Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

How to Recruit Irenes and Unlock Level 7 Tech Skill

Chrono Cross Remaster - IRENES BANNER
Irenes is a character in Chrono Cross Remaster: The Radical Dreamers Edition. Read on to learn how to get Irenes, how to unlock her Level 7 Tech Skill, and usable Weapons!

How to Recruit Irenes

Story Chapter S.S. Zelbess (Home World)
Missable? No

Recruit Irenes After Defeating the Sage of Marbule

Defeat the Sage of Marbule

Irenes Recruitment

After defeating the Sage of Marbule follow Nikki back to his ship and Irenes will join you as you're about to exit the dressing room.

How to Beat Sage of Marbule

Extra Scenes Before Recruiting Irenes

This section is optional, but can contextualize Irenes' intentions of joining your party before going to S.S Zelbess.

Talk to The Great Explorer Toma

Speak to the Great Explorer Chrono Cross Remaster
In order to first meet Irenes, Serge must talk to The Great Explorer Toma. He'll have four dialogue options with the first one offering Serge and his party to rest up in the cabin. The only way to actually rest in the cabin is to listen all of his dialogue options. After talking to Toma, rest up in the cabin.

Follow Irenes

Chrono Cross Remaster - Irenes at Marbule (Home World)
Once asleep Serge will hear noise outside, be sure to check. Serge will see Irenes who quickly runs away. The next day, Irenes will offer to accomapny Serge and his party at S.S. Zelbess (Home World), but not as a party member just yet.

Irenes Character Profile

Innate Element Blue
Age 16 Origin The Ocean
Height 5'10" Weight 115 lbs.
Build Mermaid Dominant Hand Right-handed
A beautiful mermaid the party meets at the isle of Marbule. She joins your party with the sole intention of humans being able to co-exist peacefully alongside demi-humans.

Irenes Attacks

Harp Pick
Weak (High%) Normal (Mid%) Fierce (Low%)
Low note High note Full Chord

Should You Use Irenes?

Irenes is an Average Character

Rank Description
A Tier.png Irenes possess high magic power and a large grid but pales in comparison to Leena. She is a good substitute if you fail to get Leena from the game but there's just no reason to choose Irenes over Leena (gameplay wise).

Character Tier List: Best Characters to Include in Your Party

How to Unlock Irenes Level 7 Tech Skill

Complete the Marbule Restoration Sidequest

To be able to get Irenes' Level 7 Tech Skill, Siren Song, you must help Marbule Home World rebuild itself. This can be done by following all the events at S.S. Zelbess involving Nikki's concert and moving the ship next to Marbule (Home World).

Saving Marbule (Home World) Walkthrough

Talk to the Demi Human Doctor at the House Twice

Siren Song
Once you have returned to Serge's body, Marbule will have been restored. Go inside the first house you'll see to find a doctor, talk to it twice with Irenes in your party to gain her Level 7 Tech Skill.

Irenes List of Tech Skills

Single Tech Skills

Name Lv. Description
Water Breath 3 Exhale a powerful blast of salt water.
MerMelody 5 Play a tune on your harp to heal a party member.
Siren Song 7 Play a tune on your harp to beat foes with waves

List of All Character Tech Skills

Irenes Weapons

List of Weapons

Name Atk Hit %
Porcelain Pick 48 89
Copper Pick 50 90
Iron Pick 53 91
Mythril Pick 56 91
Pebble Pick 60 92
Prism Pick 65 93

List of All Weapons

Irenes Story Explained

Fight for Marbule

Irenes is a mermaid living in the Isle of Marbule. She fought for the rights of demi-humans along with Zelbess and Fargo. While Marbule was a sucessful settlement for demi-humans in the Other World, Marbule is now a ghost town in Serge's Home World.

After the demi-humans moved to S.S. Zelbess, Irenes stayed behind in Marbule alone. In the years since, she has been trying to re-establish Marbule as settlement, but to little success.

Irenes Meeting Serge

Her turning point came when she finally met Serge. With his help they were able to convince the Sage of Marbule to teach Nikki, who was the son of Zelbess, the Song of Marbule. With the help of Fargo's Other World counterpart they were able to snap this version of Fargo's out of his senses. Irenes finally forgave him for the years of running away from the reality.

Since then Fargo and Irenes have been re-setablishing the demi-human settlement of Marbule. Because of Serge's help, Irenes asks to return the favor by joining his party.

Chrono Cross Remaster Related Guides

Characters Partial Banner

List of Characters and How to Recruit

All Recruitable Characters

White Users

Serge Serge Riddel Riddel Starky Starky Steena Steena
Pip Pip

Red Users

Kid Kid Zappa Zappa Orcha Orcha Macha Macha
Miki Miki Draggy Draggy Greco Greco Doc Doc

Black Users

Lynx Lynx Guile Guile Lucia Luccia Harle Harle
Janice Janice Mojo Mojo Skelly Skelly Grobyc Grobyc

Blue Users

Nikki Nikki Marcy Marcy Korcha Korcha Fargo Fargo
Leena Leena Irenes Irenes Pierre Pierre Orlha Orlha

Green Users

Karsh Karsh Razzly Razzly Radius Radius Glenn Glenn
Sprigg Sprigg Turnip Turnip NeoFio NeoFio Van Van

Yellow Users

Norris Norris Viper Viper Zoah Zoah Poshul Poshul
Funguy Funguy Mel Mel Leah Leah Sneff Sneff


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