Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

List of All Yellow Elemental Enemies

This is a guide to all Yellow Elemental enemies in Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers Edition. Read on to learn about each Yellow Elemental enemy, including their name and location!

What are Yellow Elemental Enemies?

The opposite elemental to Yellow is Green, making Green elemental attacks strong against enemies with an innate Yellow element. The opposite is also true, as Green attacks, which focus on the energies of the wind and plants, are also strong against those with Yellow innate elements. Use this information to get an upper hand in battle!

Element Weakness Guide

List of All Yellow Elemental Enemies

Enemy Locations
Acacia PVT IconAcacia PVT Viper Manor (Another World)
Acacia SGT IconAcacia SGT Viper Manor Gates (Another World)
Beeba IconBeeba Hydra Marshes (Home World)
Big Boxer IconBig Boxer Viper Manor (Another World)
Centaurpede IconCentaurpede Hydra Marshes (Another World)
Cybot (Home World) IconCybot (Home World) Dream Dungeon
Daffy Dwarf IconDaffy Dwarf Hydra Marshes (Home World)
Daggy Dwarf IconDaggy Dwarf Hydra Marshes (Home World)
Dwarf IconDwarf Hydra Marshes (Home World)
Fossicker IconFossicker Earth Dragon Isle (Home World)
Googhoul IconGooghoul Fort Dragonia (Another World)
Gurgoyle IconGurgoyle Fort Dragonia (Home World)
LiLi'l Boxer Viper Manor (Another World)
Mannequeen IconMannequeen The Dead Sea (Home World)
Mantarrey (Home World) IconMantarrey (Home World) Marbule (Home World)
Saving Marbule (Home World)
Return to Water Dragon Isle (Home World)
Paper Boy IconPaper Boy Fort Dragonia (Another World)
Portalgheist IconPortalgheist Viper Manor (Another World)
Potty IconPotty Viper Manor (Another World)
Prehysteric IconPrehysteric Gaea's Navel (Home World)
Puffy IconPuffy El Nido Triangle (Home World)
El Nido Triangle (Another World)
Roborg IconRoborg Viper Manor (Another World)
Viper Manor Aftermath (Another World)
Rockroach IconRockroach Cleared Earth Dragon Isle (Home World)
Whoot IconWhoot Terra Tower
Yellowbelly IconYellowbelly Earth Dragon Isle (Home World)
Cleared Earth Dragon Isle (Home World)

Chrono Cross Remaster Related Guides

Chrono Cross Remaster - Enemies Partial Banner
List of All Enemies

Enemies by Element
White Yellow Green
Blue Red Black


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