Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

List of All Tech Skills

List of all Tech Skills
Tech Skills are special moves that characters and enemies can use in battle in Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers Edition. Here you can find an explanation of Tech Skills, how to unlock them, and a complete list of character and enemy Tech Skills including their level and user.

What are Tech Skills?

Techs are special moves that characters in Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers can do.

Like Elements, Techs have innate colors that match the Characters' innate color, however, techs are usually exclusive to the specific Character, or Enemy.

How to Unlock Character Tech Skills

Character Tech Skills can only be unlocked through progression in the game.

In the list of Character Tech Skills, you'll find Levels assigned to each and every single one.

To unlock them, you'll need to obtain a specific number of Star Levels or s.

Star Levels or s, are increased whenever you defeat a boss in the game. These are used to unlock more slots for Elements, as well as unlock the various Tech Skills.

Tech Skill Level Unlock Condition
3 Learned after 3 Star Levels
5 Learned after 15 Star Levels
7* Varies per character

Note: Some characters' Level 7 tech skills can only be unlocked via certain story actions.

List of All Tech Skills

Level 3 Level 5 Level 7
Double Triple -

List of All Character Tech Skills

Level 3 Tech Skills

Tech Skill User Effect
Beat It Janice IconJanice Beat enemy with your trusty bunny-drum.
Big Deal Sneff IconSneff Swiftly and forcefully throw your pack of cards.
Bottoms Up Macha IconMacha A hip-drop that makes foe the "butt" of jokes.
Cat's Cradle Marcy IconMarcy Pierce the enemy with your secret strings.
Clothesline Greco IconGreco Charge with outstretched arm to knock foe flying.
Cough Drop Draggy IconDraggy Cough up a little breath of fire.
Dash & Gash Glenn IconGlenn Build up momentum for a stronger slash attack.
Dash & Slash Serge IconSerge Charge at foe for extra-powerful blade strikes.
Direa Shadow Steena IconSteena Summon the eidolon of the last Shrine Maiden.
Dragon Rider Zoah IconZoah Jump from your steed to do an elbow-crush dive.
Dragon Rider Karsh IconKarsh Jump on your dragon to make a charge attack.
G-Force Viper IconViper Utilize gravity's pull to swing sword harder.
Glide Hook Lynx IconLynx Slice opponent as you gently fly past him.
Grand Finale Nikki IconNikki Break beloved guitar on foe at performance's end.
Hammer Blow Zappa IconZappa Beat the earth to rattle your foe.
Head Bopper Miki IconMiki A dance that's bound to make heads turn!
Head Butt Korcha IconKorcha Swim in the air and dive head-first at opponent.
High Five Doc IconDoc Throw your weapons high in the air.
Juggler Vein Skelly IconSkelly Use special juggling balls to pound foes.
Jump Throw Van IconVan A Tech Skill learned from a correspondence course.
K9-Ball Poshul IconPoshul Curl up into a ball and bounce at foe.
Long Shot Radius IconRadius Hit foe from afar with "Chi" aura.
Lumber Jack Funguy IconFunguy Make like a woodcutter and chop foe to pieces.
Maiden Hand Leena IconLeena A real slap in the face to body and soul.
Medalsome Pierre IconPierre Pray upon the legendary Hero's Medal for help.
Moon Beams Harle IconHarle Use lunar energy to create blades of light.
Multipunch Orlha IconOrlha A chain attack inherited by a single child.
Pilfer Kid IconKid Attempt to steal your opponent's treasure.
Pillage Fargo IconFargo Plunder opponent's treasure.
Pin-Up Girl Luccia IconLuccia Practice the pinning of a specimen on your foe.
PopPopPop NeoFio IconNeoFio Shoot forth a barrage of flower seeds.
Pounce Pip IconPip Hurl body at foe with all one's might.
Pounce Pip IconPip Hurl body at foe with all one's might.
Pounce Pip IconPip Hurl body at foe with all one's might.
Pounce Pip IconPip Hurl body at foe with all one's might.
Raz-Star Razzly IconRazzly Catch a falling star.
Rock Throw Leah IconLeah Hurl huge boulders at opponent.
Rocket Fist Grobyc IconGrobyc Shoot off left arm to punch a foe in the face.
Snake Eyes Riddel IconRiddel Use the power of White Cobra to heal your party.
Snatch Mel IconMel Steal your opponent's possessions.
Spice Of Life Orcha IconOrcha Scatter secret spice to make party healthy.
Spiral Ray Norris IconNorris Shoot a twisting ray of aura from your pistol.
Star Light Starky IconStarky Call on Starman Guardian to do special attack MK1.
Vege Chopper Turnip IconTurnip Leap in air and put all force behind massive cut.
Voodoo Dance Mojo IconMojo Perform a mystic dance that curses your foe.
Wanda In Guile IconGuile Teleport magic wand into foe's innards.
Water Breath Irenes IconIrenes Exhale a powerful blast of salt water.

