Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

How to Recruit Grobyc and Unlock Lv 7 Tech Skill

Chrono Cross Remaster - GROBYC BANNER

Grobyc is a character in Chrono Cross Remaster: The Radical Dreamers Edition. Read on to learn more about Grobyc, his Tech Skills, how to unlock his Lv. 7 Tech Skill, Weapons, and how to recruit Grobyc!

All Grobyc Pages
How to Recruit Grobyc How to Beat Grobyc (Boss)

How to Recruit Grobyc

Story Chapter Viper Manor Rescue (Another World)
Missable? No.
Grobyc Recruitment Steps

Recruit Grobyc by Defeating Him and Escaping From the Guillot

Defeat Grobyc

Chrono Cross Remaster - Defeat Grobyc.png
Defeat Grobyc while attempting to rescue Riddel in Viper Manor (Another World).

Escape From the Guillot During Riddel's Rescue

Chrono Cross Remaster - Defeat Guillot Twice.png
After battling Grobyc, players are forced to fight the Guillot. The robot will revive after being defeated and go after Serge once again. Upon failing to escape from the Guillot, Grobyc assists the party and he will ask if he could join your party after making it out of the manor.

How to Beat Guillot

Grobyc Character Profile

Innate Element Black
Age 26 Origin Unknown
Height 6'8" Weight 401 lbs.
Build Bionic Dominant Hand Right-handed
A cyborg assassin of the Porre Military. He fears and respects only those who can best him in battle.

Grobyc Attacks

Weak (High%) Normal (Mid%) Fierce (Low%)
Punch Roll kick Hair stab

Should You Use Grobyc?

Rank Description
S Tier.png A very interesting black innate character that has a bad stat for magic coupled by a small element grid. However, his physical prowess is just too good which made us place him up on the S tier.

Character Tier List: Best Characters to Include in Your Party

How to Unlock Grobyc Level 7 Tech Skill

Bring Grobyc to Chronopolis

Strong ARm.jpg
In Chronopolis, in the same room as the lockers with a code, there's a coffin like box that contains a weapon that requires someone to understand it. Bringing Grobyc in there will get you his Level 7 Tech Skill.

Chronopolis Walkthrough and Code Solution

Grobyc Tech Skills

Single Tech Skills

Name Lv. Description
Rocket Fist 3 Shoot off left arm to punch a foe in the face.
Hair Cutter 5 Power up cybrog hair to generate a laser saber. Deals Black-innate damage to all foes and can cause Curse and Darkness status.
Strong Arm 7 A secret weapon banned by the Porre Army.

Dual Tech Skills

Name Description
Pitch Black
(Norris and Grobyc)
A Black-innate combo attack on all enemies, that requires the powers of StrongArm (Grobyc) and TopShot (Norris) to perform.

List of All Character Tech Skills

Grobyc Weapons

List of Weapons

Name Atk Hit %
Bone Glove 47 85
Copper Glove 49 86
Iron Glove 52 87
Mythril Glove 55 87
Granite Glove 59 88
Spectral Glove 64 89

List of All Weapons

Grobyc Story Explained

Porre's Deadly Weapon

Grobyc is a cyborg assassin from the Porre Military. He was engineered by Luccia's sister, Lucca, with the sole purpose of being a superweapon. With Norris fearing the unsupervised power of Grobyc, he sabotaged his developement; destroying the StrongArm superweapon and killing Lucca in the process. Despite this, it only slowed down Grobyc's development.

Only Recognizes the Strong

Years later, Grobyc's development finished just in time for Porre's occupation of Termina (Another World) and Viper Manor (Another World). Grobyc is assigned to guard Viper Manor where he encounters Serge. After being beaten, he joins Serge's party, staying true to his code that he only respects those stronger than himself.

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Characters Partial Banner

List of Characters and How to Recruit

All Recruitable Characters

White Users

Serge Serge Riddel Riddel Starky Starky Steena Steena
Pip Pip

Red Users

Kid Kid Zappa Zappa Orcha Orcha Macha Macha
Miki Miki Draggy Draggy Greco Greco Doc Doc

Black Users

Lynx Lynx Guile Guile Lucia Luccia Harle Harle
Janice Janice Mojo Mojo Skelly Skelly Grobyc Grobyc

Blue Users

Nikki Nikki Marcy Marcy Korcha Korcha Fargo Fargo
Leena Leena Irenes Irenes Pierre Pierre Orlha Orlha

Green Users

Karsh Karsh Razzly Razzly Radius Radius Glenn Glenn
Sprigg Sprigg Turnip Turnip NeoFio NeoFio Van Van

Yellow Users

Norris Norris Viper Viper Zoah Zoah Poshul Poshul
Funguy Funguy Mel Mel Leah Leah Sneff Sneff


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