Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

Classroom and Exam Questions and Answers

Persona 3 Reload - Quizzes and Exam Answers

Class and Exams Questions are recurring activities in Persona 3 Reload (P3R) that are part of your school life and require to be answered correctly. Check out our guide for the correct answers to every classroom recitation and exam question in the game!

Persona 3 Reload - Jack Frost icon.pngAuthor Notes These are all the class and test answers in Persona 3 Reload. The correct answers will be marked with a star (✦). The dates for exam questions will be in red.

April Classroom Answers

4/8 What phrase symbolizes summer?
"A rain of flowers."
"Mystical mirage."
"Vivid carp streamers." ✦
4/18 The places where people dumped their waste in the Jomon period—what are they called nowadays?
Middens ✦
4/27 Do you know which one's not an algebraic spiral or whatever?
A. ✦

May Classroom Answers

5/6 What do you call the device that helps generate electric power for trains?
A pantograph ✦
A piston
A master controller
5/13 Which tool did he use in his experiments?
The hourglass.
The pendulum. ✦
The planisphere.
5/15 What's the other name for "May sickness"—the more casual one?
May Days
May Blues ✦
Moody Blues

May Midterm Exam Answers

5/19 What is the other common expression used to describe "May sickness"?
May Blues ✦
Moody Blues
May Days
5/20 Which of the following did Léon Foucault use in his experiment on the rotation of the Earth?
A magnet
A tuning fork
A pendulum ✦
A vacuum tube
5/21 Which of the following is generated by a pantograph?
Frictional heat
Electricity ✦
Cold air
5/22 During which historical period were middens most commonly used?
Jomon ✦

June Classroom Answers

6/15 Which phrase means, "able to see things for what they really are"?
Keen eye. ✦
Mean eye.
Bright eyes.
6/22 What else do people call this curve?
Orthogonal curves.
Fermat's spiral.
Witch of Agnesi. ✦
6/25 What's it called when the air bubbles in a whirlpool bath hit you and make your body vibrate?
The anchor effect.
The flutter effect. ✦
The bubble jet phenomenon.
6/29 What form of natural magic is used to find water sources?
Dowsing. ✦

July Classroom Answers

7/3 "Thou shalt not recite such a tale of this world before the princess..."
(H-Hey, lend me a hand here. What kinda tale was he talkin' about?)
About a peaceful world.
About public opinion.
About romance. ✦
7/8 Find the comma splice:
"Because it is 10:30 right now, we will not reach the theater in time, it's already started, to my dismay."
Between "now" and "we."
Between "time" and "it's." ✦
Between "started" and "to."
7/9 At the same time, a serious problem arose for the farmers. Do you remember what that was?
Land invasion.
Environmental destruction.
Social disparity. ✦
7/10 What is the esoteric study of Jewish texts called?
Kabbalah. ✦
7/11 Now, what do you that item was? It's something every samurai needs!
The katana. ✦
The rifle.

July Finals Exam Answers

7/14 What form of natural magic was used to find water sources?
Dowsing ✦
7/15 How did the Witch of Agnesi gain the first half of its name?
The shape is bewitching.
Its enchanting formula.
An error in translation. ✦
A witch invented it.
7/16 Who designed the prototype of the katana?
Taira No Masakado ✦
Yoshinobu Tokugawa
Prince Shotoku
Hojo Tokimune
7/17 There is an error in this sentence, what kind is it?
Incorrect apostrophe
Comma splice ✦
Missing subject

August Classroom Answers

No Classes on August

August is a month dedicated to the game's summer break. Most social links are unavailable at this point in time and classroom activities are also unavailable.

