Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

The Dead Sea (Home World) Walkthrough

The Dead Sea Home.jpg
The Dead Sea (Home World) is one of the main quest areas in Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers that you visit as part of the story. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, list of items, enemies, and more!

Previous Quest Next Quest
Isle of the Damned (Home World) Occupied Termina (Another World)

The Dead Sea (Home World) Overview

Basic Information

# 39: The Dead Sea (Home World)
The Dead Sea (Home World) Walkthrough Chrono Cross Remaster
You've retrieved Einlanzer and can now proceed into the Dead Sea! What enemies and battles await you here?
Enemies encountered: Items:
Screw, Mythril, Resistance Belt, Kung-Fu Shoes, Earring of Light, Stamina Ring, Feather, Trashy Tiara, Station Pass, Prop Sword, Medical Book, and Screwy Dress
AntiRed, AntiBlue, AntiYellow, AntiGreen, Capsule, Diminish, FreeFall, Purify, HolyLight, HealAlll, CurePlus, Seal All, & HellBound

Recruitable Characters

No Characters Available.

The Dead Sea (Home World) Map, Items, and Elements

The Dead Sea (Home World) Map

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Obtainable Items and Elements

Area Items and Elements
A Anti-Red

The Dead Sea (Home World) Walkthrough

Highway Ruins (Home World) Map, Items, and Elements

Highway Ruins (Home World) Map

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Obtainable Items and Elements

Area Items and Elements
A Capsule
B Screw
・Enter the Dead Sea
With the Einlanzer you can now get past the Masamune! Venture in deeper, crossing over water towards the Highway Ruins South. Go up the stairs and follow the road until you find the HighwayMan.

・Defeat the HighwayMan
The Highwayman is blocking the path so take it down to proceed!

City Ruins (Home World) Map, Items, and Elements

City Ruins (Home World) Map

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Obtainable Items and Elements

Area Items and Elements
A Resistance Belt
Kung Fu Shoes
Stamina Ring
C Earring of Light
・Find the Control Room
After defeating the HighwayMan, continue on out to the Dead Sea map, heading to City Ruins North. Here you will see a room bathed in red on the leftmost tower. Head to the bottom left to climb up the ladder.
・Examine the Control Panel
At the top of the tower, examine the Control Panel. Norris, even if he's not in your party, will get it to work. Exit through the south!

Tower of Geddon (Home World) Map, Items, and Elements

Tower of Geddon (Home World) Map

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Obtainable Items and Elements

Area Items and Elements
B Feather
Trashy Tiara
C Station Pass
Holy Light
D Medical Book
E Feather
Cure Plus
Prop Sword
Heal All
F Mythril
Seal All
G Diminish
H Screwy Dress
Hell Bound
・Head to the Tower in the Center
At the center of the World Map you will find the Tower of Geddon, enter and move to the second floor. From here, exit through the glowing door and you will find yourself at a train station.
・Speak to the Ghost
At the bottom corner you will find a Ghost, sitting alone on the bench. Speaking to it will cause it to move, so just follow it until it disappears.
・Search the Area
When it's gone, check around the space where it disappeared to find the Station Pass.
・Continue Forward
With the Station Pass, you can now proceed through the turnstiles! You will end up finding the Medicine Book just beyond the next doorway!
・Head to the Top
Going back to the lobby, head to the top floor and on the left side is an elevator that still works. Lower it to the first floor to snag a Trashy Tiara. Leave through the hole in the upper left side of the top floor.
・Follow the Ghostly Child
You will see a ghost-like child run away. This is the direction you should be going in, but be careful to avoid the Tragediennes.
・Grab the Sword
To the top, you will find a stage with a sword. Take the Prop Sword for Pierre if you recruited him.
・Follow the Second Ghostly Figure
You will spot a second ghostly child, take the upper right exit and you will be in an area approaching a vortex. Grab what items you can before proceeding!
・Take a Rest
Enter the Vortex and you will be brought to a new space. Head to the Enerton, a device that will allow you to rest. We highly recommend resting here before proceeding.
・Examine the Bell
You will spot three ghost children up ahead. Follow them and they will lead you to a bell. Read the plaque on the left. You will go through a scene with the kids and a man named, Miguel.

・Defeat Miguel
It is revealed that you can only break the spell on the Dead Sea by beating Miguel.
・Cross to Another World
After defeating Miguel, you will be brought to Marbule. From here you can make your way to Opassa Beach to cross into Another World. Make your way back towards Termina.
Previous Quest Next Quest
Isle of the Damned (Home World) Occupied Termina (Another World)

Tips and Strategies

Increase Your Hit Chance

The Highwayman will use Darkness which lowers your hit chance by half! This means you'll need to be smart about the items you give your party to compensate for that. Using Silver Loupes or Sight Scopes can raise your Hit Percentages. You can also opt to hold out until the effects wear off and spend the time powering up and striking with Element Attacks.

Just be careful not to let it turn the Field Black. This will allow it to use Rampage which can be lethal to a character.

How to Beat Highwayman

Use TrapBlackHole

If you do encounter a Tragediennes, you may be in a position to make the boss fight a little more manageable. Wait to see if the Tragedinnes has BlackHole. They'll tell you so no need to worry.

Once they do announce it, set the Trap and take it for yourself!