List of All Character Tech Skills

Level 5 Tech Skills

Tech Skill User Effect
24 Carrots Janice IconJanice Bounce carrots off drum as true "BeaterCarotene". Deals Red-innate damage.
Air Force Viper IconViper Make huge blades of thin air and hurl them at foes. Deals Yellow-innate damage.
Axial Axe Karsh IconKarsh Send aura into axe and throw it in a circle. Deals Green-innate damage.
Balloon Loan Skelly IconSkelly Boost your strength by blowing a magic balloon. Increases attack power while restoring HP.
Cannon Balls Fargo IconFargo Call for support fire from the S.S. Invincible. Deals Blue-innate damage to all foes.
Cart Wheel Mojo IconMojo Turn into a living Catherine wheel. Deals Black-innate damage to all foes.
Chill Out Nikki IconNikki Play a cool tune that'll freeze your worst critic. Deals Blue-innate damage and can cause Frozen status.
Cough Mix Draggy IconDraggy Cough up a fireball, then beat wings to magnify it. Deals Red-innate damage to all foes and can cause Confuse status.
Doggy Dunnit Poshul IconPoshul Kick up the dirty stuff from pooch's sandbox. Deals Yellow-innate damage to all foes.
Doodle Mel IconMel Use your opponent as a piece of drawing paper. Deals Yellow-innate damage and can cause Dizzy status.
Doppelgang Sprigg IconSprigg Transforms herself into a previously met foe. Skillset will vary depending on the tranformed foe.
Feral Cats Lynx IconLynx Invokes a pack of magic cats to attack. Deals Black-innate damage to all foes.
Flip-flop Greco IconGreco Do a gymnastic lead up to a spinning drop kick. Deals Red-innate damage.
Foiled Again Pierre IconPierre Gracefully score a double touch on foe. Deals Blue-innate damage.
Folding Macha IconMacha Handle foe as if you're folding laundry. Deals Red-innate damage.
Gnarly Doc IconDoc A chiropractic attack that crushes a foe's bones. Deals Red-innate damage.
Gyronimo Zoah IconZoah Fly like a helicopter to make a spinning dive. Deals Yellow-innate damage and can cause Dizzy status.
Hair Cutter Grobyc IconGrobyc Power up cybrog hair to generate a laser saber. Deals Black-innate damage to all foes and can cause Curse and Darkness status.
Hammer Throw Zappa IconZappa Spin like a top to knock foes flying. Deals Red-innate damage to all foes.
Hook & Sinker Korcha IconKorcha Snag a foe on fishing line and reel it in. Deals Blue-innate damage.
HP Shuffle Sneff IconSneff Reorder the digits that make up your HP value.
Hydra Shadow Steena IconSteena Summon the eidolon of a Hydra. Deals White-innate damage to all foes.
Luminaire Serge IconSerge Build up and release a burst of "chi" energy. Deals White-innate damage to all foes and can cause Fatigued status.
Maiden Heart Leena IconLeena Virgin's prayer to recharge Elements' power. A Blue-innate skill that can allow used Elements to be used again.
MerMelody Irenes IconIrenes Play a tune on your harp to heal a party member.
Mix & Match Luccia IconLuccia Chemical compound causes multiple status effects.
Moon Shine Harle IconHarle Use lunar energy to protect your party. Decreases magic defense while raising physical defense of the entire party.
Mystery Menu Orcha IconOrcha Turns your foe into the main course. Deals Red-innate damage and uses it to restore HP.
Punch Drunk Orlha IconOrlha Drunken Master attack taught by her parents. Deals Blue-innate damage and can cause Confuse status.
Quick Draw Radius IconRadius Swing your staff faster than the eye can see. Deals Green-innate damage.
Raz-Heart Razzly IconRazzly A gift from the heart. A Green-innate skill that heals a single ally.
Red Pin Kid IconKid Throw a whole bunch of daggers at once. Deals Red-innate damage to all foes.
Sexy Wink Miki IconMiki A lusty look that'll make any foe go gaga. A Red-innate skill that can cause Confuse status.
SlurpSlurp NeoFio IconNeoFio Send out tendrils to soak up foe's HP. Deals Green-innate damage and uses it to restore HP.
Snake Skin Riddel IconRiddel Use the power of White Cobra for protection. Decreases magic defense while raising physical defense of a single ally.
Sonic Sword Glenn IconGlenn Tech Skill taught to him by his big brother. Deals Green-innate damage.
Soothe Pip IconPip Gently calm party to restore stamina and HP.
Spore Cloud Funguy IconFunguy Shoot a cloud of spores from the mushroom cap. Deals Yellow-innate damage.
Star Burst Starky IconStarky Call on Starman Guardian to do special attack MK2. Deals White-innate damage to all foes and can cause Asleep status.
String Phone Marcy IconMarcy Send a cold signal down your secret string line. Deals Blue-innate damage to all foes and can cause Flu status.
Sun Shower Norris IconNorris Fire aura in the air to cause a rain of bullets. Deals Yellow-innate damage to all foes.
Tail Spin Leah IconLeah Swirl tail around to create a tornado attack. Deals Green-innate damage.
Vege Might Turnip IconTurnip Burrow into ground to do uppercut from below. Deals Green-innate damage.
Wanda Swords Guile IconGuile Turn magic wand into swords that stab foe. Deals Black-innate damage.
Wet Paint Van IconVan Throw artist's paintpots all over the place. Has the ability to change the Field Effect color at random.

