Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

Battle System: Is Battle Turn-Based?

Battle in Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers is Turn-based, utilizing Stamina to determine whether characters can attack. Read on to learn more about the Battle System and how it works!

Is Combat Turn-Based?

Combat is Turn-Based

Combat in Chrono Cross: Radical Dreamers utilizes turn-based combat with 3 different characters on your team. Each character has their own set of moves and abilities that can be utilized in battle to bring down enemies!

Unlike other games, you can utilize any character at any time on your turn as long as they still have Stamina available.

Combat Mechanics

Stamina System

Stamina is the basis for attacks in the Chrono Cross Remaster. This signifies how many attacks you can do, how strong they can be, and whether you can take any more actions.

Each character is given 7 Stamina to use, with a Stamina minimum of -6. From there, characters can make attacks based on how much Stamina they have available. For every attack they make, Stamina drops accordingly.

In order to recover Stamina, other characters must attack and consume their Stamina in order to recharge the Stamina of unused characters. A Level 1 attack will restore 1 Stamina, and a Level 2 Attack will restore 2 Stamina and so on! Using Elements consumes 7 Stamina regardless and the character will be unable to make any attacks afterwards for a while.


Physical Attacks

Physical Attacks have 3 different levels of varying damage and accuracy. Level 1 attacks will consume 1 Stamina, Level 2 Atttacks will consume 2 Stamina and so on.

Whle their damage increases per level of attack, they will also have their own percentage chance of hitting an enemy. The higher the level of attack, the lower the hit chance. Hit chances also adjust according to how much Stamina a character has left. Having less Stamina means that later on your attacks may have higher hit chances because you can no longer perform Level 3 attacks.

You can choose to finish a character's assault by selecting the attack marked in yellow. This will consume the remaining Stamina, dealing damage based on the Stamina Consumed.

Tech Skills

Once a character has reached a certain Star Level, they'll learn certain attacks or spells. These can be used in combat to affect single or multiple enemies at once!

Their uses are quite varied from stealing Elements and items from enemies, recharging Elements, or even healing party members. So as much as possible, try to vary the Tech Skills of your party to make the most of them!


Characters that are low on Stamina can choose to defend instead, reducing damage and recovering Stamina slowly! Just note that if the whole party chooses to defend, it's more likely that an enemy will strike!


Elements are what allow your characters to cast spells! All characters in Chrono Cross: Radical Dreamers have the ability to use these elements at different power levels. Elements are placed on an Element Grid which is where you can access them during combat, charging elemental power until you reach certain levels to use higher level abilities.

Like skills, there are many uses for Elements like healing, boosting the party, debilitating opponents and the like! The rarest and most powerful of these are the ones that Summon Elements.

Innate Elements

While all characters have the ability to use Elements, they are particularly inclined towards a certain Element. Innate Elements are what determines a characters strengths and weaknesses.

This is all based on Element opposites. All 6 Elements in game have their own opposite, making them stronger against it and vice versa. Characters with the same innate element as enemies are likely to take less damage, making it a great way to go against enemies like bosses!

Element Opposites
Black & White
Red & Blue
Yellow & Green

Element Grid

All skills and spells have corresponding levels that can be assigned to a character's grid. These can differ by a few points, enhancing or weakening the potency of the spell. These skills are what characters will access during combat!

Elemental Power

Just like Stamina is consumed in each attack, Elemental Power is charged in the same matter. Performing attacks will raise Elemental Power accordingly and allow characters to deal massive damage or cast powerful spells.

At the end of combat, if your characters have Elemental Power remaining it can be used to recharge the party without the need for consumable items! Just note that if you don't have enough Elemental Power there is a chance that you will not be able to restore HP after combat.

Summon Elements

Summoning Elements is to call upon spirits to assist in battle. These spirits are high level elements used only on the level 6-8 grid and must have the same innate Element as the character. Not only that but the whole Field must be the same color as their Element for you to use them!

Summoning such powerful spirits also consumes a Star Level that cannot be gained back until the party has rested at an inn.

Despite these challenges, these powerful summons can potentially turn the battle in your favor.

Field Effects

Field Effects currently in place can be seen on the upper left hand side of the screen. The colors on it indicate the color of the last Element used in battle from the innermost circle going outwards.

Note that if the field is entirely the same color, skills and attacks of the same Element become stronger and those of the opposite Element become weaker. You can use this to your advantage against bosses or keep the fight from leaning in their favor by using a multitude of elements.

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