Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

Best Party Members and Party Comps

There are several characters and party compositions possible in Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers Edition. Read on to see the best party compositions you can make at each stages of the game!

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There are several spoilers that will be talked about in the following sections. Read at your own risk!

Best Party Members for Serge Arcs

Don't Save Kid Route Party Setup (Recommended Route)

Serge.pngSerge Glenn.pngGlenn Leena.pngLeena

If you happened to not help Kid during her predicament, Glenn will be the replacement for Kid. Glenn is just a downright stronger pick than Kid so you'll gain more damage at the expense of having no one to steal some goodies from enemies. At the later stages, Glenn becomes way stronger with both Einlanzers in his hands but even before then, Glenn is still a strong pick.

Replaceable Characters
Leena.pngLeena Guile.pngGuile

We do not recommend taking Leena out of the party at all but if you happen to fail to recruit her by accepting Kid's offer at Cape Howl then you may be left with no choice but to get a different character. Guile is a strong spell user and is a great addition to this party.

Kid Route Party Setup

Serge.pngSerge Kid.pngKid Leena.pngLeena

During the early game, you'll be finding that most of your damag will be coming from Elements and Field effect bonuses. Serge and Leena are strong power houses during this point in the game while Kid is a good addition since you won't really need more damage than what these two have to offer so using her Pilfer skill instead will serve you just fine.

Replaceable Characters
Kid.pngKid Razzly.pngRazzly
Kid.pngKid Guile.pngGuile

If you wish to go full magic and ignore the stealables from enemies, we highly recommend replacing Kid with either Razzly or Guile. Both are strong spell users but Guile top the list but only in the later stages of the game. Early on, his grid will be bad so you may have more success with Razzly and her green innate synergizes with heal spells which is very handy.

Should You Save Kid?

Best Party Members for Lynx Arc

Party With Harle

Lynx.pngLynx Riddel.pngRiddel Harle.pngHarle

This is just downright putting the strongest characters available in your party. Riddel is the next strongest spell user in the game next to Harle and Lynx and Harle are two power houses on their own. If having two black innate characters don't bother you, we highly recommend this setup.

Replaceable Characters
Harle.pngHarle Sprigg.pngSprigg
>Riddel.pngRiddel Starky.pngStarky
Harle.pngHarle Grobyc.pngGrobyc

Harle is just too good to pass up on but having two black innates may not be desirable. If you want to get rid of Harle to have no duplicate elements, we recommend Sprigg as Sprigg can start getting new forms for transformation. The longer you use Sprigg, the more options you have which in turn, just makes her much better to have.

For Riddel, you can get Starky pretty early on while Riddel is a different case. You can get Starky first and make a placeholder white innate character. Starky is a strong physical based white innate while Riddel is a strong white spell user so the choice of replacing Riddel or not is completely optional as both options are strong.

Harle will be gone after progressing the game, if you want to have another strong black character to replace Harle, Grobyc is a solid option to consider.

Post Harle Party

Lynx.pngLynx Riddel.pngRiddel Fargo.pngFargo

Once you gain a surge of characters after the events in Viper Manor, Harle will leave the party. This is a prime time to consider a good party setup. The above choices are great if you want to maximize your loot gain without sacrificing your team's power.

Replaceable Characters
>Riddel.pngRiddel Sprigg.pngSprigg
>Riddel.pngRiddel Karsh.pngKarsh

Riddel, while amazing, can still be replaced for a number of reasons. She's a white innate which is directly in contrast with Lynx's element. To avoid this scenario, you can swap Riddel with Sprigg if you are collecting monsters. Otherwise, Karsh is a good option as well to get a balanced offensive party.

Best Party Comp NG+ Only

The following parties will only be possible via NG+. There are some necessary steps to be able to get all characters in the game, refer to our character completion guide to know how to be able to get all characters in the game!

How to Get All Characters

Strongest Party Setup

Serge.pngSerge Harle.pngHarle Glenn.pngGlenn

One of the most perfect setup possibe. Harle's buffs are insane and so is her stats. Couple her supporting capabilities with her strong attacks and an even stronger attack from her allies makes this downright the best possible team composition.

Full Critical Setup

Serge.pngSerge Glenn.pngGlenn Pierre.pngPierre

With the Hero's Set, Mastermune, and Dual Einlanzers, this comp can make the screen go white semi-permanently. Insane critical rates and can be buffed with Eagle Eye makes these party comp unstoppable.

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CCTRDE - TNT Partial Banner.png
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List of All Element Shops -


5 Anonymous6 months

You can’t have Harle and Riddel until NG+ she leaves right when Riddel joins. Early Starky with Plasma pistol outdamages Lynx until stone swallow and you can swap to Norris if you want a yellow innate.

1 Xanephalmost 3 years

We need a mod that gives Orlha a steal/pilfer ability. Then we can do away with Fargo and the game will be PERFECT!!!!


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