Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

Character Tier List: Best Characters to Include in Your Party

Chrono Cross Remaster: The Radical Dreamers Edition features a lot of characters to choose from and choosing the best of them all is recommended if you want to have an easier time with the game. Read on to see an in-depth Chrono Cross Tier List and see the best characters in the game!

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Chrono Cross Character Tier List

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These are our character tier list for Chrono Cross Remastered! We have our explanation and criteria down below. For general feedback, leave a comment on our comment section right here!

Comment Section (10)

Serge Arc Character Tier List

Below is a tier list exclusive to characters you can get only when Serge is your main character. This takes into consideration both the times you are Serge (early parts of the game and the latter stages of it).

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C Tier
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Lynx Arc Character Tier List

This tier is for characters that are playable during the Lynx arc which consists the middle to the later stages of the game.

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Character Tier List Explanation

SS Tier

Character Explanation
SergeSerge Serge is downright one of the strongest character and he's also semi-permanent in your party which is a good thing. He can also wield the Mastermune and with some critical hit rate accessory support, will make the screen flash white per attack.
GlennGlenn Dual Wield is just one of the most broken skill in the game, which Glenn possesses. It gives him access to the stats of two weapons, and he can also wield two copies of Einlanzer, which just makes Glenn unstoppable.
FargoFargo High damage and access to the Pillage skill makes Fargo a tier higher than our next strongest blue physical hitter Orlha. The Pillage skill allows you to fetch some of the strongest accessories in the game which makes several bosses a breeze through if wielded.
HarleHarle Harle is downright the strongest character in the game. Even with the sole fact that she's only accessible for a short time, this doesn't stop us from placing her on the highest tier. She's just that good.
LynxLynx Lynx is going to be your main character for a huge part of the game which essentially makes your main a black innate. He's the black Serge and every reason Serge is at the top applies to Lynx as well.
LeenaLeena Several indespensible tech skill like refilling your own elements and even reviving herself just makes Leena so good that we still placed her on the highest tier despite being a spell caster and our tierlist valuing physical attackers much more.
RiddelRiddel One of the best white and overall spell users. High magic stat and possessing a white innate makes her a good healer as well. She practically deserves the highest tier if we're focusing on the magic capabilities of each character.

S Tier

Character Explanation
KidKid Kid is the best Red innate character in the game and she also comes with the Pilfer skill.
DraggyDraggy We believe Draggy is an underrated character. Sporting the highest stamina recovery and a bulky defensive stat makes him the one of the best support character for refilling other character's stamina by occupying more turns than the others. He can also be a healbot by plugging in consumables which he will have no trouble using due to how easy it is for Draggy to rack up elemental levels.
GuileGuile High Magic damage coupled by a grid that has more emphasis on higher leveled elements. Guile is arguably the strongest black spell caster if Harle is not around.
NorrisNorris High accuracy and damage. Norris is one of the better characters within the Yellow innates.
StarkyStarky Another white character that can deal high damage. Starky also has access to an AoE level 5 tech.
OrlhaOrlha The hardest blue innate physical damage dealer in the game. Orlha is overshadowed by Fargo due to Fargo's ability to steal which is a super valuable skill as it just bolsters your whole team's performance but if you don't wish to steal or are in battles with no focus on stealing, Orlha's the (wo)man for the job.
GrobycGrobyc A very interesting black innate character that has a bad stat for magic coupled by a small element grid. However, his physical prowess is just too good which made us place him up on the S tier.
SpriggSprigg Sprigg is often a debatable character which is placed either on the lowest tier or the highest tier. Sprigg is both since without the right setup and monster transformations, Sprigg is just downright the worst character in the game but with proper monster transformation and knowledge, Sprigg can trivialize the majority of the game.
LeahLeah The hardest hitting Yellow innate in the game. Leah also has a dual tech with Draggy which we believe is one of the better characters in the game. Don't be decieved by her young looks, Leah is a must have character if you're looking for a yellow innate.
KarshKarsh Arguably the best green character in the game were it not for Glenn's dual wield. Karsh's damage is just through the roof with the only sole weakness of a slow stamina recovery.
RazzlyRazzly A character that can hit hard with spells and can hit all enemies with her heavy attack. The damage however, isn't super high due to her weak physical damage. We put her in the S tier as her level 7 tech is one of the most valuable level 7 techs in the game which can greatly reduce elements from enemies.

