Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

How to Save Marbule and Wake Up the Black Dragon Walkthrough

Saving Marbule.jpg
Saving Marbule (Home World) is one of the optional quest areas in Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers that you visit as part of the story. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, list of items, enemies, and more!

Previous Quest Next Quest
Return to Guldove (Another World) Return to Water Dragon Isle (Home World)

Saving Marbule (Home World) Overview

Basic Information

# 46: Saving Marbule (Home World)
Saving Marbule (Home World) Walkthrough Chrono Cross Remaster
Help out Nikki and the Magical Dreamers on your Home World!
Enemies encountered: Items:
  • Lagoonate
  • Mantarrey (Home World)
  • No bosses are encountered here.
  • Valencian Cloth Frame
    No Elements are found here.

    Recruitable Characters

    Character Recruitment Guide
    MikiMiki At the conclusion of a special concert, and after clearing all the monsters on Marbule (Home World), return to the S.S. Zelbess and speak with Miki in the restaurant.

    Saving Marbule (Home World) Map, Items, and Elements

    Saving Marbule (Home World) Map

    View Full Map Image

    Saving Marbule (Home World) Walkthrough

    Note that while this is optional, you will need to do it before you begin your Quest to battle the 6 Dragon Gods. Finishing this side quest will mean battling the Black Dragon later on.

    ・Head to the S.S. Zelbess
    Take Fargo in your party and head over to the S.S. Zelbess. Speak to the other Fargo to trigger this event.
    ・Chase the Ghosts
    After taking the ship and making all the ghosts physical, Fargo should receive his Lv 7 Tech Skill. Equip it and chase the ghosts out.
    ・Defeat Every Enemy
    Make your way through Marbule, clearing all Lagoonates and Mantarreys, even in the caves at the back! Clearing the area will trigger growling from Another World, meaning the Black Dragon awaits you!
    You can now continue your quest and head to the Shrine in Guldove (Home World).
    Previous Quest Next Quest
    Return to Guldove (Another World) Return to Water Dragon Isle (Home World)

    Tips and Strategies

    Recruit Miki

    Recruit Miki Chrono Cross Remaster
    When you return to the S.S Zelbess, speak to Miki and she will join you! She works quite well with Nikki, if you recruited him, since they have a healing Double Tech Skill.

    Has Stone Mail and Granite Glove Equipped

    Unlike most other characters, Miki comes equipped with Denadorite-level equipment in her Weapon and Armor slot. If you don't plan on using her, be sure to remove these after recruiting Miki and put them to use on your current party.

    Miki Tech Skills, Weapons, and How to Recruit

    Obtainable Items and Elements



    Valencian Cloth Frame

    Valencian Cloth Frame
    Note that this must be done, before triggering the quest to save Marbule (Home World).

    Speak to the blue person at the entrance of Marbule (Another World) before heading to Marbule (Home World). He will give you the Valencian Cloth Frame only if you have a non-human party, so you can't be Serge. If there are any humans, he won't give you the item and will throw rocks instead.

    If you do not speak to him before triggering this quest, the frame will become unavailable and he won't mention anything other than the Black Dragon after this.


    No Obtainable Elements are found here.



    No Bosses are encountered here.

    Regular Enemies

    Enemy Innate Element HP
    Lagoonate Blue 510
    Mantarrey (Home World) Yellow 500

    Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers Related Guides

    Story Walkthrough Partial.png
    Full Story Walkthrough List

    Story Walkthrough (By Location)
    1 Dream Dungeon 2 Arni Village (Home World)
    3 Cape Howl (Home World) 4 Lizard Rock (Home World)
    5 Opassa Beach (Home World) 6 Lizard Rock (Another World)
    7 Arni Village (Another World) 8 Cape Howl (Another World)
    9 Fossil Valley (Another World) 10 Termina (Another World)
    11 Viper Manor Bluffs (Another World) 12 Viper Manor Gates (Another World)
    13 Shadow Forest (Another World) 14 Viper Manor (Another World)
    15 Guldove (Another World) 16 Termina After Viper Manor (Another World)
    17 Viper Manor Aftermath (Another World) 18 Hydra Marshes (Another World)
    19 Hydra Marshes (Home World) 20 Hermit's Hideaway (Another World)
    21 S.S. Invincible (Another World) 22 Water Dragon Isle (Another World) Walkthrough
    23 Water Dragon Isle (Home World) 24 Mount Pyre (Another World)
    25 Fort Dragonia (Another World) 26 Dimensional Vortex
    27 Return to Arni (Home World) 28 Termina (Home World)
    29 Shadow Forest (Home World) 30 Viper Manor Ruins (Home World)
    31 El Nido Triangle (Home World) 32 Sky Dragon Isle (Home World)
    33 Earth Dragon Isle (Home World) 34 Marbule (Home World)
    35 S.S Zelbess (Home World) 36 Death's Door (Home World)
    37 Hermit's Hideaway (Home World) 38 Isle of the Damned (Home World)
    39 The Dead Sea (Home World) 40 Occupied Termina (Another World)
    41 Viper Manor Rescue (Another World) 42 Return to Hermit's Hideaway
    43 Isle of the Damned (Another World) 44 Return to Hydra Marshes (Another World)
    45 Return to Guldove (Another World) 46 Saving Marbule (Home World)
    47 Return to Water Dragon Isle (Home World) 48 Cleared Earth Dragon Isle (Home World)
    49 Gaea's Navel (Home World) 50 Return to Mount Pyre (Another World)
    51 Marbule (Another World) 52 Sky Dragon Isle (Another World)
    53 Return to Earth Dragon Isle (Another World) 54 Forbidden Island (Home World)
    55 Fort Dragonia (Home World) 56 The Sea of Eden
    57 Chronopolis 58 Divine Dragon Falls (Another World)
    59 Orphanage on Fire (Another World) 60 El Nido Triangle (Another World)
    61 Terra Tower 62 Darkness at the End of Time Walkthrough


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