Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

How to Recruit Macha and Unlock Lv 7 Tech Skill

Macha Banner
Macha is a character in Chrono Cross Remaster: The Radical Dreamers Edition. Read on to learn more about Macha, her Tech Skills, how to unlock her Lv. 7 Tech Skill, Weapons, and how to recruit Macha!

How to Recruit Macha

Story Chapter Guldove (Another World)
Missable? Yes
Macha Recruitment Steps

Recruit After Refusing to Save Kid

Refuse to Save Kid

Chrono Cross Remaster - Kid.png
At Guldove (Another World), decide not to find the Hydra Humour to save Kid. Afterwards, Korcha will storm out and head to the residential towers.

Should You Save Kid?

Talk to Korcha

Talk to Korcha in order to try and use his boat. He'll get mad once again. Macha will talk sense into her son while offering to take Serge and his party back to Termina (Another World).

Return to Termina (Another World)

Macha Recruitment
Once at Termina (Another World) go back to the Flower Shop in order to see Glenn. After speaking to Glenn by the entrance of Termina, return to the boat docks and talk to Macha again. Macha will then ask if she can join the party.

Note that some characters are locked to your choice whether or not you save Kid.

How to Recruit Glenn

Macha Character Profile

Innate Element Red
Age 38 Origin Guldove
Height 5'6" Weight 150 lbs.
Build Stout Dominant Hand Right-handed
The kindhearted mother of Korcha and Mel. Although a bit stern at times, she believes that her words is for the benefit of her children's growth as a person.

Macha Attacks

Kitchen Utensils
Weak (High%) Normal (Mid%) Fierce (Low%)
Poke Head butt Big Swat

Should You Use Macha?

Rank Description
A Tier.png High damage output but she suffers from fragility. We put her lower as both Kid and Draggy are amazing red characters but if you value damage as opposed to overall usefulness, Macha is your best bet at the red innates.

Character Tier List: Best Characters to Include in Your Party

How to Unlock Macha Level 7 Tech Skill

Automatically Learned at 35 Stars

Dirty Dishes
Macha's level 7 tech Dirty Dishes is automatically learned at 35 star levels.

List of All Bosses

Macha Tech Skills

Single Tech Skills

Name Lv. Description
Bottoms Up 3 A hip-drop that makes foe the "butt" of jokes.
Folding 5 Handle foe as if you're folding laundry. Deals Red-innate damage.
Dirty Dishes 7 One angry mama lets anything fly!.

List of All Character Tech Skills

Macha Weapons

List of Weapons

Name Atk Hit %
Spatula Ca20 51 85
Besom Cu29 53 86
Ladle Fe26 56 87
Frypan Ag47 59 87
Saucepan Si02 63 88
Crystalpan C6 65 89

List of All Weapons

Macha Story Explained

Stern But Caring Mother to All

Macha is the first person players meet after jumping off the top of Viper Manor (Another World). She is the caring, but sometimes strict mother of Korcha, a person that can keep the normally rowdy kid in line. She will join the party only if players choose not to save Kid.

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Characters Partial Banner

List of Characters and How to Recruit

All Recruitable Characters

White Users

Serge Serge Riddel Riddel Starky Starky Steena Steena
Pip Pip

Red Users

Kid Kid Zappa Zappa Orcha Orcha Macha Macha
Miki Miki Draggy Draggy Greco Greco Doc Doc

Black Users

Lynx Lynx Guile Guile Lucia Luccia Harle Harle
Janice Janice Mojo Mojo Skelly Skelly Grobyc Grobyc

Blue Users

Nikki Nikki Marcy Marcy Korcha Korcha Fargo Fargo
Leena Leena Irenes Irenes Pierre Pierre Orlha Orlha

Green Users

Karsh Karsh Razzly Razzly Radius Radius Glenn Glenn
Sprigg Sprigg Turnip Turnip NeoFio NeoFio Van Van

Yellow Users

Norris Norris Viper Viper Zoah Zoah Poshul Poshul
Funguy Funguy Mel Mel Leah Leah Sneff Sneff


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