Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

List of All Red Elemental Enemies

This is a guide to all Red Elemental enemies in Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers Edition. Read on to learn about each Red Elemental enemy, including their name and location!

What are Red Elemental Enemies?

The opposite element to Red is Blue, making Red elemental attacks strong against enemies with an innate Blue element. The opposite is also true, as Blue attacks, which have the energy of water, are also strong against those with Red innate elements. Use this information to get an upper hand in battle!

Element Weakness Guide

List of All Red Elemental Enemies

Enemy Locations
Bubba Dingo (Another World) IconBubba Dingo (Another World) Fossil Valley (Another World)
Cat Burglar (Another World) IconCat Burglar (Another World) Mount Pyre (Another World)
Combot IconCombot Chronopolis
Ectoplasm IconEctoplasm Terra Tower
Gizmotoid IconGizmotoid Chronopolis
Gobledygook (Another World) IconGobledygook (Another World) Viper Manor Bluffs (Another World)
Viper Manor (Another World)
Hot Doggity (Another World) IconHot Doggity (Another World) Mount Pyre (Another World)
Return to Mount Pyre (Another World)
Lava-Boy (Another World) IconLava-Boy (Another World) Mount Pyre (Another World)
Return to Mount Pyre (Another World)
Orphanage on Fire (Another World)
Mamma Dingo (Another World) Fossil Valley (Another World)
Opah Fish IconOpah Fish Lizard Rock (Another World)
Viper Manor (Another World)
Pterodact IconPterodact Gaea's Navel (Home World)
Redmoaman IconRedmoaman Viper Manor Bluffs (Another World)
Taurminator IconTaurminator Fort Dragonia (Another World)
Tragedienne IconTragedienne The Dead Sea (Home World)
Tutanshaman IconTutanshaman Fossil Valley (Another World)
Will OWill O' wisp Viper Manor (Another World)
Isle of the Damned (Another World)

Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers Related Guides

Chrono Cross Remaster - Enemies Partial Banner
List of All Enemies

Enemies by Element
White Yellow Green
Blue Red Black


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