Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

Arni Village (Home World) Walkthrough

Arni Village Home Chrono Cross Remaster
Arni Village (Home World) is one of the main quest areas in Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers that you visit as part of the story. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, list of items, enemies, and more!

Previous Quest Next Quest
Dream Dungeon Cape Howl (Home World)

Arni Village (Home World) Overview

Basic Information

# 2: Arni Village (Home World)
Arni Village (Home World) Walkthrough Chrono Cross Remaster
Awaken from your dream to explore your home! Your girlfriend, Leena is waiting for you.
Enemies encountered: Items:
No Enemies are encountered here. Secret Savings, Shellfish Frame, Komodo scale, Shark Tooth, Ivory Helmet, & Heckran Bone
Tablet, PhotonRay, Uplift, AquaBeam, & Cure

Recruitable Characters

Character Recruitment Guide
PoshulPoshul Find the Heckran Bone under the bed in the room above the restaurant in Arni Village (Home World), and present it to Poshul. Otherwise, she will automatically join your party in Arni Village (Another World) after defeating Karsh, Solt, and Pepper and choosing not to have Kid join your party.

Arni Village (Home World) Map, Items, and Elements

Arni Village (Home World) Map

View Full Map Image

Obtainable Items and Elements

Area Items and Elements
A 200G
B Komodo Scale - Speak to the fisherman and choose the option "You're probably right"
Shellfish Frame
C Uplift
Ivory Helmet
D Shark Tooth
E Photon Ray
F Aqua Beam
G -

Arni Village (Home World) Walkthrough

Wake Up
Serge will wake up to find that everything was just a dream and will be informed that he is supposed to meet his girlfriend, Leena!
Learn Basic Combat (Optional)
By leaving the village center at the far left exit, you'll find Radius giving lessons on combat. Fighting him will begin a more detailed tutorial on Combat and Element usage! You can also enter Radius' hut to learn about Records of Fate.
Speak to Leena
Head towards the pier to find Leena. She'll ask for your help in trapping and killing Komodo Pups for scales at Lizard Rock. Note that the Komodo Scale that you already have will not count towards the 3 needed.
4 Head to the World Map
Leave the docks and head to the eastern exit, this will bring you to the world map. Now head west! We recommend stopping by Cape Howl before approaching Lizard Rock!
Previous Quest Next Quest
Dream Dungeon Cape Howl (Home World)

Tips and Strategies

Recruit Poshul

Heckran Bone Location Chrono Cross Remaster

If you wish to recruit Poshul early, all you will need to do is head towards the back room in the restaurant. There you will find a bed where the Heckran Bone is hidden.

Select the Heckran Bone from your Inventory

Offer the Heckran Bone to Poshul!

Take this to Poshul and offer it up to recruit Poshul into your party! We highly recommend you do this to make the Lizard Rock much easier to traverse.

Poshul Tech Skills, Weapons, and How to Recruit

Snag the Shark Tooth

You won't be able to come back here for a while once the story progresses, so be sure to snag the Shark Tooth from the Firsherman in the basement!

You will need this item to recruit Mojo later on!
Mojo Tech Skills, Weapons, and How to Recruit

Obtainable Items and Elements



Secret Savings

Secret Savings Chrono Cross Remaster
When Serge wakes up, look under the bed for some extra money! This will amount to 200G.

Komodo Scale

Komodo Scale Arni Village Chrono Cross Remaster
Leaving Serge's house, there will be a man to the very far left. Talk to him about Sawfish and agree with him to get a Komodo Scale.

Shellfish Frame

Merchant Arni Village Chrono Cross Remaster
At the center of the village is a merchant who sells Elements and forges weapons. Search her cart for a Shellfish Frame.

Shark Tooth

In the second house to the right of the village center, you'll find a man in the basement. Talk to him to receive the Shark Tooth.

Ivory Helmet

Ivory Helmet Chrono Cross Remaster
Head to the backroom of the restaurant and examine the chest here to receive an Ivory Helmet.




Tablet Location Arni Village Chrono Cross
To the left of Serge's bed, you should find a Tablet Element hidden in a pot here.


Uplift from Kid Chrono Cross Remaster
On the other side of the village center is a child who will want a Komodo Scale. Give it to him to receive an Uplift Element.

Uplift Barrel Arni Village Chrono Cross Remaster
You can also snag another by talking to the barrel in the restaurant four times.

Aquabeam and Cure

AquaBeam Location

Cure Location

Near Poshul, search the bucket outside the hut to find the AquaBeam Element before heading inside to examine the wall scroll to find the Cure Element.

Photon Ray

Photon Ray Chrono Cross Remaster
In the house, overlooking the dock, you can find a Photon Ray by the bucket at the edge of the water.



No Bosses are encountered here.

Regular Enemies

No enemies are encountered here.

Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers Related Guides

Story Walkthrough Partial.png
Full Story Walkthrough List

Story Walkthrough (By Location)
1 Dream Dungeon 2 Arni Village (Home World)
3 Cape Howl (Home World) 4 Lizard Rock (Home World)
5 Opassa Beach (Home World) 6 Lizard Rock (Another World)
7 Arni Village (Another World) 8 Cape Howl (Another World)
9 Fossil Valley (Another World) 10 Termina (Another World)
11 Viper Manor Bluffs (Another World) 12 Viper Manor Gates (Another World)
13 Shadow Forest (Another World) 14 Viper Manor (Another World)
15 Guldove (Another World) 16 Termina After Viper Manor (Another World)
17 Viper Manor Aftermath (Another World) 18 Hydra Marshes (Another World)
19 Hydra Marshes (Home World) 20 Hermit's Hideaway (Another World)
21 S.S. Invincible (Another World) 22 Water Dragon Isle (Another World) Walkthrough
23 Water Dragon Isle (Home World) 24 Mount Pyre (Another World)
25 Fort Dragonia (Another World) 26 Dimensional Vortex
27 Return to Arni (Home World) 28 Termina (Home World)
29 Shadow Forest (Home World) 30 Viper Manor Ruins (Home World)
31 El Nido Triangle (Home World) 32 Sky Dragon Isle (Home World)
33 Earth Dragon Isle (Home World) 34 Marbule (Home World)
35 S.S Zelbess (Home World) 36 Death's Door (Home World)
37 Hermit's Hideaway (Home World) 38 Isle of the Damned (Home World)
39 The Dead Sea (Home World) 40 Occupied Termina (Another World)
41 Viper Manor Rescue (Another World) 42 Return to Hermit's Hideaway
43 Isle of the Damned (Another World) 44 Return to Hydra Marshes (Another World)
45 Return to Guldove (Another World) 46 Saving Marbule (Home World)
47 Return to Water Dragon Isle (Home World) 48 Cleared Earth Dragon Isle (Home World)
49 Gaea's Navel (Home World) 50 Return to Mount Pyre (Another World)
51 Marbule (Another World) 52 Sky Dragon Isle (Another World)
53 Return to Earth Dragon Isle (Another World) 54 Forbidden Island (Home World)
55 Fort Dragonia (Home World) 56 The Sea of Eden
57 Chronopolis 58 Divine Dragon Falls (Another World)
59 Orphanage on Fire (Another World) 60 El Nido Triangle (Another World)
61 Terra Tower 62 Darkness at the End of Time Walkthrough


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