Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

December Walkthrough and Activities Guide

Persona 3 Reload - December Walkthrough
This is a walkthrough for the month of December in Persona 3 Reload (P3Reload). Read on to see a day-to-day guide to the December schedule, the best social links to pursue, the best social stats to raise, and the best days to clear Tartarus!

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December Activities and Social Link Walkthrough

Arcanas to Bring for December

Empress Emperor Temperance
Star Sun -

December Daily Schedule

December 1 After School Activity
Linked Episode: Ryoji Linked Episode 3
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Watch a DVD with Yukari 3 (Charm ✦)
Characteristic: Healing Apex on Yukari
December 2 After School Activity
Social Link: Empress Social Link 3
P1: Sometimes my own ignorance truly astounds me...
A1: Why not give it a try? (✦✦)
P2: Maybe he’s just maturing…
A2: Are you happy? (✦✦✦)
P3: It's the most peculiar feeling.
A3: Maybe you're anxious. (✦✦)
P4: Sorry for subjecting you to my thoughtless ramblings… Just forget I said anything.
A4: I heard nothing. (✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Tend the Garden with Junpei
December 3 Evening Activity
Dormitory Computer: Use Dating Site Note on Bunkichi and Mitsuko (Hierophant ✦✦)
December 4 After School Activity
Requests: Accept Request 97 then talk to the Eccentric Man in Iwatodai Station Strip Mall to get a Santa Hat and Christmas Present
Social Link: Empress Social Link 4
P1: In just a short while, we'll be looking back on these days with nostalgia.
A1: Did something happen? (✦✦)
P2: What does marriage mean to you?
A2: It’s all for love. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Brush Koromaru 2
December 5 After School Activity
Social Link: Empress Social Link 5
P1: It seems a lot of thought goes into the design and construction of a movie theather.
A1: Glad you enjoyed it. (✦✦✦)
P2: She’s likely more suited to riding a motorcycle than I am, as well.
A2: A motorcycle? (✦✦✦)
P3: I don't regret it. Even now, I spend my time tuning it whenever I can.
A3: Let’s go for a ride. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Gardening: Harvest Golden Tomatoes and plant another one
Dormitory Computer: Use Dating Site Note on Nozomi (Moon Social Link ✦✦)
December 6 Day-time Activity
Tanaka: Buy Hogyoku Apple set (Optional)
Social Link: Sun Social Link 10
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Brush Koromaru 3
Characteristic: Auto Masukunda on Koromaru
December 7 Morning Activity
Morning Class:
Question: What's the name of the stratospheric layer of molecules comprised of three oxygen atoms?
Answer: The ozone layer. (Charm ✦)
After School Activity
Social Link: Empress Social Link 6
P1: ......
A1: Need some help? (✦✦)
P2: This is the best solution for everyone involved...
A2: I didn't know... (✦✦)
P3: So... I won't run from my fate.
A3: I'll do something about it. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dormitory Computer: Use Muscle Boot Camp
December 8 After School Activity
Social Link: Empress Social Link 7
P1: Or... is that too selfish a request?
A1: I don't mind at all. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Walk with Koromaru (Justice Social Link ✦✦✦)
December 9 Morning Activity
Morning Class:
Question: What sorcery was Himiko said to have used?
Answer: Kido. (Charm ✦)
After School Activity
Social Link: Empress Social Link 8
P1: Talking to you has become something of an outlet for me. Heh, I'm sure you're sick of it by now.
A1: Vent all you want. (✦✦)
P2: Ah... Keep in mind, this is a what-if scenario.
A2: That's up to you. (Romance Flag)
P3: So... I won't run from my fate.
A3: I'll do something about it. (✦✦✦)
P4: How dare you say that!?
A4: Don't insult her father! (✦✦✦)
P5: Please excuse me.
A5: Don't give in. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Group Study: Study with Koromaru and Ken (Optional)
December 10 Morning Activity
Messages: Elizabeth will inform you that Tartarus has now expanded
After School Activity
Social Link: Empress Social Link 9
P1: I am so sorry about what happened last time.
A1: It made me happy. (✦✦✦)
P2: ...I feel like I'm going to die of embarrassment.
A2: I love you too. (Romance Start)
Evening Activity
Dormitory Computer: Use Part-time Master
December 11 Day-time Activity
Afternoon Class:
Question: Did you catch what she said? Do you know the answer?
Answer: Lives. (Charm ✦)
After School Activity
Social Link: Empress Social Link 10
Evening Activity
