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This is a list of all the Elements in Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers. Learn about each element, how to use them, and all the abilities per element.
List of Contents
White | Yellow | Green |
Blue | Red | Black |
Name (Lv.) | Ability Type | Effect |
Photon Ray
(Lv.1) |
Attack | Shoots a bright laser beam at your opponent. |
(Lv.2) |
Attack | Drops a comet down on an unsuspecting foe's head. |
Photon Beam
(Lv.3) |
Attack | Bombards enemy with an extra-powerful laser. |
Meteor Shower
(Lv.4) |
Attack | Hurls several large asteroids at foes. |
Holy Light
(Lv.5) |
Attack | Casts a holy light (annihilates undead). |
Ultra Nova
(Lv.6) |
Attack | Causes an explosion of high-density energy. |
(Lv.1) |
Healing | Recovers friend from incapacitated status. |
White Out
(Lv.2) |
Healing | Removes White status effects. |
Recover All
(Lv.3) |
Healing | Restores HP (medium). |
(Lv.4) |
Healing | Removes all status effects. |
(Lv.4) |
Healing | Removes all status effects. |
Full Revival
(Lv.5) |
Healing | Recovers incapcitated status and heals all HP. |
Holy Healing
(Lv.6) |
Healing | Restores all HP and removes status effects. |
Turn White
(Lv.1) |
Supplemental | Turn foe's attribute/ally's attacks White. |
(Lv.3) |
Supplemental | Temporary seals Black Elements. |
Strong Minded
(Lv.4) |
Supplemental | Temporarily increases your magical defenses. |
Weak Minded
(Lv.4) |
Supplemental | Temporarily decreases your foe's magical defenses. |
(Lv.6) |
Supplemental | Temporarily increases Element damage by 1.5 |
Negate Magic
(Lv.6) |
Supplemental | Temporarily nullifies foe's magic attacks. |
Holy Light (Trap)
(Lv.5) |
Trap | Set trap to catch HolyLight Element. |
Ultra Nova (Trap)
(Lv.6) |
Trap | Set trap to catch UltraNova Element. |
Unicorn (Trap)
(Lv.7) |
Trap | Set trap to catch Unicorn Element. |
★ Unicorn
(Lv.7) |
Summons | Holy horse's prayer raises Defense and & Magic Defense |
★ Saints
(Lv.8) |
Summons | Army of angels attacks foes and heals party. |
List of All White Elemental Abilities
Name (Lv.) | Ability Type | Effect |
(Lv.1) |
Attack | Cuts out and drops a block of stone on foe. |
(Lv.2) |
Attack | Shocks foe with a electrical dscharge. |
(Lv.3) |
Attack | Spears foe with shards of shattered earth. |
Electro Bolt
(Lv.4) |
Attack | Hurls a lightning bolt down on your opponent. |
(Lv.5) |
Attack | Crushes foes beneath giant stone pillars. |
Thunda Storm
(Lv.6) |
Attack | Causes a series of thunderbolts to occur. |
(Lv.2) |
Healing | Heals sprains and Yellow status effects. |
(Lv.3) |
Healing | Restores HP (medium). |
Turn Yellow
(Lv.1) |
Supplemental | Turn foe's attribute/ally's attacks Yellow. |
(Lv.3) |
Supplemental | Temporarily seals Green Elements. |
(Lv.4) |
Supplemental | Temporarily increases your defense. |
(Lv.4) |
Supplemental | Temporarily decreases you enemy's defense. |
Yellow Field
(Lv.5) |
Supplemental | Colors all field attributes Yellow. |
Phys Negate
(Lv.6) |
Supplemental | Temporarily nullifes foe's physical attacks. |
Earthquake (Trap)
(Lv.5) |
Trap | Set trap to catch Earthquake Element. |
Thunda Storm (Trap)
(Lv.6) |
Trap | Set trap to catch ThundaStorm Element. |
(Lv.7) |
Trap | Set trap to catch Golem Element |
★ Golem
(Lv.7) |
Summons | Summons an earth giant to stomp on your foes. |
★ Thunda Snake
(Lv.8) |
Summons | An electric serpent zaps anything in its path. |
List of All Yellow Elemental Abilities
Name (Lv.) | Ability Type | Effect |
