Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

Are There Random Encounters?

Enemy encounters are visible on screen and are not random in Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers. Read on to learn more about how enemy encounters work and whether you can avoid them!

Are There Random Encounters?

Enemies Appear in Overworld

Encounters in Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers are not random and can be seen on screen when exploring the world.

When exploring, monsters and enemies will remain static or will move around the area, sometimes interacting with the player's actions! This makes planning much easier since you can now anticipate what kind of Element these enemies and monsters are using.

All you need to do to initiate an encounter is to interact with these enemies!

Battle System: Is Battle Turn-Based?

With the Remaster You Can Turn Off Encounters

With the new Remaster of Chrono Cross, you will have the option to toggle Enemy Encounters and use Battle Boosts to make encounters much easier for those who wish to focus on the story!

Everything New in Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

Enemy Encounters

Avoidable Enemies

Since monsters and enemies will often move around the map, you can actually avoid combat by maneuvering your team around the map, making use of different paths to wait for enemies to pass by,

Other times, enemies will remain static and will not make a move towards the player. These are optional enemies you might want to fight to gain experience.

Unavoidable Enemies

While a number of enemies are avoidable, there are a number of unavoidable ones as well, such as those that block paths to progress the story or boss fights! In these cases it's best to prepare yourself for battle by choosing the right members of your party and ensuring you have the right skills on your grid!

Do Enemies Respawn?

Not All Enemies Respawn

You can enter and exit areas to respawn enemies, but a number of them will not keep reappearing, meaning you can't grind encounters for Experience. But, with the vast number of enemies and encounters available you may find that you don't need to!

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