August Walkthrough and Activities Guide

September Classroom Answers

9/1 Which property of electricity is relevant to superconductivity?
Resistance ✦
9/10 H-Hey, do you know what it means to "spill the beans"?
To drop money.
To break into a smile.
To reveal a secret. ✦
9/11 Which book helped further the art of magic during the Renaissance?
Book of Enoch.
The Book of Thoth.
The Hermetica. ✦
9/14 Who is one referring to when speaking of their "better half"?
Their soulmate. ✦
Their rival.
Their mentor.
9/26 What is the collective name for the four holy numbers in numerology?
Tetractys. ✦

October Classroom Answers

10/7 Which hormone is the one in your brain that provides a sense of achievement?
Dopamine. ✦
10/10 Who was the founder of Theosophy, a group that gave rise to many other magical
Eliphas Levi.
Helena Blavatsky. ✦
Aleister Crowley.
10/19 We used the number "zero" a lot. Do you know where it originally came from, though?
India. ✦
10/22 Which Roman goddess has been theorized as the namesake for the month of April?
Venus. ✦
10/26 But there's one region that instead calls it "the month with gods," because that's where they all go? Do you know which one it is?
Izumo. ✦
10/30 A certain enzyme brings out the sweetness in them when they're baked. Do you happen to know what it is?
Beta amylase. ✦

October Midterm Exam Answers

10/13 The hormone dopamine is related to our sense of accomplishment. Name a symptom of its over-production.
Excessive ego
Addiction ✦
Apathy Syndrome
10/14 Who is considered by many to be the first numerologist, whose name lives on today in a mathematical theorem?
Pythagoras ✦
10/15 What happens when electrical resistance reaches zero? Hint: It was the word I used to confess my love to someone...
Superconductivity ✦
10/16 What is the meaning of the phrase "to spill the beans"?
To be noisy
To break into a smile
To reveal a secret ✦
To clarify your point

November Classroom Answers

11/7 What is the ancient Indian magical text I mentioned today?
The Upanishads. ✦
The Mahabharata.
The Ramayana.
11/12 What was she describing with such a sparse line?
Her favorite time in winter. ✦
The setting of the plot.
Instructions for the reader.
11/30 In the poem that Genji, the protagonist, sends to her, what did he compare her to?
The cherry blossom. ✦
A cat.
The hydrangea.

December Classroom Answers

12/7 What's the name of the stratospheric layer of molecules comprised of three oxygen atoms?
The ozone layer. ✦
The ionoshpere.
The homosphere.
12/9 What sorcery was Himiko said to have used?
Kido. ✦
12/11 Do you know which of the following is an irregular plural noun? (Did you catch what she said? Do you know the answer?)
Lives. ✦

December Finals Answers

12/14 Which of the following originated in India?
The number zero ✦
Imaginary numbers
System of linear equations
12/15 When heated, the beta-amylase enzymes in sweet potatoes react with the starch present to produce which disaccharide?
Maltose ✦
12/16 Which Roman goddess has been theorized as the namesake for the month of April?
Venus ✦
12/17 In The Tale of Genji, who does Hikari Genji compare to cherry blossoms?
Onna San no Miya
Lady Fujitsubo
Murasaki-no-Ue ✦
12/18 Which of the following words is not in the correct plural form?
Geeses ✦

January Classroom Answers

1/8 “The new year is the index of a journey to a certain place.” Where is this “certain place” he's referring to?
One's hometown.
One's second life.
The underworld.✦
1/18 I've mentioned two Greek sorceresses. One was Medea. Who was the other?

Persona 3 Reload Classroom and Exam Overview

What are Class and Exams?

Persona 3 Reload - Quizzes and Exam Answers - Quiz

Classroom pop quizzes and exams are recurring school activities in the Persona franchise that will present players with questions that require the correct answers.

While it does not have a direct effect to how the story progresses, it is a vital opportunity for you to increase your Social Stats, most prominently your Academics. Increasing these Social Stats will affect your overall gameplay, including your Romance options.

All Romance Options

Classroom Recitations are On the Spot

Much like in real life, quizzes are questions presented by teachers to the Protagonist on the spot during class.

These questions are likely related to the topic being discussed. Answering it correctly will increase your Academics, but can also impress your peers, increasing your Charm as well.