A Tier

Character Explanation
GrecoGreco Another hard hitting red character in the game but suffers from low magic and a smaller elemental grid.
MikiMiki Miki is the strongest red character when it comes to spell casting but red in general is just bad if you're looking for a spell caster which doesn't make Miki's strength a really impressive thing.
IrenesIrenes Irenes possess high magic power and a large grid but compared to other spell casters like Leena, just makes Irenes not outstanding at all. She is a good substitute if you fail to get Leena from the game but there's just no reason to choose Irenes over Leena (gameplay wise).
ZoahZoah Zoah is your beefguy for the yellow innates but if you're looking for harder hitting ones, Leah just takes the higher spot but the competition is really close between Zoah, Norris, and Leah.
SteenaSteena A strong white innate character but you get her fairly later on. There's really no stopping anyone from having her in your party aside from having a double white character since she hits hard both magic wise and strength wise.
MarcyMarcy Another hard blue hitting character. Marcy is a solid pick if you're looking for a good blue physical character.
MachaMacha High damage output but she suffers from fragility. We put her lower as both Kid and Draggy are amazing red characters but if you value damage as opposed to overall usefulness, Macha is your best bet at the red innates.
ViperViper Another hard hitter from the yellow innate. He has low defenses but we placed him lower than other great yellow characters is that he has a smaller grid than them which isn't valued too much in our tier list but this is the deciding factor that put Viper lower than Norris and Leah.

B Tier

Character Explanation
NikkiNikki Comes with a large Grid but that's it. Nikki isn't a bad character in itself but nothing also makes him standout.
RadiusRadius A very balanced character overall. The only downside to Radius is he doesn't have a high enough HP as other average characters.
OrchaOrcha High damage output but suffers from low magic defense. Outclassed by harder hitting red characters and his element grid suffers from a small size as opposed to other reds.
JaniceJanice The fact that she uses a carrot to fight is a huge indicator that Janice is just not a great character overall. You can obtain the Beta Carotene without crafting it which is the only pro to having Janice since she can get a good weapon without much investment.
MojoMojo The only thing Mojo is good for is being an unhittable character but everything else Mojo has is easily outshined by other characters.
PierrePierre Pierre requires a specific setup to becoms not just viable but really strong. However, without the necessary Hero's set, he just becomes one of the weakest characters overall.
NeoFioNeoFio If you're using Neofio, don't. She's not a great character by any means with low stats and no outstanding features.
MelMel Highest magic stat among the yellow innates. There are just several better characters than Mel that even if she can steal from enemies, we just can't place her higher on the tier. But if you are looking to create a steal party, Mel is definitely an option to consider.
FunguyFunguy Another easily outclassed character. Funguy is pretty much a meme character with good HP and high strength but he gets busted easily by enemy spells due to his low magic defense.
PoshulPoshul Poshul is actually a decent character but she gets outclassed easily by other harder hitting yellow characters. Don't hesitate to have her in your party early on though as she's the first recruitable you have and can be a useful character against some green innates you fight early on.
DocDoc Doc is a balanced character but compared to other white innates, there's just really nothing Doc can do better. He does have a team wide attack buff which can be valuable which makes him not drop to C tier.
ZappaZappa The only thing going for Zappa is his high HP and and damage which is highly valued in our tier list but he is beat by other characters of the same innate as him.

