Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

Bebe (Temperance) Social Link Guide (P3R)

Persona 3 Reload - Temperance Social Link
The Temperance Arcana, represented by Bebe, also known as Andre Laurent Jean Geraux, is a Social Link in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). Read on to learn how to start Bebe's (Temperance) Social Link, social stat requirements, schedule, gifts, romance options, and the best choices for every Social Link event!

How to Start the Bebe (Temperance) Social Link

How to Start the Bebe (Temperance) Social Link

Be Above Average in Knowledge

To first interact with Bebe, you need to have a rank of Average in your Knowledge stat since you need to translate a note on the door of the Home Economics class.

Progress Hierophant Social Link

After that during the Rank 3-4 event of the Hierophant Social Link, Bebe briefly shows up to give Bunkichi's missing wallet and converse with the protagonist. Doing these two prompts will unlock the Temperance Social Link.

Social Stats Guide

Bebe (Temperance) Social Link Choices Guide

Jump to a Section!
1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6
6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10

Note: All responses marked with (✦) gives +1, (✦✦) gives +2 points, and (✦✦✦) gives +3 points to increase S-Link rank. It is also recommended to bring a Temperance Persona for an additional point.

Rank 1 to 2

Prompt 1
It will be my first time going, Will you maybe, how do you say, show me the ropes?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Sure, let's go. +1 ✦✦
2. You like sweets? - -
3. There's nothing to show. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
Prompt 2
I love the culture of Nihon! Japan sugoi-amazing!
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I totally agree. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. What about your country? - -
3. It's not that great. - -

Rank 2 to 3

Prompt 1
You have gotten much better at this, Makoto-dono! Subarashii-wonderful!
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I can do better. - -
2. Thanks. +1 ✦✦
Prompt 2
I would like to make something Japanese, but what?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. What do you like? - -
2. Why not western clothes? - -
3. How about a kimono? +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦

Rank 3 to 4

Prompt 1
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. How come you're not working? - -
2. Should we stop for today? - -
3. Are you alright? +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
Prompt 2
She was taken by the angels!
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. What happened? - -
2. Calm down. - -
3. That's terrible... - -

Rank 4 to 5

Prompt 1
Could we go somewhere to eat after this?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Sure. +1 ✦✦
2. Why? - -
Prompt 2
I might never come back to Japan again!
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. You have to accept it. - -
2. Just stay in Japan! +1 ✦✦

Rank 5 to 6

Prompt 1
I have barely sewn anything at all.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. What's wrong? - -
2. Why not take a break? +1 ✦✦
Prompt 2
Will you go to Azuki Arai with moi?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Let's do it. +1 ✦✦
2. Just one minute. - -
Prompt 3
I want to stay here in Japan even if I have to eat dirt!
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I have your back! +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. What will you do? - -

Rank 6 to 7

Prompt 1
I will show him a kimono! When he sees it, he will understand the beauty of Nihon!
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Will that be enough? - -
2. That's a great idea. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦

Rank 7 to 8

Prompt 1
When my uncle sees this, I know he'll agree with me about how great Nihon is!
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. When will it be done? - -
2. He'll definitely agree! +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
3. Less talk, more work. - -

Rank 8 to 9

Prompt 1
And thanks to all your help, the kimono is almost finished! I feel so blessed.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Congrats! +1 ✦✦
2. Aren't you homesick? +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
3. Don't forget, you owe me. - -

Rank 9 to 10

Prompt 1
At last, it is fini!
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. How does it look? +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. Great Work! +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
Prompt 2
They are the times I spend with you, my tomodachi.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I'll be waiting for you. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. Good luck out there. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦

Bebe (Temperance) Social Link Overview

Bebe (Temperance) Start Date and Requirements

Persona 3 Reload - Temperance Social Link
Arcana XIV. Temperance
Start Date May 26
Pre-Requisites ・Academics Rank 2: Average
・ Rank 3 in Hierophant Social Link
Days Available Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
Location 2nd Floor Hallway, Home Economics Room

Bebe (Temperance) Best Gifts

Since there is no option to invite them on a date outside, you cannot give gifts for this Social Link.

List of Gifts

Bebe (Temperance) Social Link Rewards

Persona Arcana
Yurlungur Temperance
Starting Level

Completing the Temperance Social Link rewards you with a Money Pouch, which lets you perform a fusion of the Ultimate Persona of the Temperance Social Link!

How to Fuse Yurlungur

Can You Romance Bebe (Temperance)?

Romance is Not Possible

You cannot romance Bebe, the Temperance Arcana in Persona 3 Reload.

Persona 3 Reload Related Guides

Persona 3 Reload - Social Links.png

Social Links Guide and How to Start Them

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JusticeVIII. Justice HermitIX. Hermit FortuneX. Fortune StrengthXI. Strength
Hanged ManXII. Hanged Man DeathXIII. Death TemperanceXIV. Temperance DevilXV. Devil
TowerXVI. Tower StarXVII. Star MoonXVIII. Moon SunXIX. Sun
JudgementXX. Judgement AeonXXI. Aeon


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