Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

Shadow Forest (Home World) Walkthrough

Shadow Forest Home Chrono Cross Remaster
Shadow Forest (Home World) is one of the optional quest areas in Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers that you visit as part of the story. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, list of items, enemies, and more!

Previous Quest Next Quest
Termina (Home World) Viper Manor Ruins (Home World) Walkthrough

Shadow Forest (Home World) Overview

Basic Information

# 29: Shadow Forest (Home World)
Shadow Forest (Home World) Walkthrough Chrono Cross Remaster
Search for Lisa's father in the Shadow Forest. He must be a fun guy!
Enemies encountered: Items:
Mythril, Forest Charm, Numble, & Mushroom
Capsule & Trap Carnivore

Recruitable Characters

Character Recruitment Guide
FunguyFunguy Find the man in the cave under the waterfall in Shadow Forest (Home World). Then go through the underground passage toward Viper Manor. A man will hop out and give you a special Mushroom. Return to the waterfall and show the man the mushroom.

Shadow Forest (Home World) Map, Items, and Elements

Shadow Forest (Home World) Map

View Full Map Image

Obtainable Items and Elements

Area Items and Elements
A -
B Capsule
C -
D Forest Charm
E Carnivore Trap
F -
G Mushroom

Shadow Forest (Home World) Walkthrough

This section is an optional area that is only required if you will be recruiting Fungy into the party!

・Head to the Waterfall
Lisa's Father will be hiding under the waterfall shown above, guarding a chest. He wishes to find a rare mushroom so head out of the cave, towards the hollowed tree.
・Save the Person in the Tree
If you plugged up the hole in Another World, the boulder will still be covering this spot as well. All you will have to do is scare the unmoving bug in the water down south by running at it or interacting with it. Otherwise, you will need to defeat a Wraith who has someone cornered.
・Receive the Mushroom
Regardless of your path, the father will give you a Mushroom which you can give Lisa's Father!
4 Recruit Funguy Chrono Cross Remaster
・Give the Mushroom
Give the mushroom away and Lisa's Father will consume it, turning into Funguy. You can now recruit him into your party to make your way to Viper Manor.
Previous Quest Next Quest
Termina (Home World) Viper Manor Ruins (Home World) Walkthrough

Obtainable Items and Elements




Mythril Chrono Cross Remaster
On the upper path of the forest, coming from the entrance, you'll find a chest with Mythril!


From the Trap Carnivore, head into the tree and snag a Numble inside!

Forest Charm

Firest Charm
You can find the Forest Charm in a chest by Lisa's father!




Capsule Chrono Cross Remaster
Right above the entrance is a Capsule in a chest!

Trap Carnivore

Trap Carnivore Chrono Cross
From the entrance take the lower path to the west. Head down and take the left exit. Once here, the Trap Carnivore will be across the pond.



No Bosses are encountered here.

Regular Enemies

Enemy Innate Element HP
Cuscus (Home World) Green 200
Gerridae (Home World) Blue 260
Gloop (Home World) Blue 230
Wraith (Home World) Black 400
Gloop (Second Encounter) Blue 200

Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers Related Guides

Story Walkthrough Partial.png
Full Story Walkthrough List

Story Walkthrough (By Location)
1 Dream Dungeon 2 Arni Village (Home World)
3 Cape Howl (Home World) 4 Lizard Rock (Home World)
5 Opassa Beach (Home World) 6 Lizard Rock (Another World)
7 Arni Village (Another World) 8 Cape Howl (Another World)
9 Fossil Valley (Another World) 10 Termina (Another World)
11 Viper Manor Bluffs (Another World) 12 Viper Manor Gates (Another World)
13 Shadow Forest (Another World) 14 Viper Manor (Another World)
15 Guldove (Another World) 16 Termina After Viper Manor (Another World)
17 Viper Manor Aftermath (Another World) 18 Hydra Marshes (Another World)
19 Hydra Marshes (Home World) 20 Hermit's Hideaway (Another World)
21 S.S. Invincible (Another World) 22 Water Dragon Isle (Another World) Walkthrough
23 Water Dragon Isle (Home World) 24 Mount Pyre (Another World)
25 Fort Dragonia (Another World) 26 Dimensional Vortex
27 Return to Arni (Home World) 28 Termina (Home World)
29 Shadow Forest (Home World) 30 Viper Manor Ruins (Home World)
31 El Nido Triangle (Home World) 32 Sky Dragon Isle (Home World)
33 Earth Dragon Isle (Home World) 34 Marbule (Home World)
35 S.S Zelbess (Home World) 36 Death's Door (Home World)
37 Hermit's Hideaway (Home World) 38 Isle of the Damned (Home World)
39 The Dead Sea (Home World) 40 Occupied Termina (Another World)
41 Viper Manor Rescue (Another World) 42 Return to Hermit's Hideaway
43 Isle of the Damned (Another World) 44 Return to Hydra Marshes (Another World)
45 Return to Guldove (Another World) 46 Saving Marbule (Home World)
47 Return to Water Dragon Isle (Home World) 48 Cleared Earth Dragon Isle (Home World)
49 Gaea's Navel (Home World) 50 Return to Mount Pyre (Another World)
51 Marbule (Another World) 52 Sky Dragon Isle (Another World)
53 Return to Earth Dragon Isle (Another World) 54 Forbidden Island (Home World)
55 Fort Dragonia (Home World) 56 The Sea of Eden
57 Chronopolis 58 Divine Dragon Falls (Another World)
59 Orphanage on Fire (Another World) 60 El Nido Triangle (Another World)
61 Terra Tower 62 Darkness at the End of Time Walkthrough


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