Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

Radical Dreamers Key Choices and Dialogue

Radical Dreamers Key Choices Banner
This is a list of all Key Choices and Dialogue for the main story of Radical Dreamers, a text-based game in Chrono Cross Remaster: The Radical Dreamers Edition. Read on to learn about every dialogue choices, the best dialogue choices to increase your relationship with Kid, and more!

Radical Dreamers All Key Choices and Dialogue

Pick a Section!
Entrance Clocktower Chamber of Death Study Atrium
Mouth of Truth Riddel's Room Lynx's Room Guard Room Dungeon
Kitchen Ballroom Endgame - -

Main Story Dialogue Choices

Manor Entrance


Prompt Choices
"We returned to the quiet terrace overlooking ther garden. And then..." I talked to Kid.
(Monitors relationship with Kid)
I talked to Magus.
(Monitors health)
We went back into the manor.

Clocktower Room


Prompt Choices
"What were we going to do?" Defiantly tell her she was right.
(Triggers healing prompt)
Play dumb.
Just pretend we didn't hear her.
Prompt Choices
Healing prompt
"With all the attention suddenly turned toward me, I panicked a little."
Alright, then. Please do.
(Heals Serge)
I'll manage.

Chamber of Death

Chamber of Death

Prompt Choices
"We've gotta do somethin' and fast! We don't have time to sit and think about this!" We tried to stop the ceiling!
(Instant death)
We tried to smash down the wall!
(Take damage)
We tried to barge the door down!
Prompt Choices
After getting the Einlanzer
"What!? How do you use a sword!?"
I plunged the sword into the ceiling!
(Take damage)
I plunged the sword into the ground!
I plunged the sword into Kid!
(Hurts relationship with Kid)



Prompt Choices
"They all seemed to be curios from foreign lands." I checked the desk.
I checked the bookshelves.
I checked out the paintings.
Prompt Choices
After previous choice
"Panicked, I whispered to Kid."
Hide behind the door! In the shadows!
Hide under the desk!
Prompt Choices
Getting the Vault Key The book with a purple cover in the far bookcase.



Prompt Choices
"I was brought to my senses by the dull slapping sound of piranadons hitting the floor." We rushed to the exit on the other side!
(Take damage)
We rushed back the way we came!
We stepped in to deal with the fish!
(Take damage)

Mouth of Truth

Mouth of Truth

Prompt Choices
After beating the Gob Squad. ...the hand-shaped plate.

Riddel's Room


Prompt Choices
"I decided where to look next..." I picked up the little box.
(Triggers scene with Kid)
I opened the chest of drawers.
(Hurts relationship with Kid)
I examined the bed.
(Hurts relationship with Kid)

Lynx's Room


Prompt Choices
Before visiting the Treasure Vault
"I decided to ask it about something that had been on my mind for some time."
I asked about Kid.
(Hurts relationship with Kid)
I asked about Magil.
(Clue to Vault Key)
Prompt Choices
After visiting the locked Treasure Vault
"Interesting... What should I ask it?"
I asked it where the key to the vault was.
I asked it where Lynx was.
I asked it about Kid's measurements.

Guard Room

Guard Room

Prompt Choices
"Magil calmly took a seat, ignoring the obvious suspicion in the air." I sat down next to Magil.
I looked to Kid.
Prompt Choices
"My eyes rested on the cup that had been poured for me." I drank the tea.
As much as I wanted the tea, I had to refuse.
Prompt Choices
"It seemed it would be up to me to respond." Here's our offer: Give us the key and you get to live.
I suppose that means you want something in return.
Prompt Choices
"It was a strange inquiry to make so casually." Well, if it comes down to it...

Manor Dungeon


Prompt Choices
First Visit
"Do you understand?"
I...think so...
Can you be a bit more specific?
Prompt Choices
"And how are we gonna do that? You want me to do a little dance for him or somethin', see if that gets his motor goin'?" Please, don't.
Prompt Choices
After getting the Acacian Signet
"The old man's head lolled as he limply allowed himself to be manhandled..."
I stepped between them and tried to stop her.
I asked Magil to make Kid stop.

Small Kitchen


Prompt Choices
"Looks like tomorrow's lunch. Wanna try some, Serge?" I was feeling hungry...
(Hurts relationship with Kid)
I respectfully declined.

Ballroom (Endgame)


Prompt Choices
"I felt a tender sting in my heart." What are you fighting?
We'll win, I promise.
(Strengthens relationship with Kid)



Prompt Choices
Underground Vault
"I had to ask the question that had been on my mind all this time."
What is the Frozen Flame?
Why do you want the Frozen Flame so badly?
Prompt Choices
Facing Lynx
"But what was I going to do!?"
I challenged Lynx!
(Take damage)
I ran to Magil!
I ran to Kid!
(Strengthens relationship with Kid)
Prompt Choices
"I swore I'd sacrifice anything to stop Lynx!" Don't worry about me!
(Bad ending if relationship with Kid is poor.)
Give him the Time Egg!
Prompt Choices
"She had no strength left to fight. What was I going to do!" I tackled Lynx!
I tried to protect Kid!
(Strengthens relationship with Kid)

Radical Dreamers Related Guides

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Radical Dreamers

Radical Dreamers Guides

All Radical Dreamers Guides
Story Walkthrough Endings Guide
All Key Choices and Dialogue List of Enemies
List of Controls -


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