(Lv.1) |
Attack | Slices foe with a cloud of whirling leaves. |
Aero Saucer
(Lv.2) |
Attack | Throws blades of razor-sharp air to slice foe. |
(Lv.3) |
Attack | Encases foe in a cage of thorny bushes. |
Aero Blaster
(Lv.4) |
Attack | Shoots a sonic blast at your foe. |
(Lv.5) |
Attack | A humongous Venus Flytrap devours foes. |
(Lv.6) |
Attack | Causes a cyclone that batters foe to bits. |
(Lv.2) |
Healing | Restores HP (small). |
(Lv.2) |
Healing | Heals poison and Green status effects. |
Heal All
(Lv.4) |
Healing | Restores HP (medium). |
Heal Plus
(Lv.6) |
Healing | Restores HP (large). |
Turn Green
(Lv.1) |
Supplemental | Turn foe's attribute/ally's attacks Green. |
(Lv.2) |
Supplemental | Temporarily seals Yellow Elements. |
Eagle Eye
(Lv.4) |
Supplemental | Temporarily increases your attack Hit%. |
Bat Eye
(Lv.4) |
Supplemental | Temporarily decreases foe's attack Hit%. |
Green Field
(Lv.5) |
Supplemental | Colors all field attributes Green. |
Info Scope
(Lv.6) |
Supplemental | Detects your opponent's HP data. |
Carnivore (Trap)
(Lv.5) |
Trap | Set trap to catch Carnivore Element. |
Tornado (Trap)
(Lv.6) |
Trap | Set trap to catch Tornado Element. |
Sonja (Trap)
(Lv.7) |
Trap | Set trap to catch Sonja Element. |
★ Sonja
(Lv.7) |
Summons | Summons a forest dryad to sprinkle poison dust. |
★ Genie
(Lv.8) |
Summons | A wind djinn blows away your foes witha twister. |
List of All Green Elemental Abilities
Name (Lv.) | Ability Type | Effect |
Aqua Beam
(Lv.1) |
Attack | Blasts foe with high-pressure water stream. |
Ice Lance
(Lv.2) |
Attack | Hurls an icicle spear at unsuspecting foe. |
Aqua Ball
(Lv.3) |
Attack | Hurls a large sphere of water at your opponent. |
Ice Blast
(Lv.4) |
Attack | Freezes your foe in a cage of ice. |
(Lv.5) |
Attack | Inundates enemies in icy-cold floodwaters. |
(Lv.6) |
Attack | Hails large chunk of ice down on foes. |
(Lv.1) |
Healing | Restores HP (small). |
(Lv.2) |
Healing | Heals the flu and Blue status effects. |
Cure Plus
(Lv.3) |
Healing | Restores HP (medium). |
Cure All
(Lv.5) |
Healing | Restores HP (large). |
Turn Blue
(Lv.1) |
Supplemental | Turn foe's attribute/ally's attack Blue. |
(Lv.3) |
Supplemental | Temporarily seals Red Elements. |
(Lv.4) |
Supplemental | Temporarily increases physical Evade%. |
(Lv.4) |
Supplemental | Temporarily decreases your opponents physical Evade%. |
Blue Field
(Lv.5) |
Supplemental | Colors all field attributes Blue. |
(Lv.6) |
Supplemental | Temporarily stops your stamina from decreasing. |
Deluge (Trap)
(Lv.5) |
Trap | Set trap to catch Deluge Element. |
Iceberg (Trap)
(Lv.6) |
Trap | Set trap to catch Iceberg Element. |
Frog Prince
(Lv.7) |
Trap | Set trap to catch FrogPrince Element. |
★ Frog Prince
(Lv.7) |
Summons | Summons Frog Prince to perform a water attack. |
★ Blue Whale
(Lv.8) |
Summons | Calls on Neputune's anger to create a tsunami. |
List of All Blue Elemental Abilities
Name (Lv.) | Ability Type | Effect |
(Lv.1) |
Attack | Hurl spheres of flames at enemy. |
Magma Bomb
(Lv.2) |
Attack | Launches a volley of fireballs at foes. |
Fire Pillar
(Lv.3) |
Attack | Burns enemy in a pillar of flames. |
Magma Burst
(Lv.4) |
Attack | Makes lava gush out from beneath a foe. |
(Lv.5) |
Attack | Heats air to a burning-hot temperature. |
(Lv.6) |
Attack | Induces an enormous volcanic eruption. |
(Lv.1) |
Healing | Restores HP (small). |
(Lv.2) |
Healing | Heals burns and Red status effects. |
(Lv.6) |
Healing | Recovers a used Element for re-use. |
Turn Red
