Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

How to Recruit Sneff and Unlock Level 7 Tech Skill

Sneff Banner
Sneff is a character in Chrono Cross Remaster: The Radical Dreamers Edition. Read on to learn how to get Sneff, how to unlock his level 7 Tech Skill, and usable Weapons!

How to Recruit Sneff

Story Chapter S.S. Zelbess
(Home World)
Missable? No
Sneff Recruitment Steps

Recruiting Sneff

Talk to Sneff After Defeating the Sage

Chrono Cross Remaster - Sneff Gambling
After defeating the Sage of Marbule at S.S. Zelbess, go to the casino and find Sneff consistently winning the roulette game.

Follow Sneff to His Dressing Room

Sneff Recruitment

Go to his dressing room and have him join your party after finding the urge to explore the world now that he is free of debt.

Sneff Character Profile

Innate Element Yellow
Age 53 Origin Unknown
Height 5'6" Weight 139 lbs.
Build Ordinary Dominant Hand Right-handed
Runs the Sneff Family Magic Show aboard the S.S. Zelbess to pay off his debts to Fargo.

Sneff Attacks

Shot/Card Deck/Pack of Lies
Weak (High%) Normal (Mid%) Fierce (Low%)
Sleight of Hand Faster Than the Eye Tumble Toss

Should You Use Sneff?

Sneff is a Below Average Character

Rank Description
B Tier.png Don't, just don't. Sneff is the worst character you can possibly have. Sure, he may have some gimmicks that can be fun to use but for playability, having Sneff is just handicapping your team for fun.

Character Tier List: Best Characters to Include in Your Party

How to Unlock Sneff Level 7 Tech Skill

Earned Through Stars

Unlock Condition:
Learned at 35 Stars

How to Unlock All Level 7 Tech Skills

Sneff List of Tech Skills

Single Tech Skills

Name Lv. Description
Big Deal 3 Swiftly and forcefully throw your pack of cards.
HP Shuffle 5 Reorder the digits that make up your HP value.
Sword Trick 7 A new magic trick, the likes of which have never been seen before!

Dual Tech Skills

Name Description
Sword Storm
(Guile and Sneff)
A Black-innate combo attack against a single target, that requires the powers of WandaSwords (Guile) and SwordTrick (Sneff) to perform.

List of All Character Tech Skills

Sneff Weapons

List of Weapons

Name Atk Hit %
Copper Shot 48 84
Iron Shot 51 85
Silver Shot 54 85
Stone Shot 58 86
Private Deck 58 87
Prism Pellets 63 87
Pack of Lies 63 87

List of All Weapons

Sneff Story Explained

Promising Career as a Magician

Prior to working at S.S. Zelbess under Fargo, he had a promising career as a magician having studied it thoroughly as well as being granted the ability to transform humans to cats and back thanks to an unnamed figure.

Falling into Debt

His talents, however, were only to serve Fargo's business after falling into massive debt due to gambling at the S.S. Zelbess. To pay off his debts, he had to work for Fargo as a magician, hosting the Sneff Family Show.

Regretful of his past actions, he would always find himself wishing for the day he would break free from debt and share his talents with the world once more.

Man with a Heart

Despite his money issues, he would take care of those around him, especially the crew over at S.S. Zelbess. He would teach his crewmates basic magic and look after them as their mentor.

Before recruiting Sneff, there will be a cutscene of his crewmates thanking him for everything he's done for them, treating them much like the father they never had. One of the people thanking him were the Home World versions of Solt and Peppor, who were Acacia Dragoon amnesiacs under Sneff's care.

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Characters Partial Banner

List of Characters and How to Recruit

All Recruitable Characters

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Janice Janice Mojo Mojo Skelly Skelly Grobyc Grobyc

Blue Users

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Leena Leena Irenes Irenes Pierre Pierre Orlha Orlha

Green Users

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Sprigg Sprigg Turnip Turnip NeoFio NeoFio Van Van

Yellow Users

Norris Norris Viper Viper Zoah Zoah Poshul Poshul
Funguy Funguy Mel Mel Leah Leah Sneff Sneff


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