Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

Janice's Grand Slam Mini Game: Default Monsters Guide

This is a guide to the Grand Slam mini-game in the SS Zelbess in Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers Edition. Read on to know how to complete the Grand Slam, each monsters per level, and the best monsters and strategy to use on each round!

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Grand Slam Guide: Default Monsters

Round Janice's Monsters Recommended Monsters
1 Taurminator
Snob Goblin
2 Spearfisher
3 Airframe
Cat Burglar
Total Chaos

These are all the monsters that Janice will use for each round. As opposed to usual round progression challenges, the first two rounds are actually more difficult than the last round so it is imperative to take note of this when choosing monsters for each round.

Round 1 Monsters

Round 1 Monsters
Taurminator Beeba Gloop
Crossbones Gerridae Snob Goblin

For round 1, the Taurminator is your biggest threat. We highly recommend getting either the Wraith or the Crossbones and cheesing it with an instant death black element spell. If it fails, simply run away and restart the fight. Once you have slain them, focus on the Beeba next then the Gloop. There isn't really any other monster you'll need but make sure to only bring either one of the two mentioned monsters as you'll need one of them for the next fight!

Beeba is suggested on our monster to use here simply due to the fact that with the cheese method and we want to use a monster that is weaker than the rest of your monster pool but isn't too weak to not contribute anything to the fight.

Round 2 Monsters

Round 2 Monsters
Spearfisher Cybot Gobledygook
Wraith Lagoonate Snibgoblin

For Round 2, you'll want to bring in the other instant death monster (either the unused Wraith or the unused Crossbones) then you'll also want to bring out the Lagoonate which is your strongest transformation by default. You'll need this power house to bring down the Cybot which is immune to instant death elements. The third choice is completely optional but we do not recommend using the Dodo and the Cat Burglar as you'll want some more damage dealers on the third round.

Round 3 Monsters

Round 3 Monsters
Airframe Cassowary Cuscus
Dodo Cat Burglar Total Chaos

Round 3 is as mentioned, the easiest round of them all. Bring out the Bulb and the Cat Burglar. For the last option, you can go all out and bring out the Total Chaos too. On the battle, make sure to focus only the Airframe. The Bulb isn't necessary here but if it doesn't get targeted, it can at least fire some heal alls to support other monsters.

How to Increase Grand Slam Monsters

Record More Monsters in Sprigg's Doppelgang

The monsters that will be available the same monsters that Sprigg has in her current Doppelgang forms. If you want to get more monsters, you'll have to defeat enemies using Sprigg or having a character equip a Forget-Me-Not Pot kill the enemy.

Doppelgang Tech Skill

Best Monsters to Capture

Monsters Location
Taurminator Mount Pyre Home World
Fight fire with fire, the Taurminator is easily found in Mount Pyre home world. Prepare for a tough fight if you wish to gain this as an early summon as it won't fall down easily.
Wight Knight Isle of the Damned Home World
only fought once so make sure to get this!
The strongest form for Sprigg and for the Grand Slam hands down. It's capable for hitting for two hundred+ damage against tough enemies and more for weaker ones.
Cybot Fort Dragonia Home World
From the four diverging rooms on the first floor, take the upper left then enter the left side room.
Fighting her own Cybot with your own
Gyroblade Chronopolis
High damage output and a Magnegate easily counters Cybot or Terminator's Inferno and Earthquake while dishing out decent damage.
Gurgoyle Fort Dragonia
Another hard hitter from Fort Dragonia!

Aside from all the mentioned monsters, there's also the trio Ozzie, Slash, and Flea but they are exclusive to NG+. They are considered as boss enemies but their power is just too good and is enough to carry each round of the Grand Slam by themselves.

Sprigg has a plethora of monsters to capture as her new transformations via Doppelgang. With these monsters, the mini-game becomes a cinch so if you're in no rush to complete the mini-game, try to get some additional monsters to make an easier run!

Grand Slam Rewards

Item Rewards

Rewards Effects
Stamina Belt Improves Stamina Recovery Rate.
Resistance Belt Decreases the time that status effect lasts.
Dreamer's Scarf Starts you off in battle with your Element Power increased by 1.

Complete to Recruit janice

Innate Element Red
Age 22 Origin S.S. Zelbess
Height 5'7" Weight 104 lbs.
Build Plumpish Dominant Hand Right-handed
A demi-human dedicated to training and fighting monsters aboard the S.S. Zelbes. She is very focused to only training and fighting, and only notices those who can best her in battle.

Janice is your main target for this mini-game. Once you beat her on all three rounds, she'll jump out of the stadium and ask to join your party. You can reject this offer and talk to her again later to recruit her again.

Janice Tech Skills, Weapons, and How to Recruit

What is the Grand Slam

A Mini-Game Challenge in S.S. Zelbess

To progress the game, you'll need to gain access to the Grand Slam to chase the elder of Marbule. In doing so, you'll also gain access to the mini-game by taking the ladder down nearby past the door where a guard is stationed.

S.S. Zelbess (Home World) Walkthrough

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