Exams Questions are Consecutive

Exams on the other hand are much more premeditated. You can even check your calendar to see when your tests are due. Exams will go on for three consecutive days or more, and each day will require you to answer several questions in succession.

Most of these questions are related to topics previously discussed and classroom questions previously asked.

Exam Top 1 Rewards

Persona 3 Reload - Quizzes and Exam Answers - Raise Social Stats
Answering test questions correctly will grant great boons to your Social Stats, especially when you find out that you're at the top of your class by the time exam results are released. In addition to the stat boosts, you also receive a reward from Mitsuru, which is typically a set of incense that you can use to increase the stats of your Persona.

Flunking your exams will either not result in any stat progression or have adverse effects. Either way, you should see these progressions reflect on your Academics and may even affect your Charm as well!

Social Stats Guide

Persona 3 Portable Answers

Jump to a Section
April May June
July September October
November December January
Koromaru AttentionAttention! This section currently uses information based on Persona 3 Portable.


4/8 Who did I say was my favorite author?
Zenzou Kasai.
Utusubo Kubota. ✦
Fuyuhiko Yoshimura.
4/20 What was the style of houses in the Jomon period called?
Mud huts. ✦
Elevated houses.
4/27 Do you know when numbers were invented?
10,000 years ago.
6,000 years ago. ✦
4,000 years ago.


5/6 What do you call water without much calcium and magnesium?
Hard water.
Soft water. ✦
Natural water.
5/13 How fast would you say the Earth rotates near the equator?
About 420 km/hour.
About 850 km/hour.
About 1,700 km/hour. ✦
5/15 One of the items on the menu for the family is "pan." How would you translate this to English?
Bread. ✦
5/19 How would you translate pan in English?
Bread ✦
5/20 How fast does the Earth rotate near the equator?
Faster than sound ✦
As fast as sound
Slower than sound
Slower than an airplane
5/21 What's the name for water high in calcium and magnesium?
Hard water. ✦
Soft water.
Mineral water
Natural water
5/22 Where is the Kitora Tomb located?
Nara ✦


6/15 Fill in the blank with the appropriate conjunction: It rained all last week, __ it'll rain again today.
And... ✦
6/17 What formed the origins of magic?
Shamanism. ✦
6/22 Which of these is NOT known as a devilfish?
Manta rays.
Jellyfish. ✦
6/25 Which form of natural magic was used to look for water sources?
Dowsing. ✦
6/29 Which way does the swirl go in the northern hemisphere?
It can go either way. ✦


7/3 But there's one thing you might not know about Murasaki Shikibu... And that's the way in which her achievement is recognized worldwide.
The Nobel Prize.
The Global Heritage Pavilion. ✦
Honorary WHO membership.
7/8 Which of these phrases is incorrect?
I failed; it's over now.
I failed, it's over now. ✦
I failed. It's over now.
7/9 What law served as a foundation for the development of feudalism?
The Sanze Isshin no Hou.
The Konden Einen Shizaihou. ✦
The Goseibai Shikimoku.
7/10 What is the mystical study of Jewish texts?
Kabbalah. ✦
7/11 What title did Taira No Masakado claim for himself?
Imperial Prince. ✦
7/14 What form of natural magic was used to find water sources?
Dowsing ✦
7/15 Some Europeans call this creature "devilfish" and refuse to eat it?
Octopus ✦
7/16 Who established the Kamakura shogunate?
Taira No Masakado
Minamoto No Yoritomo ✦
Ieyasu Tokugawa
Masamune Date
7/17 Which is an example of a comma splice?
I went, I learned. ✦
I went, but I slept.
I was bored, but I passed.
I'm smart, so I don't study.