C Tier

Character Explanation
SneffSneff Don't, just don't. Sneff is the worst character you can possibly have. Sure, he may have some gimmicks that can be fun to use but for playability, having Sneff is just handicapping your team for fun.
VanVan There's no benefit to having Van in your party. Everything he can do is something a different character can do together with having a higher stat than him.
SkellySkelly For the difficulty of recruiting Skelly, he doesn't really bring anything to the table. He has low HP and Defense which is a huge detriment as you'll mostly just be spending your time healing him.
TurnipTurnip The only thing going for Turnip is his high strength but nothing else. It has a dual tech with Neofio but both characters suffer from low stats which just makes having both of them a handicap rather than a synergy.
LucciaLuccia Another character with little reason to be included in your party. Luccia has a large element grid but offers nothing else on the table. She's a black element which will work against your main character's element.
KorchaKorcha An average character with a small element grid. Easily outshined by other blue characters.
PipPip Has a bugged mechanic which transforms Pip into either a devil or angel form. Its strength gets better upon full evolution and its specialty also changes depending on its form with Angel being focused on support and devil on damage values. The evolution mechanic seems fun at first glance but it's a tedious process and the longer you complete it, the lower the stats Pip will have by the later stages of the game. Pip's grid is also small which prevents it from using any strong elements until you reach its final form and even by then, Pip's overall performance will just be average.

Character Tier List Criteria

Physical Damage Over Magic Damage Physical damage is where most damage comes from as opposed to magic. Of course, there are just magic characters that are super indespensibly but we generally prioritized physical over magic in our tier list.
Overall Availability If a character is only recruitable on the later stages of the game, it makes them less valuable as they become unavailable for several boss fights where their strengths might have shone.
General Stats Characters with just high stats are placed higher than other characters with lower numbers.
Performance Compared to Other Same Color Innates Rarely does a team with the same innate is taken due to having multiple characters being vulnerable to a single type of element which may make some battles more difficult. We place stronger characters on the same color higher while pushing others lower.
Less Focus on Grid Count In most battles, you won't be consuming much elements so our we do not focus too much on grid count.

Chrono Cross Remaster: The Radical Dreamers Edition

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Tips and Tricks

Chrono Cross Tips and Tricks

Basic Tips and Guides
Element Weakness What are Battle Boosts?
How Do Field Effects Work? How to Get Rainbow Weapons and Equipment
Best Characters by Element Should You Save Kid?
How to Forge Weapons New Game Plus Guide
How to Get All Characters Element Grid Guide
Early Game Beginners Guide Combat Guide
List of All Missable Items and Events How to Save the Game
Controls and Best Settings Best Element Color and Best Element List
Character Tier List Trophy List and How to Unlock All Achievements
List of Status Effects Boxer Bros Guide and Battle Mechanics
How to Farm Shiny Materials Items Worth Stealing
Best Doppelgang Forms Best Early Game Elements
Roulette Minigame Guide Best Party Members and Party Comps
Best Accessories to Equip Grand Slam Mini Game Guide
How to Use Summons and All Summon Locations Trappable Elements and How to Use Traps
List of Frames and How to Obtain Best Armor List
Post Game Content and 100 Percent Guide How to Change Party Members
Endings Guide: How to Get All Endings How to Get the Remaster Exclusive Secret Ending Scene
Best Weapons Bend of Time Location
How to Get All Revive and Full Revival Elements Remaster Censorship: Dialogue and Outfit Changes
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List of All Element Shops -


6 Anonymousabout 2 years

By the way, a recent patch for the game released about a week or more ago from this comment, fixed Pip, and their stat issues, along with making the frame rate higher (60fps battles) on all consoles to an extent (with Switch having some issues still, and final boss capped at 30fps). All of it was outlined, along with how the stats progressed with Pip in the Japanese patch notes. Not sure if these were released in English yet.

5 Anonymousabout 2 years

If you have five categories please use A-F. SS and S are not replacements for A and B. I know it’s trendy but it’s illogical.


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