Treasure Vault
Before entering the Treasure Vault, be sure to save. Afterwards, enter, watch things unfold, then face the Gob Squad, then Kid will snatch a hand-shaped plate.
16 Location: Clocktower Room
After the tough battle against the five Goblins, proceed to the Clocktower Room, choose to be honest to the old woman, then agree to have your wounds healed. Do this so you won't die immediately from random encounters.
17 Location: Atrium
Once you head to the Atrium, you will encounter vicious Piranadons. Chose to rush back the way you came to save up on health.
18 Location: Mouth of Truth
After escaping the Piranadons, you will encounter a giant statue of a bearded man's head. Choose to offer the hand-shaped plate to clear the Atrium from the Piranadons to proceed to the next set of rooms.
19 You will be given two choices: going left will lead you to the Manor's Dungeon while going right will bring you downstairs. You can go to the dungeon, but will find out that it requires the Dungeon Key.
20 Head downstairs and you will be given two choices once more. Heading to the left will lead you to the Guard Room, while going right will bring you to the Small Kitchen. For now, proceed to the Small Kitchen.
21 Location: Small Kitchen
Once you enter the Small Kitchen, Kid will see food and you'll be given the choice to try it out. Agreeing will heal you, but eventually anger Kid, while disagreeing will do nothing.
22 Regardless of your choice with the food, be sure to open the rat cage one way or another. It will transform into a Griffon and will challenge you to a battle.
23 Encounter: Griffon
Not much battling will transpire, but you will get valuable information on how to escape Lynx's swirling snares.
24 Location: Guard Room
After leaving the Small Kitchen, walk straight ahead to the Guard Room. You will meet Grismeld, and will have a long discussion about tea, a seemingly strange story, and the truth about Lynx, Riddel, and Viper - all of which have respective choices. After speaking with Grismeld, he will hand you the Dungeon Key.
25 Location: Manor's Dungeon
After your talk with Grismeld, step outside, head upstairs, and walk back to the Manor's Dungeon. Talk to the old man and Magil will say that the only way to snap him out of his downward spiral is by having Riddel talk to him.
26 Location: Riddel's Room
Go to Riddel's Room and you'll find her there as she discusses what she truly wants for Viper and Lynx. She will also give clues about how to get the old man in the Manor Dungeon to speak.
27 Location: Clocktower Room
Proceed to the Clocktower Room to find the Einlanzer.
* Location: Chamber of Death
If you did not visit the Chamber of Death earlier and got the Acacian Signet, head there, then plunge the Einlanzer into the ground to escape the trap and to get the Acacian Signet.
28 Location: Manor's Dungeon
Head inside the Manor's Dungeon and show the Acacian Signet to the old man. He will give you a clue where to find the Underground Vault.
29 Location: Main Hall: Ballroom
Be sure to save before proceeding to the Ballroom. Kid will use the clue given by the old man to go to the Underground Vault. As you proceed, you will be trapped inside a blood circle. Follow the clue that the Griffon gave you earlier.
* How to Escape Lynx's Swirling Snares
Right Twice → Left Twice → Right Twice
30 Location: Underground Vault
After escaping the blood circle, you will press on to face off against Lynx. Provided that you have a good relationship with Kid, any decision from this point onwards will lead to the same outcome, so feel free to choose as you see fit. Watch the scenes play out as your journey comes to a close... for now.
End of Radical Dreamers Le Trésor Interdit Route

Post Game and Other Endings

Sleeping and Staying Awake

After getting the first ending, choose Continue at the load screen. You will be given the option to Sleep or Stay Awake after the first few lines into the new game. Whatever you choose here determines the available Endings you might end up with.

If you have exited the game after finishing the Radical Dreamers the first time, you will have to see the end credits again from your last save to have the choice to Continue and be given the choices to Sleep or Stay Awake.

Radical Dreamers Endings Guide

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Radical Dreamers

Radical Dreamers Guides

All Radical Dreamers Guides
Story Walkthrough Endings Guide
All Key Choices and Dialogue List of Enemies
List of Controls -


1 Rikualmost 3 years

In the spell circle it's: 3 Right, 2 Left, 2 Right not: 2 right, 2 left, 2 right.


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