List of All Character Tech Skills

Level 7 Tech Skills

Tech Skill User Effect
Axiomatic Karsh IconKarsh Spin axe around to build up power for final blow.
Balls of Iron Zappa IconZappa Like playing golf with an adrenaline rush.
BamBamBam NeoFio IconNeoFio Gather roots into one limb to slam foe down.
Big Breath Draggy IconDraggy Breath attack with help of Mother Dragon's ghost.
Big Catch Korcha IconKorcha A special lure to catch the big one that got away.
Canon Cannon Pip IconPip Uses a canon to blast himself at a selected target.
Dance On Air Miki IconMiki Dance in the sky while attacking with air-waves.
Dinner Guest Orcha IconOrcha Invites the cook to show his other face.
Dirty Dishes Macha IconMacha One angry mama lets anything fly!.
Dive & Drive Glenn IconGlenn Pierce for from above and finish with a kick.
Flag Bearer Viper IconViper Raise the national flag to raise the fighting spirit.
Flying Arrow Serge IconSerge Focus energy on Swallow and hurl yourself at foe.
Forever Zero Lynx IconLynx All things become eternal nothingness.
Garai Shadow Steena IconSteena Summon the eidolon of Garai.
Grave Digger Greco IconGreco Do a body slam from the top of a magic tombstone.
Hang Ten Doc IconDoc Pray for ocean rains to heal your friends.
Heaven Calls Pip IconPip Just give your opponent a gentle poke.
Hell'sFury Pip IconPip Do the "wild thing" and go into a hellish rage.
Hoodoo Guroo Mojo IconMojo Lift foe with nail, then drop while spinning.
Hot Shot Kid IconKid The Death-blow machine invented by Lucca.
Invincible Fargo IconFargo The forbidden deathblow unleashed from within.
Lightnin Rod Guile IconGuile Charge magic wand with lightning to zap foe.
Lime Light Nikki IconNikki Play some heavy metal that'll shake your toes.
Lunalretic Harle IconHarle Create a lunar eclipse that causes destruction.
Maiden Faith Leena IconLeena Virgin's prayer for the power of self-revival.
Myconoids Funguy IconFunguy Release an army of mini-mushrooms onto your foe.
On A Roll Skelly IconSkelly Hop on a huge beach ball and run over for with it.
Piggy Boink Van IconVan Set your precious piggy bank onto your foe.
Pounce+4 Pip IconPip Hurl body at foe with all one's might.
Raz-Flower Razzly IconRazzly Protect friends with flower power.
Siren Song Irenes IconIrenes Play a tune on your harp to beat foes with waves
Sister Hoods Orlha IconOrlha An inherited technique performed by two sisters.
Slap Of Cyrus Pierre IconPierre A deathblow borrowed from the tough guy Cyrus.
Snake Fangs Riddel IconRiddel White Cobra's powers will recharge some Elements.
Star Struck Starky IconStarky Call on Starman Guardian to do special attack MK3.
Strong Arm Grobyc IconGrobyc A secret weapon banned by the Porre Army.
Sword Trick Sneff IconSneff A new magic trick, the likes of which have never been seen before!
Tantrum Mel IconMel Stamp on ground so hard it causes quakes.
Test Ameba Luccia IconLuccia Let foe be a test-host for a new parasitic amoeba.
Top Shot Norris IconNorris Fires a concentrated ball of aura energy.
Toss & Spike Zoah IconZoah Throw foe high in air, then beat him back down.
Triple Kick Leah IconLeah Leap up and kick from three different directions.
Unleashed Poshul IconPoshul Unlock dog collar to unleash pooch power!
Veg Out Turnip IconTurnip A secret power he doesn't talk about...
Vital Energy Radius IconRadius Send waves of "Chi" aura flying at foe.
Web Surfer Marcy IconMarcy Weave secret strings to cut out a wave of rocks.
What's Up Doc Janice IconJanice Concentrate all energy on drumming foe sky-high.

