Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

Early Game Beginners Guide

Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers Edition features several unique mechanics that might make it difficult for first-time players. Read on to learn about some tips and tricks to help you when you start playing Chrono Cross Remaster: The Radical Dreamers Edition.

Early Game Beginner's Guide

Recruit Poshul Early

Recruiting Poshul_Resize

One thing a lot of new players don't know is that Serge doesn't have to be alone at the start of the game.

After the Dream Sequence at the start of the game, when Serge wakes up in his room, you can recruit Poshul early on.

Heckran Bone.png

Next to the Arni Village exit, you'll find a hut that houses a Cafe. Inside the room, if you interact with the bed, you can find a Heckran Bone.

Head on over to the field next to the Chief's House, there you'll see a pink dog running around. That's Poshul. Interact with her and open the Key Items Window and select the Heckran Bone.

Poshul will then join your party immediately after.

Now, you'll have a party member to help make future battles easier!

Elements Tutorial

Radius Crash Course

Elements are this game's version of Magic and Abilities.

Elements can get pretty technical, especially for newcomers. Thankfully, you can get a crash course on Elements right at the start of the game in Arni Village!

By the field where you recruit Poshul, you'll find Chief Radius speaking to a number of people. Talk to him and he'll give you a crash course on Elements, how to use them, an explanation on the Element Field, and more.

Equipping Elements

Element Menu
Whenever you get a new Element, whether it's an enemy drop or found in different places in-game, don't forget to equip it!

To equip Elements, simply press the Menu Button and click the Elements sub-menu.

From there, choose Allocate and you can Fill Blanks or Remove elements from a specific character.

Fill Blanks will equip chosen Elements to the Character, while Remove unequips it.

You can choose Remove All to quickly remove all equiped Elements instead of removing them one-by-one, while choosing Auto Allocate will automatically equip the available Elements to the chosen character.

You can also choose to Auto Allocate Elements to all Characters, not just the selected Character, making things easier for you!


Remember to remove the elements out of the party members you're switching out!

You wouldn't want to find one of your elements missing just because they're allocated to a Character you only used once.

Early Game Ice Lance

Early Game Ice Lance
When you arrive at Arni Village (Another World), visit the Cafe where you got the Heckran Bone earlier.

Before entering the room, you'll find a Pot sitting in the middle of the room. Interact with it three times to get the Ice Lance.

Profiteer's Pouch

At Termina, don't miss out on getting the Profiteer's Purse.

By the Smithy, keep on going down the road and enter the house at the end of the street.

Inside, check under the stairs for a hidden chest to get the Profiteer's Purse. It's an accessory that slightly increase the amount of money received at the end of battle.

But, something else you can do with the Profiteer's Purse is drop by the Smithy you passed and dismantle it to get 3x Iron, 3x Copper, and 3 Bone.


It's an early game method of getting Iron that you won't have access to just yet.

You can use the materials from the Profiteer's Purse to upgrade the weapons and armor or your party before tackling Viper's Mansion.

Early Game Recover All

RecoverAll Stables
When you first arrive at Viper's Mansion, you'll need to speak to the Dragon Handler to get the Manor Key.

Spend extra time there, and try to at least feed the dragons 40 times, and be rewarded with a Recover All element, a White Element that Recovers HP (Medium).

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