Tragedienne: Stats, Locations, Drop and Steal Items

Do Not Underestimate Miguel

Miguel Chrono Cross Remaster
One of the simpler looking bosses in the game, Miguel is not one to be messed with. Avoid having another Black Innate character in your party as it would put you at a huge disadvantage. Spread out Black Elements instead and give Lynx the Daemon Charm.

Miguel has the ability to use AntiBlack, StrongMinded, WeakMinded, and TurnBlack. He then attacks with a White Element. He also has a Tech Skill that can severely damage your party so be wary!

Boost up your party with buffs, casting BlackHole as soon as you can and making the most of Lynx's abilities before he drops to the barrage from Miguel. Finish him off quickly and if you have the Trap HolyLight Element, you can definitely use it before you defeat him!

How to Beat Miguel

Obtainable Items and Elements




Screw Chrono Cross Remaster
Head to the lowest platform of the Highway Ruins and to the right side of the second area you will find a chest with a Screw inside!
Screw Chrono Cross Remaster
You can also find another in the tower to the left!


Mythril Chrono Cross Remaster
At the Tower of Geddon, you can find Mythril on the third floor of the first area!
Mythril Chrono Cross Remaster
You can find a second one at Section F of the map above, hidden on the balcony at the upper left corner of the area.

Kung Fu Shoes

Kung-Fu Shoes Chrono Cross Remaster
At the City ruins, enter the building to the right with the red glow and interact with it until you recieve the Kung Fu Shoes.

Stamina Ring

Stamina Ring Chrono Cross Remaster
Near the lower left corner of the City Ruins is a chest guarded by an enemy! This chest contains a Stamina Ring.

Earring of Light

Earring of Light Chrono Cross Remaster
Inside the Control Room is a hidden chest. Open it to snag an Earring of Light.

Resistance Belt

Resistance Belt Chrono Cross Remaster
From the entrance of the City Ruins turn right to snag the chest containing a Resistance Belt.


Feather Chrono Cross Remaster
At the second floor of Section B in the Tower of Geddon, you can find a chest that contains a Feather.

Feather Chrono Cross Remaster
You can find another Feather at section E of the map, heading to the lower left side!

Screwy Dress

Screwy Dress Chrono Cross Remaster
At Section H, once you've gone past the portal, you will find two chests. The one on the right side contains the Screwy Dress.

Rainbow Shell

Rainbow Shell Chrono Cross Remaster
Once you have finished with the Dead Sea and crossed to Another World, stop by Arni Village to grab the Rainbow Shell from the cart in the middle of the square.




Anti-Red Chrono Cross Remaster
Found on the map of the Dead Sea, before entering the Highway Ruins.


Capsule Chrono Cross Remaster
Before approaching the Highwayman, head down the road to find a Capsule in a chest!


Freefall Chrono Cross Remaster
On the lower road of the first area in the Highway Ruins, you'll find a chest containing the Freefall Element.


Anti-Blue Chrono Cross Remaster
Found on the map of the Dead Sea, before entering the City Ruins.


Anti-Yellow Chrono Cross Remaster
Found on the map of the Dead Sea, before entering the City Ruins.


Anti-Green chrono Cross Remaster
Found on the map of the Dead Sea, before entering the Tower of Geddon.


Purify Chrono Cross Remaster
At the train station, head to the right side to find a chest that contains the Purify Element


Seal-All Chrono Cross Remaster
At Section F of the map, head to the upper right section using the ladders on the left side to snag a Seal-All!


Diminish Chrono Cross Remaster
Before approaching the vortex, head to the far left to find a treasure chest. Open it to grab the Diminish inside.


Hell-Bound Chrono Cross Remaster
At Section H, once you've gone past the portal, you will find two chests. The one on the left side contains the Hell-Bound Element.



Boss Innate Element HP
Miguel White 1950
Highwayman Black 2000

Regular Enemies

Enemy Innate Element HP
Geos Black 208
Gremlin Green 280
Mannequeen Yellow 200
Robo Ducky White 450
Tragedienne Red 380

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Story Walkthrough Partial.png
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23 Water Dragon Isle (Home World) 24 Mount Pyre (Another World)
25 Fort Dragonia (Another World) 26 Dimensional Vortex
27 Return to Arni (Home World) 28 Termina (Home World)
29 Shadow Forest (Home World) 30 Viper Manor Ruins (Home World)
31 El Nido Triangle (Home World) 32 Sky Dragon Isle (Home World)
33 Earth Dragon Isle (Home World) 34 Marbule (Home World)
35 S.S Zelbess (Home World) 36 Death's Door (Home World)
37 Hermit's Hideaway (Home World) 38 Isle of the Damned (Home World)
39 The Dead Sea (Home World) 40 Occupied Termina (Another World)
41 Viper Manor Rescue (Another World) 42 Return to Hermit's Hideaway
43 Isle of the Damned (Another World) 44 Return to Hydra Marshes (Another World)
45 Return to Guldove (Another World) 46 Saving Marbule (Home World)
47 Return to Water Dragon Isle (Home World) 48 Cleared Earth Dragon Isle (Home World)
49 Gaea's Navel (Home World) 50 Return to Mount Pyre (Another World)
51 Marbule (Another World) 52 Sky Dragon Isle (Another World)
53 Return to Earth Dragon Isle (Another World) 54 Forbidden Island (Home World)
55 Fort Dragonia (Home World) 56 The Sea of Eden
57 Chronopolis 58 Divine Dragon Falls (Another World)
59 Orphanage on Fire (Another World) 60 El Nido Triangle (Another World)
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