9/1 What do you call the phenomenon when electrical resistance is zero?
Superconductivity. ✦
Absolute Zero.
The Quantum Hall Effect.
9/10 What do we say after we eat?
Gochisou-sama. ✦
9/11 Which book helped further the art of magic during the Renaissance?
The Book of Enoch.
The Book of Thoth.
The Hermetica. ✦
9/14 Which of these is NOT one of Japan's prohibitions on nuclear weapons?
Can't produce
Can't let others produce ✦
Can't allow into Japan
9/26 What is the collective name for the four holy numbers in numerology?
The Tetrodotoxin.
The Tetrakarn.
The Tetractys. ✦


10/7 Okay, new question. Do you know why a matador's capote is red?
To excite the audience. ✦
To excite the bull.
To hide the blood.
10/13 What is the number one source of stress for women?
Children ✦
10/14 Who founded numerology?
Moses ✦
10/15 What is superconductivity?
Zero friction
Zero electrical resistance
Zero frequency ✦
Zero vulnerability
10/16 The Ohnin War was one of the two incidents that triggered the Sengoku era. Which was the other?
Taika Reform
War of Masakado
Coup of Meiou ✦
Incident at Honnouji


11/7 As Sei Shounagon once said, Fuyu wa tsutomete...I'm sure you know what that means, Makoto.
Winter mornings are pleasant. ✦
Winter is a calm season.
We work hard in winter.
11/12 What is the ancient Indian magical text I mentioned today?
The Upanishads. ✦
The Mahabharata.
The Ramayana.
11/30 But do you think the men did these things?
They plucked their eyebrows.
They colored their teeth.
They did both. ✦


12/7 Which allotrope is formed by three oxygen atoms?
Ozone. ✦
Dry ice.
12/11 However, there are some irregular plural forms too.
Cacti. ✦
12/14 What year did the Battle of Dan-no-ura begin?
1185 ✦
12/15 Which element is found in ozone?
Oxygen ✦
12/16 Which rule relates to Lorentz Force?
Left-hand rule ✦
Pavlov's Law
Werner's Law
Kepler's Law
12/17 Translate the following: "Fuyu wa tsutomete."
Work during the winter.
Winter is a calm season.
Winter mornings are pleasant. ✦
We work hard in winter.
12/18 Which plural is formed correctly?
Cacti ✦
12/21 What sorcery was Himiko said to have used?
Kido. ✦
12/22 What is the feeling of happiness in a near-death experience called?
Euphoria. ✦


1/8 Of the three phrases I've written on the blackboard, tell me... Which one is correct?
Its wrong.
It's wrong. ✦
Its' wrong.
1/18 I mentioned two Greek sorceresses. One was Medea; who was the other?
Circe. ✦

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7/3 "Thou shalt not recite such a tale of this world before the princess..."
(H-Hey, lend me a hand here. What kinda tale was he talkin' about?)
About a peaceful world.
About public opinion.
About romance. ✦
7/8 Find the comma splice:
"Because it is 10:30 right now, we will not reach the theater in time, it's already started, to my dismay."
Between "now" and "we."
Between "time" and "it's." ✦
Between "started" and "to."
7/9 At the same time, a serious problem arose for the farmers. Do you remember what that was?
Land invasion.
Environmental destruction.
Social disparity. ✦
7/10 What is the esoteric study of Jewish texts called?
Kabbalah. ✦
7/11 Now, what do you that item was? It's something every samurai needs!
The katana. ✦
The rifle.
7/14 What form of natural magic was used to find water sources?
Dowsing ✦
7/15 How did the Witch of Agnesi gain the first half of its name?
The shape is bewitching.
Its enchanting formula.
An error in translation. ✦
A witch invented it.
7/16 Who designed the prototype of the katana?
Taira No Masakado ✦
Yoshinobu Tokugawa
Prince Shotoku
Hojo Tokimune
7/17 There is an error in this sentence, what kind is it?
Incorrect apostrophe
Comma splice ✦
Missing subject


9 Anonymousabout 1 year

Whoever wrote this is a dumbass. Wrong AF answers.

8 Anonymousabout 1 year

Bro multiple of these answers are just straight up wrong, did you use chatgpt to get these? Use google


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