Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

Best Characters by Element

This is a guide to the best characters of each Innate Element in Chrono Cross Remaster: The Radical Dreamers Edition. There are many characters in the game and each has their own specialties, innate elements, weapons, stat growth, and unique synergies with each other so read on to see the best characters to have in your party and maximize your party's potential!

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Best Characters By Element

Spoilers Alert! Be wary of reading through the list as there are several characters that are relevant to the game's storyline that new players may not expect to be recruitable. Read at your own risk!

Best White Element Characters


Serge IconSerge ・Main Protagonist of the game
・Can wield the Mastermune which makes Serge unstoppable

The game's main protagonist and will be in your party for the majority of the game. He can wield the strongest weapon in the game and with proper support, can obliterate nearly all the bosses in the game singlehandedly.


Starky IconStarky ・Offense focused statline
・Can obtain a unique gun weapon that can be wielded by Starky himself or given to other gun-wielding characters

Starky is a mandatory character to recruit for the game's storyline but at the same time, is also a character that you can recruit pretty early on. He comes with good tech skills and can even obtain a special gun which can be given to other gun users if you don't plan to use Starky.

Best Blue Element Characters


Fargo IconFargo ・Physical focused statline
・Comes with a Pillage ability which can net some strong accessories later in the game

Comes with the Pillage skill which is important to net some strong accessories like the plates from the dragons as well as other goodies. He also comes with high physical damage but this all comes at a cost of a slower stamina recovery compared to other characters.


Leena IconLeena ・High magic damage
・Can refill elements and even revive herself in battle

A tech skill that functions both as an offensive buff and a self-revive coupled by high magic stat makes Leena a really strong mage to add to your party. Unfortunately, physical damage dealers are much more efficient to use in the game but her self buff is too good to pass up on.

Best Green Element Characters


Karsh IconKarsh ・Strongest green character overall without special setup
・Comes with a high HP and defense stat as well

Going by flat numbers alone, Karsh is easily the best green innate character in the game. His high stats across the board with decent Tech Skills are just too good to pass up.


Glenn IconGlenn ・Can dual-wield two Einlanzers (1) (2) which makes him far stronger than Karsh
・Dual tech skill X Slash with Serge which makes it available at nearly all points of the game

Glenn is the actual best green character if set up right. Glenn is a unique character that can wield two Einlanzers which greatly empowers him and shoots him up as one of the strongest characters not just for the green element but for the entire game's roster.

Best Yellow Element Characters


Leah IconLeah ・One of the hardest hitting characters available
・Dual Tech with Draggy, one of our best Red characters

High physical damage and can combo with Draggy, one of the fastest characters available just makes Leah our best yellow innate character. Be wary of her low magic defense and play accordingly to this weakness.


Norris IconNorris ・High damage and accuracy
・Wields guns and can get a good weapon early on from Starky's mini-quest if you don't plan to have Starky in the party

High accuracy stat and damage. Norris is a fan favorite of being one of the best yellow innate character for good reason. Aside from the aforementioned pros, he can also be equipped with a fun gun you can obtain from Starky's quest. The only downside for Norris is his lackluster tech skills and magic stat.

Best Red Element Characters


Kid IconKid ・Pilfer allows you to net some nice items
・Comes with some usable dual and triple techs

Kid is a major character in the game that can be met early on. She comes with the pilfer skill that can net you some items (although most of the good items are obtained later on). She can use the Z Slash triple tech with Serge and Sprigg as well but unfortunately, she's unavailable for a large part of the game which may make her unappealing to consider having in your roster.


Draggy IconDraggy ・Insane stamina recovery rate
・Comes together with a beefy statline to survive some damage

High damage and high stamina recovery makes Draggy a really good character to have around. The only disadvantage for Draggy is its low evasion but with enough beefiness, this won't really be an issue.

Best Black Element Characters


Harle IconHarle ・Insanely good statline
・ Can buff party's defense and magic defense

Harle has buffs and insane Tech Skills that come with several slots for elements to equip. Harle is one of the best characters in the game but is only available for a short period of time.


Grobyc IconGrobyc ・High HP, defense, and physical attack damage

Grobyc is your beat-em-up black innate character. He doesn't come with a large amount of element slot and magic damage but that's not the reason to have him in your party. If you need someone to hit hard and hit harder, Grobyc is a character to consider.

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