Group Study: Study with Akihiko and Mitsuru (Optional)
December 12 Morning Activity
Morning Class: Stay awake (Academics ✦)
After School Activity
Social Link: Hierophant Social Link 10
P1: We asked them to go ahead and cut the persimmon tree down.
A1: But.. why? (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Linked Episode: Akihiko Linked Episode 4
December 13 Day-time Activity
Tanaka: Buy Victory Headband set (Optional)
Social Link: Star Social Link 10
P1: Hey... Glad we could meet up one more time before I take off.
A1: You're leaving today? (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Group Study: Study with everyone (Optional)
December 14 Whole-Day Activity
Question: Which of the following originated in India?
Answer: The number zero
December 15 Whole-Day Activity
Question: When heated, the beta-amylase enzymes in sweet potatoes react with the starch present to produce which disaccharide?
Answer: Maltose
December 16 Whole-Day Activity
Question: Which Roman goddess has been theorized as the namesake for the month of April?
Answer: Venus
December 17 Whole-Day Activity
Question: In The Tale of Genji, who does Hikaru Genji compare to cherry blossoms?
Answer: Murasaki-no-Ue
December 18 Whole-Day Activity
Question: Which of the following words is not in the correct plural form?
Answer: Geeses
December 19 Morning Activity
Exams: Last day of exams
After School Activity
Linked Episode: Junpei Linked Episode 4 (Courage ✦)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Walk with Koromaru (Magician Social Link ✦✦)
December 20 Day-time Activity
Tanaka: Buy Pink Duffle Coat set (Optional)
Gardening: Harvest Golden Tomatoes and plant another one
Social Link: Moon Social Link 10
Evening Activity
Dormitory Computer: Use Sengoku Chronicles
December 21 Day Activity
Exam Scores: Top scorer (Charm ✦✦)
Afternoon Class: Stay Awake (Academics ✦)
After School Activity
Exam Reward: Talk to Mitsuru to get Master Incenses and a Phoenix Charm
Social Link: Priestess Social Link 10
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Read a novel with Mitsuru 3
Characteristic: Ailment Burst on Mitsuru
December 22 Morning Activity
Messages: Elizabeth will inform you that there are missing people in Tartarus
Morning Class:
Question: What do we call the feeling of joy that comes from a near-death experience?
Answer: Euphoria. (Charm ✦)
After School Activity
Social Link: Temperance Social Link 8
P1: When my uncle sees this, I know he'll agree with me about how great Nihon is!
A1: He'll definitely agree! (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Linked Episode: Ken Linked Episode 4
December 23 Day-time Activity
Draw Fortune: Draw a Fortune for Bebe (Temperance Social Link ✦✦)
Evening Activity
Before Tartarus: Get a Rarity Fortune from the Fortune-Teller in Club Escapade
① Rescue the missing person in the 209th and 221st Floors
② Have 100'000+¥ (Including Materials and Consumables) and be Level 74+
③ Reach Floor 226th
④ Clear the Monad Passage Bosses on Floor 225th (Optional)
⑤ Have an Emperor, Temperance, Fortune, and Aeon Persona
December 24 Morning Activity
Morning Class: Stay awake (Academics ✦)
After School Activity
Christmas Eve: Have a date with your lover on Christmas Eve (You can decline and choose to progress the Fortune Social Link)
December 25 After School Activity
Police Station:
① Sell all materials
② Get rewards from rescuing the missing people
Social Link: Chariot Social Link 10
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Watch a DVD with Ken 2 (Courage ✦)
December 26 Morning Activity
Morning Class: Stay awake (Academics ✦)
After School Activity
Social Link: Lovers Social Link 10
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Watch DVD with Akihiko 2
December 27 Day-time Activity
Tanaka: Buy Ruby set (Optional)
Part-time: Work at Screenshot
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Make Coffee with Ken 3
Characteristic: Spirit Refresh on Ken
December 28 Day-time Activity
Part-time: Work at Be blue V
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Make Tea with Mitsuru 2
December 29 Day-time Activity
Part-time: Work at Screenshot
Evening Activity
Part-time: Work at Chagall Cafe
December 30 Day-time Activity
Part-time: Work at Screenshot
Evening Activity
Part-time: Work at Chagall Cafe
December 31 Day-time Activity
Part-time: Work at Screenshot
Evening Activity
Good Ending: Spare Ryoji and stay as is
Bad Ending: Kill Ryoji and forget everything
Linked Episode: Ryoji Linked Episode 4
Social Link: Fool Social Link 10 and Judgement Social Link 1