List of All Character Tech Skills

Double Tech Skills

Tech Skill Effect
Double Take
checkmark.png checkmark.png

A Red-innate combo attack against a single target, that requires the powers of Pilfer (Kid) and Snatch (Mel) to perform.
Draggy Rider
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A Yellow-innate combo attack on a single target, that requires the powers of BigBreath (Draggy) and TripleKick (Leah) to perform.
Dragon Spike
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A Green-innate combo attack on a single target, that requires the powers of DragonRider (Karsh) and Toss&Spike (Zoah) to perform.
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A Red-innate combo tech that temporarily increases the stats of all allies, that requires the powers of DanceOnAir (Miki) and LimeLight (Nikki) to perform.
Pitch Black
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A Black-innate combo attack on all enemies, that requires the powers of StrongArm (Grobyc) and TopShot (Norris) to perform.
Sword Storm
checkmark.png checkmark.png

A Black-innate combo attack against a single target, that requires the powers of WandaSwords (Guile) and SwordTrick (Sneff) to perform.
Tossed Salad
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A Green-innate combo attack on a single target, that requires the powers of BamBamBam (NeoFio) and VegOut (Turnip) to perform.
Vital Force
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A White-innate combo attack on a single target, that requires the powers of VitalEnergy (Radius) and AirForce (Viper) to perform.
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A Red-innate combo attack on a single target, that requires the powers of Dash&Slash (Serge) and Dash&Gash (Glenn) to perform.

List of All Double Tech Skills and How to Unlock

Triple Tech Skills

Tech Skill Effect
Delta Force
checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png

A White-innate triple attack on all enemies, that requires the powers of Luminaire (Serge), MaidenFaith (Leena), and Raz-Flower (Razzly) to perform.
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A Blue-innate triple attack against a single enemy, that requires the powers of FlyingArrow (Serge), RedPin (Kid), and DashSlash (Sprigg that turned into Slash using Doppelgang) to perform.

