Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

List of All White Elemental Abilities

White Elemental Abilities are a type of skill used in Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers. Learn more about each White Elemental ability such as their level, ability type, and effects!

What are White Elemental Abilities?

The opposite element to White is Black, making White elemental attacks strong against enemies with an innate Black element. The opposite is also true, as Black attacks, which use dark energy, are also strong against those with White innate elements. Use this information to get an upper hand in battle!

All White Elemental Abilities

Name (Lv.) Ability Type Effect
Photon Ray
Attack Shoots a bright laser beam at your opponent.
Attack Drops a comet down on an unsuspecting foe's head.
Photon Beam
Attack Bombards enemy with an extra-powerful laser.
Meteor Shower
Attack Hurls several large asteroids at foes.
Holy Light
Attack Casts a holy light (annihilates undead).
Ultra Nova
Attack Causes an explosion of high-density energy.
Healing Recovers friend from incapacitated status.
White Out
Healing Removes White status effects.
Recover All
Healing Restores HP (medium).
Healing Removes all status effects.
Healing Removes all status effects.
Full Revival
Healing Recovers incapcitated status and heals all HP.
Holy Healing
Healing Restores all HP and removes status effects.
Turn White
Supplemental Turn foe's attribute/ally's attacks White.
Supplemental Temporary seals Black Elements.
Strong Minded
Supplemental Temporarily increases your magical defenses.
Weak Minded
Supplemental Temporarily decreases your foe's magical defenses.
Supplemental Temporarily increases Element damage by 1.5
Negate Magic
Supplemental Temporarily nullifies foe's magic attacks.
Holy Light (Trap)
Trap Set trap to catch HolyLight Element.
Ultra Nova (Trap)
Trap Set trap to catch UltraNova Element.
Unicorn (Trap)
Trap Set trap to catch Unicorn Element.
★ Unicorn
Summons Holy horse's prayer raises Defense and & Magic Defense
★ Saints
Summons Army of angels attacks foes and heals party.

Characters with White Innate Ability

White Innate Element
Serge IconSerge Riddel IconRiddel Starky IconStarky Steena IconSteena
Pip IconPip - - -

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Chrono Cross Remaster- Elements Partial Banner
List of All Elemental Abilities

All Elements
White Yellow Green
Blue Red Black


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