Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

How to Beat Time Devourer

Time Devourer Banner
The Time Devourer is the second to the last boss in Chrono Cross Remaster: The Radical Dreamers Edition. Read on to learn more information on the Element Order of the Time Devourer, its Abilities, item drops, and how to beat Time Devourer fast!

How to Beat Time Devourer

Switches Elements Six Times

Time Devourer Element Order
White → Yellow → Red → Green → Blue → Black → White

Fighting the Time Devourer can be one of the trickiest fights since it has a multitude of Elemental attacks and will be jumping from one Element to the next, starting and ending White.

However, it does follow an order so you can expect what will come right after and prepare accordingly.

Prepare High Level Abilities Per Element

Serge Tech Skill

Given that the Time Devourer will be jumping Elements, it goes without saying that this fight can last very long.

You can speed up its Elemental journey by using high-level Trappable Elements and Level 5 to 7 Tech Skills!

Using Field Elements to Your Advantage

You can further the damage of these attacks by casting Field Elements, such as Red Field, Blue Field, Green Field, and Yellow Field to take advantage of the perks of having a maxed out Field Effect.

Allocate Level 6 Traps and Level 5 Black and White Elements

Try to allocate Level 6 elements of every color to your characters. While the other colors are not a priority, we highly recommend getting the Level 5 Free Fall and Holy Light for it's black phase and an Ultra Nova Trap for it's final phase.

Time Devourer Uses a Level 6 Element on Its Last Turn Cycle

On Time Devourer's move cycles, it will use its element barrage set which varies depending on the transition phase's number. After its full cycle, it will launch an attack then use a level 6 element depending on its current element. If it's on its first transition, it will cast Thundastorm, Volcano on 2nd, etc. It will not cast level 6 elements again if it gets another turn after casting its level 6 element and will only proceed to use Omega “current color” during this phase and the next coming phases. Make sure to kill it before it gets another turn to make the fight easier.

Elements Used Varies Per Cycle and Transition Count

Time Devourer Phase Change

After the next transition, it will only cast level 2 elements starting from Red so its spell pool gets reduced by 1 in exchange for stronger elements which is why its Black and White phases are the strongest as it will only cast Free Falls and Holy Lights and Ultra Novas.

Transitions Elements
Phase 0 Physical Attacks Only
Phase 1 Uplift, Fireball, Bushwhacker, Aqua Beam, Gravity Blow, Photon Ray
Phase 2 Magma Bomb, Aero Saucer, Ice Lance, Hell Soul, Meteorite
Phase 3 Bushbasher, Aqua Ball, Gravitonne, Photon Beam
Phase 4 Ice Blast, Hell Bound, Meteor Shower
Phase 5 Free Fall, Holy Light
Phase 6 Ultra Nova

Time Devourer Boss Information

Time Devourer Stats and Item Drops

Time Devourer
Currently Unavailable
HP 2000 per form
Element (in order) White, Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, Black, and White
Attack 120 Defense 93
Mag Atk 30 Mag Def 45
Drops (Common) Earring of Hope
Steal (Common) Holy Light
Location Terra Tower

A Star Level (★) is earned from this battle.

Time Devourer Abilities

Elemental Attacks

Name Description
Photon Ray Shoots a bright laser beam at your opponent.
Uplift Cuts out and drops a block of stone on foe.
Bushwhacker Slices foe with a cloud of whirling leaves.
Aqua Beam Blasts foe with high-pressure water stream.
Fireball Hurl spheres of flames at enemy.
Fireball Hurl spheres of flames at enemy.
Gravity Blow Blows away foes with a ball of pure gravity.
Meteorite Drops a comet down on an unsuspecting foe's head.
Aero Saucer Throws blades of razor-sharp air to slice foe.
Ice Lance Hurls an icicle spear at unsuspecting foe.
Magma Bomb Launches a volley of fireballs at foes.
Hell Soul Attempts to remove the soul from foe's body.
Photon Beam Bombards enemy with an extra-powerful laser.
Bushbasher Encases foe in a cage of thorny bushes.
Aqua Ball Hurls a large sphere of water at your opponent.
Gravitonne Crushes foes with a supergravity field.
Meteor Shower Hurls several large asteroids at foes.
Ice Blast Freezes your foe in a cage of ice.
Hell Bound Sends your enemy on a trip to hell.
Holy Light Casts a holy light (annihilates undead).
Freefall Drops foe from the sky at supersonic speed.
Ultra Nova Causes an explosion of high-density energy.

Tech Skills

Name Description
Omega Yellow Yellow-innate attack on a single target.
Omega Red Red-innate attack on a single target.
Omega White White-innate attack on a single target
Omega Black Black-innate attack on a single target.
Omega Blue Blue-innate attack on a single target.
Omega Green Green-innate attack on a single target.

General Tips

Taking Advantage of Field Effects

Field Guide

This battle is a perfect example of using Field Effects to one's advantage.

It is highly recommended to monitor Field Effects as it can influence the damage you deal and receive to and from your foes.

How Do Field Effects Work?

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- - -

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