Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

Port Island Station: All Activities and Social Links Guide

Persona 3 Reload - Port Island Station Banner
Port Island Station is a key location in Persona 3 Reload (P3R) that includes activities and Social Links that the Protagonist can explore. Read on for what you can do in Port Island Station and its available social links!

All Activities in Port Island Station

Port Island Station Social Links

There are no available Social Links in Port Island Station.

Port Island Station Social Stat Activities

Iwatodai Dorm Social Stat Activities

Watch the Cinemas

Persona 3 Reload - Cinemas

Cinema Schedule
M Title/Theme: Currently Under Investigation
Social Stat: Courage
Tu Title/Theme: Currently Under Investigation
Social Stat: Charm
W Title/Theme: Currently Under Investigation
Social Stat: Knowledge
Th Title/Theme: Currently Under Investigation
Social Stat: Courage
F Film Name: Thy Name
Social Stat: Charm
Sat Title/Theme: Currently Under Investigation
Social Stat:
Sun Title/Theme: Work Part-time
Social Stat: Academics/Courage

Being a cinephile never felt so rewarding as watching the cinemas, with or without companions, rewards you with Social Stats depending on the day of the week!

Participate in the Film Festival

When Summer begins rolling over, a Film Festival on Screen Shot will be hosted. On certain days, your Social Links will call you up and ask you to watch films at a discounted price with them. This not only saves you money but also progresses your Social Points and Stats!

Port Island Station Rafflesia

Persona 3 Reload - Rafflesia
Any plant-related problems can be watered down through Rafflesia! Bouquets for gifts and seeds for the new dormitory garden are available here. Take note that more seeds will be unlocked as you progress through the game!

Persona 3 Reload Related Guides

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All Map Locations and Activities

All Locations

List of Locations
Persona 3 Reload - Iwatodai Dorm BannerIwatodai Dorm Persona 3 Reload - Gekkoukan High School BannerGekkoukan High School
Persona 3 Reload - Paulownia MallPaulownia Mall Persona 3 Reload - Port Island Station BannerPort Island Station
Persona 3 Reload - Naganaki Shrine BannerNaganaki Shrine Persona 3 Reload - Iwatodai Station Strip Mall BannerIwatodai Station Strip Mall


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