Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

Yukari Takeba Profile, Characteristics and Skills

Persona 3 Reload - Yukari

Yukari is a character in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). Read on for details on Yukari's character profile and voice actor, her Persona, Characteristics, Skills, how to start Yukari's Social Link, and whether or not you can romance her.

Yukari Related Guides
Persona 3 Reload - YukariCharacter Profile Persona 3 Reload - Lovers Social LinkSocial Link

Yukari Profile and Voice Actor

Character Overview


JP Voice Actor
Marina Inoue
EN Voice Actor
Heather Gonzales

JP Voice Actor
Marina Inoue
EN Voice Actor
Heather Gonzales

A second-year at Gekkoukan High School and a classmate of the Protagonist. Her cheerful personality and good looks attract many admirers, but beneath the pleasantries, she's rather headstrong and aloof.

Yukari's Role in Combat

She utilizes her skills from the archery club to draw her bow in battle. Her unique Persona is Io, specializing in wind and healing skills.

Yukari Persona

Lovers - Io

Persona 3 Reload - Starts Out with Io, then Isis

Yukari's Persona is Io of the Lovers Arcana, and has a strong affinity to healing and Wind.

Evolution - Isis

After maxing out Yukari's Social Link, she undergoes a Second Awakening in which her Persona transforms into a more powerful form that is able to learn more powerful abilities.

Yukari's final Persona is Isis, the Egyptian goddess of healing and magic.

List of Characters

Skill List

List of Skills
Garu Garula Garudyne
Magaru Magarula Magarudyne
Dia Diarama Diarahan
Media Mediarama Mediarahan
Recarm Samarecarm Sukunda
Masukunda Masukunda Patra
Me Patra Wind Break Pulinpa
Poison Mist Wind Amp Cyclone Arrow
Amrita Drop Amrita Shower Tranquility

List of All Skills

Yukari Theurgy

Yukari Theurgies
Cyclone Arrow • Deals severe Wind damage to 1 foe, ignoring resistances.
Tranquility • Next magic attack will deal more than double the damage for all allies.

Theurgies are powerful skills unique to each party member and can turn the tides of battle heavily in your favor. A party member may learn more than one Theurgy skill.

Cyclone Arrow

Yukari sends out an arrow that deals devastating Wind damage to a single opponent, ignoring whatever resistances they may have against it.


Yukari stills the party's minds and helps them focus, resulting in an extremely high boost to the DMG of your allies' next magic attacks!

Theurgy Skills Guide

Yukari Characteristics

Yukari Takeba Characteristics
Healing Master Reduces the SP cost of recovery skills to 50% of their normal SP cost.
Healing Apex Reduces the SP cost of recovery skills to 25% of their normal SP cost.

Yukari's Characteristics amplify her healing and restorative capabilities—a direct reflection of her Theurgy mechanic in which her Theurgy gauge fills up whenever she heals a teammate.

Characteristic: Healing Master

Persona 3 Reload - Yukari Characteristics - Healing Master

The SP cost of Yukari's restorative spells will be cut by half, enabling her to cast them more often during battle.

Characteristic Evolution: Healing Apex

Persona 3 Reload - Yukari Characteristic - Healing Apex
The SP cost of Yukari's restorative spells will be reduced further to only a quarter of its original value. This will enable her to cast even the most powerful of healing spells without sacrificing space for offense.

All Team Characteristics

How to Start Yukari's Social Link

Get Maximum Rank in Charm

Persona 3 Reload - Get Maximum Rank in Charm

In order to start Yukari's Social Link, you must have the maximum rank (Charismatic) in Charm.

You can find her at Classroom 2F on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays starting July 24th after the trip to Yakushima.

Lovers (Yukari) Social Link Guide

Can You Romance Yukari?

You Can Romance Yukari

Persona 3 Reload - You Can Romance Yukari
Yukari is romanceable once you start her Social Link and have chosen the correct dialogue options at each Social Link event.

All Romance Options

Persona 3 Reload Related Guides

Persona 3 Reload - Characters
List of Characters

All Characters

S.E.E.S. Members
ProtagonistProtagonist YukariYukari JunpeiJunpei
AkihikoAkihiko MitsuruMitsuru ShinjiroShinjiro
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Strega Members
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