December Classroom Answers

Classroom Answers

Date Question
December 7 Q: What's the name of the stratospheric layer of molecules comprised of three oxygen atoms?
A: The ozone layer.
December 9 Q: What sorcery was Himiko said to have used?
A: Kido.
December 11 Q: Did you catch what she said? Do you know the answer?
A: Lives.
December 22 Q: What do we call the feeling of joy that comes from a near-death experience?
A: Euphoria.


Date Question
December 14 Q: Which of the following originated in India?
A: The number zero
December 15 Q: When heated, the beta-amylase enzymes in sweet potatoes react with the starch present to produce which disaccharide?
A: Maltose
December 16 Q: Which Roman goddess has been theorized as the namesake for the month of April?
A: Venus
December 17 Q: In The Tale of Genji, who does Hikaru Genji compare to cherry blossoms?
A: Murasaki-no-Ue
December 18 Q: Which of the following words is not in the correct plural form?
A: Geeses

All December Social Links

All Social Links
Fool0. Fool PriestessII. Priestess EmpressIII. Empress
EmperorIV. Emperor HierophantV. Hierophant LoversVI. Lovers
ChariotVII. Chariot TemperanceXIV. Temperance StarXVII. Star
MoonXVIII. Moon SunXIX. Sun JudgementXX. Judgement

Persona 3 Month of December Tips

Bring a Persona with an Almighty Skill

The Miracle Hand that is present during December's Tartarus run drains all attacks. In order to defeat the shadow, you must use an Almighty attack such as Megidola. Alice and Loki are the recommended Persona since they naturally learn Almighty Skills!

Rare Shadows Weaknesses and Locations (P3R)

Alternatively, Bring Koromaru for his Virus Breath

As an alternative, you can bring along Koromaru. Early on, he learns Virus Breath, an Almighty skill that has a medium chance of poison. Apart from that, Koromaru is a great party member as he covers both Dark and Fire weaknesses while keeping the party buffed!

Koromaru Profile, Characteristics and Skills (P3R)

Use Tartarus Search for Greedy Hands

For a request, you will need to defeat a Greedy Hand in the Harabah block. To guarantee the fight, Fuuka will prompt you to do a Tartarus Search. Keep this in mind and restore Fuuka's SP every now and then!

List of All Consumable Items (P3R)

Fuse Loki with Growth 3

For a request, you will need to have a Level 75 Loki. Since Loki levels up to 73 at best when you fuse him, it is recommended to fuse Daisoujou with a Justice Persona so that Loki inherits Daisoujou's Growth 3. This skill lets Loki quickly level up, leading to an easy request!

How to Fuse Loki (P3R)

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Persona 3 Reload All Months Guide

Walkthrough By Month
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July August September
October November December


5 Anonymous8 months

im sure it was to fill out other important links and events. anyway, dec 20 is your answer.

4 Anonymousabout 1 year

Did anyone else notice that we never completed Moon 10? Moon 9 was back in August and its December now and there has been no completion.


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