Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

Endings Guide: How to Get All Endings

This is a guide on how to get all 12 endings for Chrono Cross Remastered: The Radical Dreamers Edition. Read on to see the list of all endings, how to get the True Ending, and the Secret Ending exclusive to the Chrono Cross Remaster!

This guide lists all the endings for the Chrono Cross Remaster. There will be spoilers ahead!

How Many Endings Does Chrono Cross Have

2 Main Endings, 1 Remaster Ending, and 10 NG+ Endings

Ending How to Unlock
True Ending Use the Chrono Cross Against the Time Devourer (True Form).
Bad Ending Beat the Time Devourer (True Form) without using the Chrono Cross.
Programmer's Ending Complete the game without recruiting Poshul or talking to Leena at the start of the game.
General Kid Complete the game before infiltrating Viper Manor
The True Hero Defeat the Time Devourer while Kid is poisoned.
Alternate version with Kid being cured and Korcha's marriage dialogue resolved.
The Magical Dreamers Before completing Fort Dragonia with Nikki and Razzly in the party and Kid is healed.
New Beginnings After turning to Lynx.
Darkened Fate After Harle has left the party
Onward Dragoons After rescuing Riddel but not returning to Hermit's Hideout.
Career Change Complete the game after defeating Dario and before getting Serge's body back.
Return of the Downtrodden Defeat the Time Devourer after the appearance of Terra Tower.
Remaster Secret Ending Beat Chrono Cross and Radical Dreamers, then watch the credits (game selection menu) until the very end.

Aside from the True, Bad, and Remaster's New ending, the rest of the endings are only accessible in NG+. After your first playthrough, you get the Time Egg in your inventory which makes fighting the Time Devourer anytime possible.

New Game Plus Guide

True Ending

Use the Chrono Cross Against the Time Devourer (True Form)

Chrono Cross Element Order
Yellow → Red → Green → Blue → Black → White → End with Chrono Cross

With the Chrono Cross equipped on Serge, have your party cast the following Elements in the exact order during your battle with the Time Devourer (True Form).

Afterwards, have Serge cast the Chrono Cross Element, which would then end the fight, separating Schala from Lavos' body.

How to Beat Time Devourer (True Form)

Bad Ending

Defeat the Time Devourer Without the Chrono Cross

To get the bad ending, you simply have to break the rules of getting the True Ending by not following the Element order or even using the Chrono Cross and just straight up killing the Time Devourer (True Form).

How to Beat Time Devourer (True Form)

Programmer's Ending

Complete The Game With Zero Story Progression

After waking up from Serge's room, immediately complete the game. You must not recruit Poshul nor talk to Leena at the Pier, make sure to head straight to Opassa Beach and fight the Time Devourer. This will bring you to an alternate Viper Manor where all the characters are named after the developers and they share their experiences while developing the game.

Dream Dungeon Walkthrough

General Kid

Complete the Game Before Infiltrating Viper Manor

Before infiltrating Viper Manor, complete the game. Kid will see Serge and Honey (Leena) happy at Arni Village. She infiltrates Viper Manor and kills Lynx. She then takes the role of a General and leads Viper Manor.

Viper Manor (Another World) Walkthrough

The True Hero

The True Hero has two variants with both variants having Pierre, Solt, and Peppor on Fort Dragonia. Serge will also be working on the Element Shop in Termina.

Poisoned Kid Variant

If Kid has not been saved, she'll be at Viper Manor working as a Spy, it is also revealed that Norris is the one that gave Kid the Hydra Humour in this ending.

Guldove (Another World) Walkthrough

Cured Kid and Korcha Variant

If Kid has been cured by going to Hydra Marsh home world, she will appear after the dialogue between Leena and Lisa with some random talks about Lisa winning a beauty pageant and Kid not getting past the preliminaries. Korcha then enters and confesses to Kid but Kid leaves before he starts his monologue.

The Magical Dreamers

Complete the Game With Razzly and Nikki Before Fort Dragonia

With Kid, Razzly, and Nikki in the party. Complete the game before Fort Dragonia. You will be greeted with an opening banter of Lisa and Leena frantically looking for tickets to the concert. The concert will be made up of the original band with the addition of Serge, Kid, and Razzly as performers.

Hydra Marshes (Home World) Walkthrough

New Beginnings

After Gaining Lynx's Body, Complete the Game

Serge being in Lynx's body, starts a new life in Marbule together with Harle. He then gets offered the chance to become the new leader of the demi-humans. Meanwhile, Radius, Fargo, and Zappa corners Lynx in Serge's body in the sealed entrance of the Dead Sea.

Fort Dragonia Walkthrough

Darkened Fate

Complete The Game After Harle Leaves

Harle appears in Chronopolis attempting to stop Kid and Lynx (in Serge's body). The Record of Fate also turns black which alarms the villager in Arni Village. The scene then again, cuts out then shifts to Lynx being amused of finally becoming FATE.

The Dead Sea (Home World) Walkthrough

Onward Dragoons

Complete the Game After Rescuing Riddel But Not Returning to Hermit's Shack

After completing the game, The Acacia Dragoons, led by General Viper, fights Lynx and his army where they eventually corner him aboard the S.S. Zelbess. The scene then cuts in to Serge in Lynx's body and Harle together in Marbule where Kid finds them and tries to fight both of them with Harle ready to fight back.

Viper Manor Rescue (Another World) and Treasure Room Walkthrough

Career Change

Defeat Dario Before the Terra Tower Appears Then Complete the Game

If you defeat Dario and Terra Tower has not yet risen, the scene will cut to General Viper and Dario leading several kids in Viper Manor. A second part of the ending shows Lynx (in Serge's body), Kid, and Harle appear in Termina. They take a break in the Bar but they don't get enough money to pay for the drinks they took.

Forbidden Island (Home World) Dario Sidequest Walkthrough

Return of the Downtrodden

Defeat the Time Devourer After Terra Tower Appears

The Dragon God meets with the Sage of Marbule and the Dwarven Chieftain. The Dragon God commands them to wipe out the humanity in El Nido with the Dwarf being happy about the decision while the Sage ponders what the right thing to do is. The scene black out then transitions to Harle in Arni village, now populated by Demi-Humans. She takes some flowers and puts it on the tombstone in Cape Howl.

Terra Tower Walkthrough

Secret Ending (Radical Dreamers Remaster Exclusive)

Complete Radical Dreamers and The Main Game Then Watch the Credits

Beat Chrono Cross and Radical Dreamers regardless of ending, then select Credits at the game selection menu watch until the end without skipping.

Skipping the credits will have you miss the secret ending scene entirely, so watch away and let the credits do its thing!

How to Get the Remaster Exclusive Ending

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3 Anonymous7 months

This is incorrect (under How Many Endings Does Chrono Cross Have): Career Change Complete the game after defeating Dario and before getting Serge's body back. The first condition is correct, Dario must be defeated. The second is incorrect, it simply needs to be before Terra Tower goes up (can have either Lynx or Serge's body). Interestingly, the full description (under Career Change), correctly mentions the Terra Tower condition.


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