Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

Koromaru Profile, Characteristics and Skills

Persona 3 Reload - Koromaru

Koromaru is a character in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). Read on for details on Koromaru's character profile and voice actor, his Persona, Characteristics, Skills, how to start Koromaru's Social Link, and the activities you can do with him.

Koromaru Profile and Voice Actor

Character Overview


JP Voice Actor
Shinya Takanashi
EN Voice Actor

JP Voice Actor
Shinya Takanashi
EN Voice Actor

A dog who awakens to the power of Persona after a tragic event. Since his original owner—the priest of the dorm's neighboring Naganaki Shrine—had passed away, the protagonist and friends take him in as a full-fledged member of SEES.

Koromaru's Role in Combat

In battle, he wields a knife in his mouth. His unique Persona is Cerberus, specializing in dark skills.

Koromaru Persona

Strength - Cerberus

Persona 3 Reload - Starts Out with Cerberus

Koromaru's Persona is Cerberus of the Strength Arcana, the giant three-headed dog that guards the gates of the Underworld in Greek Mythology. Cerberus has a strong affinity to Darkness.

Unlike most party members, Koromaru's Persona will not evolve . Cerberus will remain by his side all throughout the game.

List of Characters

Skill List

List of Skills
Maragion Maragidyne Mudoon
Mamudo Mamudoon Masukukaja
Revolution Virus Breath Getsu-ei
Tempest Slash Fire Amp Eiga
Maeigaon Eigaon Maeiga
Hound of Hades Dark Amp Soul Shift
Debilitate Power Howling

List of All Skills

Koromaru Theurgy

Koromaru Theurgies
Hound of Hades • Deals severe Dark damage to 1 foe, ignoring resistances.
Power Howling • Next physical attack will deal more than double the damage for all allies.

Theurgies are powerful skills unique to each party member and can turn the tides of battle heavily in your favor. A party member may learn more than one Theurgy skill.

Hound of Hades

Koromaru's affinity to darkness manifests and deals crippling Dark DMG to a single foe, bypassing any resistance they may have against it.

Power Howling

Koromaru lets out a battle howl, dramatically increasing the next physical attack each party will do on their following turns.

Theurgy Skills Guide

Koromaru Characteristics

Koromaru Characteristics
Auto Sukunda • Lowers Accuracy/Evasion of 1 random foe for 3 turns when a battle starts.
Auto Masukunda • Lowers Accuracy/Evasion of all foes for 3 turns when a battle starts.

Koromaru's Characteristics, along with his affinity for Darkness, opts to debilitate and weaken enemies. These characteristics will make for easier battles in the long run.

Characteristic: Auto Sukunda

Persona 3 Reload - Koromaru Characteristic - Auto Sukunda

A single random foe will have their Accuracy/Evasion lowered automatically at the start of battle and will last for 3 turns. This will come in especially handy if your Personas and teammates have high Luck and Accuracy, which will result in more frequent Critical Hits.

Characteristic Evolution: Auto Masukunda

Persona 3 Reload - Koromaru Characteristic - Auto Masukunda
As soon as a battle commences, all foes will have their Accuracy and Evasion decreased for 3 turns, making them all susceptible to taking DMG and even Critical Hits!

All Team Characteristics

Activities with Koromaru

Pet Koromaru at the Dorm

Persona 3 Reload - Pet Koromaru

Understandably, Koromaru does not have a Social Link you can start. The Social Link for the Strength Arcana is with Yuko, a sporty fellow student at Gekoukkan High.

Instead, you can pet Koromaru whenever you're in the dorm! Simply approach and interact with him to start rubbing his ears!

Strength (Yuko) Social Link Guide

Brush Koromaru

Persona 3 Reload - You can also brush Koromaru

Aside from petting Koromaru, you can also lay him on the couch and brush his fur to keep him healthy and entertained!

Persona 3 Reload Related Guides

Persona 3 Reload - Characters
List of Characters

All Characters

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