Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

Fuuka Yamagishi Profile, Characteristics and Skills

Persona 3 Reload - Fuuka Yamagishi Profile and Voice Actor

Fuuka is a character in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). Read on for details on Fuuka's character profile and voice actor, her Persona, Characteristics, Skills, how to start Fuuka's Social Link, and whether or not you can romance her.

Fuuka Related Guides
Persona 3 Reload - Fuuka Yamagishi Profile and Voice ActorCharacter Profile Persona 3 Reload - Priestess Social LinkSocial Link

Fuuka Profile and Voice Actor

Character Overview


JP Voice Actor
Mamiko Noto
EN Voice Actor
Suzie Yeung

JP Voice Actor
Mamiko Noto
EN Voice Actor
Suzie Yeung

A quiet and calm second-year at Gekkoukan High School. Less upstanding students take advantage of her timidness, turning her into a bullying target.
As a result of the bullying, she gets trapped within the Dark Hour and has to be rescued by the Protagonist and his friends. This experience leads her to awaken to the power of Persona and decide to join SEES herself.

Fuuka's Role in Combat

Her strengths lie in data collection and analysis, allowing her to support the team from the sidelines. Her unique Persona is Lucia.

Fuuka Persona

Priestess - Lucia

Persona 3 Reload - Starts Out with Lucia, then Juno

Fuuka's Persona is Lucisa of the Priestess Arcana, and functions as the primary Navigator of the S.E.E.S.

Evolution - Juno

Fuuka Skill

Lucia evolves into Juno as you progress through October, specifically on the 10/20. This is Fuuka's second awakening, and you only need to reach this date to unlock Juno.

List of Characters

Skill List

List of Skills
Full Analysis Oracle Escape Route
Tartarus Search Shock Noise Sylphid Aura

List of All Skills

Fuuka Theurgy

Fuuka Theurgies
Oracle • Grants 1 random positive effect to all allies.
Revelation • Grants 1 random enhanced positive effect to all allies.

Theurgies are powerful skills unique to each party member and can turn the tides of battle heavily in your favor. A party member may learn more than one Theurgy skill.


Fuuka unleashes her Persona's power to provide vital support to the entire party, bestowing a random stat buff to all members.


Much like Oracle, Fuuka sends out a wave of buffs to the entire party. However, the buffs she bestows will be enhanced, leading to more powerful attacks!

Theurgy Skills Guide

Fuuka Characteristics

Fuuka Yamagishi Characteristics
Weakness Buffer Reduces damage taken when an ally's weakness is struck.

Fuuka's Characteristics futher enhance her role as the support of the team regarding Strengths and Weaknesses, which plays well with her Theurgy mechanic in which constant analysis of affinities will cause her meter to fill up faster.

Characteristic: Weakness Buffer

Persona 3 Reload - Fuuka Characteristic - Weakness Buffer

All DMG taken by teammates when their weaknesses get hit will be reduced.

All Team Characteristics

How to Start Fuuka's Social Link

This section uses information based on Persona 3 Portable.

Get Maximum Rank in Courage

Persona 3 Reload - Get Maximum Rank in Courage
In order to start Fuuka's Social Link, you must have the maximum rank (Badass) in Courage. You can find her at the second floor outside the bathroom starting June 15 on Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays.

Priestess (Fuuka) Social Link Guide

Can You Romance Fuuka?

You Can Romance Fuuka

Persona 3 Reload - You Can Romance Fuuka
Fuuka is romanceable once you start her Social Link and have chosen the correct dialogue options at each Social Link event.

All Romance Options

Is Fuuka Playable?

Not Playable, Main Navigator of the Party

Persona 3 Reload - Not Playable, Main Nav of the Party

Fuuka serves as the main navigator of the party and is not playable in battle scenes. However, her function has grown in Persona 3 Reload as she is now able to use her Persona to support the party in both exploration and battle!

Persona 3 Reload Related Guides

Persona 3 Reload - Characters
List of Characters

All Characters

S.E.E.S. Members
ProtagonistProtagonist YukariYukari JunpeiJunpei
AkihikoAkihiko MitsuruMitsuru ShinjiroShinjiro
KenKen KoromaruKoromaru AigisAigis
FuukaFuuka P3R Episode Aigis - Metis Icon.pngMetis
Strega Members
TakayaTakaya JinJin ChidoriChidori
Other Characters
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Persona 3 Reload - ShujiShuji


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