(Lv.1) |
Supplemental | Turn foe's attribute/ally's attacks Red. |
(Lv.3) |
Supplemental | Temporarily seals Blue Elements. |
(Lv.4) |
Supplemental | Temporarily increases your attack power. |
(Lv.4) |
Supplemental | Temporarily decreases foe's attack power. |
Red Field
(Lv.5) |
Supplemental | Colos all field attributes Red. |
Ninety Nine
(Lv.6) |
Supplemental | Temporarily keepa Hit% of basic attacks at 99%. |
Inferno (Trap)
(Lv.5) |
Trap | Set trap to catch inferno Element. |
Volcano (Trap)
(Lv.6) |
Trap | Set trap to catch Volcano Element. |
Red Wolf
(Lv.7) |
Trap | Set trap to catch RedWolf Element. |
★ Red Wolf
(Lv.7) |
Summons | Summons a fire wolf to create a sea of flames. |
★ Salamander
(Lv.8) |
Summons | Use salamander's breath to incinerate foes. |
List of All Red Elemental Abilities
Name (Lv.) | Ability Type | Effect |
Gravity Blow
(Lv.1) |
Attack | Blows away foes with a ball of pure gravity. |
Hell Soul
(Lv.2) |
Attack | Attempts to remove the soul from foe's body. |
(Lv.3) |
Attack | Crushes foes with a supergravity field. |
Hell Bound
(Lv.4) |
Attack | Sends your enemy on a trip to hell. |
(Lv.5) |
Attack | Drops foe from the sky at supersonic speed. |
(Lv.5) |
Attack | Shifts your status effects onto enemy. |
Black Hole
(Lv.6) |
Attack | Sucks everything in the area into a super-vacuum. |
Black Out
(Lv.2) |
Healing | Removes Black status effects. |
(Lv.6) |
Healing | Restores HP (large). |
Turn Black
(Lv.1) |
Supplemental | Turn foe's attribute/ally's attacks Black. |
(Lv.3) |
Supplemental | Temporarily seals White Elements. |
(Lv.4) |
Supplemental | Temporarily increase your magical power. |
(Lv.4) |
Supplemental | Temporarily decreases foe's magical power. |
Seal All
(Lv.6) |
Supplemental | Temporarily stops everyone's Elements. |
(Lv.6) |
Supplemental | Temporarily halves Elemental Damage. |
Freefall (Trap)
(Lv.5) |
Trap | Set trap to catch FreeFall Element |
Black Hole (Trap)
(Lv.6) |
Trap | Set trap to catch BlackHole Element. |
Mother Ship
(Lv.7) |
Trap | Set trap to catch MotherShip Element. |
★ Mother Ship
(Lv.7) |
Summons | Contacts a spaceship to blast foes to pieces. |
★ Grim Reaper
(Lv.8) |
Summons | Summon Death to wreck doom and destruction. |
List of All Black Elemental Abilities
Attack-type elemental abilities can be used to damage opponents. Use abilities whose elements are opposite your own. Be careful as enemies with opposite elements can damage your party members just as effectively.
Elemental Weakness Guide
Healing-type elemental abilities act like healing items. They can be bought from merchants in certain areas and be used to restore health or heal status effects.
In battle, players can use Supplemental-type elemental abilities in order to strengthen allies and weaken enemies. Supplemental abilities can momentarily affect the stats of enemies and allies alike. They can even change the innate element of a target for a period of time.
Summons can be very powerful but in order to use Summons, players must first trap them using specific Trap-type elemental abilities.
Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers Guide and Walkthrough
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Story Walkthrough | Characters | |
Tech Skills | Weapons | |
Armor | Accessories | |
Elements | Items | |
Bosses | Enemies | |
Message Boards | Tips & Tricks | |
News | Dialogue Choices | |
The Radical Dreamers | - |
List of All Elemental Abilities
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