Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

List of All Unlockable Outfits and Costumes

There are many different outfits that characters can dress themselves to in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). Learn more about all costume sets, exclusive costumes for characters as well as how to equip these outfits.

All Outfits and Costumes

List of Outfits
Unisex Male Female Protagonist
Yukari Junpei Akihiko Mitsuru
Aigis Koromaru Ken Shinjiro

Unisex Outfits

Costume Showcase
Uniform and Armband
SEES Uniform

Male Outfits

Costume Showcase
Male Summer Garb
Male Winter Garb
Male Uniforms (S)
Male Uniforms (W)

Female Outfits

Costume Showcase
Female Uniforms (W)
Female Winter Garb
Female Uniforms (S) We are still trying to get a good picture of the outfits. Please stay tuned for updates.
Female Summer Garb

Protagonist Exclusive Outfits

Costume Showcase
Blue Shorts
Gekkoukan Jersey

Yukari Exclusive Outfits

Costume Showcase
Battle Panties
Pink Bikini
Yukari's Maid Outfit

Junpei Exclusive Outfits

Costume Showcase
Junpei's Tuxedo
Red Short

Akihiko Exclusive Outfits

Costume Showcase
Bicolor Shorts We are still trying to get a good picture of the outfits. Please stay tuned for updates.

Mitsuru Exclusive Outfits

Costume Showcase
Sexy Armor
Mitsuru's Maid Outfit

Aigis Exclusive Outfits

Costume Showcase
Infiltration Suit

Koromaru Exclusive Outfits

Costume Showcase
Winged Dog Suit

Ken Exclusive Outfits

We are still researching for information regarding exclusive costumes for this character. Please stay tuned for more updates!

Shinjiro Exclusive Outfits

Costume Showcase
Aragaki's Tuxedo

How to Equip New Outfits

Change Outfits from the Menu

Persona 3 Reload - Change Party Equipment

It is confirmed that characters can change their outfits by accessing the menu in Persona 3 Reload. We can assume that you can change your outfits for characters by accessing the Equip option in the Menu.

What Are Outfits?

Costumes Changes Character's Appearance

Outfits are equipable cosmetics that can change how your characters can look while exploring and in battle. This does not affect your battle performance and is purely cosmetic. Changing outfits has been a staple of the franchise ever since the original version of Persona 3.

Persona 3 Reload Related Guides

Persona 3 Reload Partial Banner

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Persona 3 Reload - Tips and Tricks Related Guides BannerTips and Tricks Persona 3 Reload Partial Banner- BossesBosses
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Persona 3 Reload - Outfit Partial.pngOutfits Persona 3 Reload - Items Partial.pngItems


2 Anonymous4 months


1 Anonymous11 months

Korumaru has a tuxedo outfit.


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