List of All Triple Tech Skills and How to Unlock

List of All Enemy Tech Skills

Tech Skill User
Acac.Breath Dragoon
Acacia Blade Acacia SGT
Acidic Gas Wingapede
Attack All Gremlin
Back Drop Taurusoid
Bad Breath Green Dragon
Bat Beam Combat
Bayonet Gun Porre PVT
Bayonet Plus Porre SGT
Bazooka PolisPolice
Beaten Earth Cybot
Bite Mama Dingo
Black Rain Man-At-Arms
Body Press Taurusoid
Body Slam Gurgoyle
Bombs Away Fossicker
Breath Mama Komodo
Bright Eyes Fossicker
Brimstone Fire Dragon Part 2
Bug Kamikaze Roachester
Bug Swatter Prey Mantis
Catastrophe Green Dragon
Charge! Taurminator
Choke Slam Taurusoid
Cold Breath Roachester
Conducta Rod Dario
Crash Pulse Luxator
Cross Cut Solt
Crunch Out Tyrano
Dark Beam Alphabat
Dark Breath (Dark Dragon) Dark Dragon
Dark Breath (Dead Head) Dead Head
Dark Energy Fate
Dark Mist Wraith
Dash & Gash Dario
Dash Slash Slash
Death Saucer Lantern Jaw
Death's Odor Dead Head
Devil Thunda Bunyip
Devour Quadffid
Diminish Dead Head
Element Shot Hi-Ho Tank
Exhaust Gas Highwayman
Feral Cats (Dark Serge) Dark Serge
Fiery Breath Fire Dragon Part 2
Fire Breath Mini Fire Dragon
Flame Knock Ketchop
Flame Sword RedMoaman
Flap Polly
Fly Low Mantarrey
Forever Zero (Dark Serge) Dark Serge
Giddy Breath Earth Dragon
Glide Hook Dark Serge
Gnash Googhoul
Gnaw Bones Hot Doggity
Go Ballistic Combot
Goo Gloop
Gooey Goo Giant Gloop
Gravity Bomb Black Dragon
Gunner Getya Combot
Happy Wave Pyrotor
Heart Color Geos
Heat Ray Fate
Hexahitter Pentapus
Hi-Ho Chorus Hi-Ho Dwarves (Hydra Marshes)
Hi-Ho Dwarves (Water Dragon Isle)
Hi-Ho War Cry Hi-Ho Dwarves (Hydra Marshes)
Hi-Ho Dwarves (Water Dragon Isle)
High Beam Gizmotoid
Holy Breath Sky Dragon
Holy Dragon Sword Miguel
Hot Edge Guillot
Hypnosis Shadow Cat
Ice Breath Water Dragon
Ice Sword BlueMoaman
Ice Tongs Spearfisher
Jitter Bug Roachester
Jump Start Sidesteppa
Jurasic Beat Prehysteric
Just4Kicks Lagoonate
Kissy-Wissy SunOfAGun
Lava Breath Lava-Boy
Lava Rush Lava-Boy
Lunge Dragoon
Make Waves Beachbum
Max Defense Ozzie
Megaton Fist PolisPolice
Mode Change SunOfAGun
Multistab Sidesteppa
Natural Gas Earth Dragon
Needle Work (Puffy) Puffy
Needle Work (Scorpiod) Scorpoid
Null State Sky Dragon
Omega Black Gravitor
Time Devourer
Omega Blue Aquator
Time Devourer
Omega Green Anemotor
Time Devourer
Omega Red Pyrotor
Time Devourer
Omega White Luxator
Time Devourer
Omega Yellow Terrator
Time Devourer
Owl Eyes Whoot
Paper Moon Paper Boy
Pea Shooter Drongo
Peck Dodo
Pepporbox Peppor
Plasmabeam (Cytoplasm) Cytoplasm
Plasmabeam (Ectoplasm) Ectoplasm
Poison Gas Wingapede
Power Dive Airframe
Putrid Odor Hydra
Rage Pyrotor
Rampage Highwayman
Raydiation Starky
Repair Hi-Ho Tank
Hi-Ho Dwarves (Water Dragon Isle)
Sadness Wave Pyrotor
Shadow Shadow Cat
Sic'em Bubba Dingo
Slash All Cupoid
Slime YellowBelly
Sonic Sword (Boss Tech) Dario
Spin Off Rockroach
Spirits Down Hydra
Spirits Up Hydra
Squirt Gun Gerridae
Komodo Pup
Mama Komodo
Stinger Prey Mantis
Storm Blow Acacia PVT
Suck Blood Gobledygook
Suicide Bomb Bomber
Summer Solt Solt
Surf's Up Beachbum
Sword Dance Crossbones
Take In Giant Gloop
The Old 1-2-3 Cassowaries
The Stare Flea
Toxic Breath Green Dragon
Toxic Burst Potpourri
Triple Cut Garai
Triple Fist Cat Burglar
Tsunami Beam Water Dragon
Twin Turbo King Moaman
Vary Innate Chamellion
Vortex Royal Jelly
Wallop SnibGoblin
Wave Of Fear Hydra
White Breath Sky Dragon
Whop Pentapus
Will Breaker Garai
Wind Slash Slash

List of All Enemy Tech Skills

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