Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

Fuuka Yamagishi (Priestess) Social Link Guide (P3R)

Persona 3 Reload - Priestess Social Link
The Priestess Arcana, represented by Fuuka Yamagishi, is a Social Link in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). Read on to learn how to start Fuuka's (Priestess) Social Link, social stat requirements, schedule, gifts, unlocks, romance options, and the best choices for every Social Link event!

Fuuka Related Guides
Persona 3 Reload - Fuuka Yamagishi Profile and Voice ActorCharacter Profile Persona 3 Reload - Priestess Social LinkSocial Link

How to Start the Fuuka (Priestess) Social Link

Join the Art Club to Get Fortune Rank 1

Persona 3 Reload - Art Club with Keisuke

You will first need to join the art club on June 17 so that you can be in the same club as Fuuka. This is because you need to have Rank 1 in the Fortune Social Link before you can begin Fuuka's Social Link.

Fortune Social Link Guide

Reach Courage Rank MAX (Badass)

On June 19, Fuuka's Social Link is made available. You can find Fuuka outside the bathroom on the second floor of Gekkoukan High School.

Initially, you cannot progress her Social Link as you do not know how to approach her. The protagonist must have Courage Rank 6 (Badass) to begin ranking up the Priestess Social Link!

How to Increase Courage

Fuuka (Priestess) Social Link Choices Guide

Jump to a Section!
1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6
6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10

Note: All responses marked with (✦) gives +1, (✦✦) gives +2 points, and (✦✦✦) gives +3 points to increase S-Link rank. It is also recommended to bring a Priestess Persona for an additional point.

Rank 1 to 2

Prompt 1
Maybe I should give him some food. What do you think, Makoto-kun?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Sure. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. Don't do it. - -
Prompt 2
I don't want to put you in the hospital...
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I can handle a bit. - -
2. Maybe we can use it in battle. - -
Prompt 3
I don't think I can do this alone. Can I... count on you to help?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Sure thing. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. Will it be good next time? - -

Rank 2 to 3

Prompt 1
I still don't have a feel for how much salt to add. How do you do it, Makoto-kun?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Just a dash or two. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. I don't add salt. - -
3. Just dump it a ton. +1 ✦✦
Prompt 2
O-Oh, sorry. I know you're just trying to help me, and all I'm doing is being negative.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Just take it slow. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. Don't get discouraged already. +1 ✦✦
3. Practice makes perfect. +1 ✦✦
Prompt 3
Hmm... But in that case, I can't really read while cooking. I wouldn't want to get the pages dirty.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Go to the bookstore. - -
2. I'll help you find something. - -

Rank 3 to 4

Prompt 1
But I couldn't really decide, and I wasn't sure how to use whatever I'd buy...
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Do you really need one? - -
2. Start with the basics first. - -
Prompt 2
And it's not like I have any other redeeming qualities.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. There's nothing you're good at? - -
2. What about your Persona? - -
3. You're a hard worker. +1 ✦✦
Prompt 3
Not to mention that I'm kind of embarrassed about it all. I mean, it's not a very feminine hobby.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. That's not true. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. Maybe you're right. - -
3. Why do you think that? - -

Rank 4 to 5

Prompt 1
W-Well... How is it?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. It's good. +1 ✦✦
2. You did a great job. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
Prompt 2
Because I don't think I could have made it this far without you.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I'm glad I could help. +1 ✦✦
2. I didn't do anything. - -
Prompt 3
That might be the reason why I made such good rice balls. Because I was thinking about who was going to eat them.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Thank you. - -
2. I think I get it. - -
3. Can you make me more sometime? +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦

Rank 5 to 6

Prompt 1
I promise I'm going to do the best I can. So can I count on you?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Of course. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. You sure you're not overdoing it? - -
Prompt 2
I know I don't seem very reliable, but I want to make myself a useful member of the team.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. That's the spirit. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. Don't get too carried away. - -
3. You're already plenty useful. - -

Rank 6 to 7

Prompt 1
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. What is it? - -
2. Something wrong with that? - -
Prompt 2
I mentioned that I don't really like going to bookstores
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Yeah, I remember. - -
2. But we were just in one... - -
Prompt 3
She even threatened to show my parents.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. You did nothing wrong. - -
2. ...... - -
3. That's messed up. +1 ✦✦
Prompt 4
I'm sure it's because you're our leader. That's why I depend on you so much.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Is that the only reason? - -
2. That's probably it. - -

Rank 7 to 8

Prompt 1
How are you able to tell yourself that everything will work out in the end?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I believe in myself. +1 ✦✦
2. It's just my personality. +1 ✦✦
3. I've never thought about it. +1 ✦✦
Prompt 2
Will that be the end of us spending time together like this?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Not at all. - -
2. We'll see each other in the dorm. +1 ✦✦

Rank 8 to 9

Prompt 1
She said, ''When you're friends, you don't keep score.''
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. She's right. - -
2. Ahaha! That's funny. - -
Prompt 2
I want to be together with you, forever.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I feel the same way. - -
2. Me too. - -
Prompt 3
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I love you, Fuuka. +2 (Romance) ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. We'll always be friends. (Platonic) - -
Prompt 4
(Romantic) ...!?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. We'll be together forever. - -
2. I'll treat you right. - -
Prompt 5
(Platonic) But... I think it'd be fun to cook with friends.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Sure. - -
2. I'm not confident - -
3. What are you gonna make? - -

Rank 9 to 10

Prompt 1
(Romance) Sorry... I don't know what I'm saying... I'm acting weird, aren't I?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Are you nervous? - -
2. You seem like yourself. - -
Prompt 2
(Romance) As long as I have you... I don't think I'll lose my way.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Glad to hear it. +1 ✦✦
2. I'm always here for you. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
Prompt 3
(Romance) So... what do you think?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I love them! +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. Your skills are impressive. +1 ✦✦
Prompt 4
(Platonic) I thought it might be nice to add some texture, so I made sure there's plenty of vegetables mixed in.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. How bold. - -
2. Is that safe? - -
3. But I like meat... - -
Prompt 5
(Platonic) You just seem more at ease now. Or maybe it's more confidence? Don't you think so?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I agree. - -
2. You haven't seen anything just yet. - -
Prompt 6
(Platonic) Remeber how I told you I was pretty good with machines? Well, how are they?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I love them! +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. My mind is blown. +1 ✦✦

Fuuka (Priestess) Social Link Overview

Fuuka (Priestess) Start Date and Requirements

Persona 3 Reload - Priestess Social Link
Arcana II. Priestess
Start Date June 19
Pre-Requisites ・Courage Rank 6: Badass
・ Started Fortune Social Link
Days Available Monday, Friday, Saturday
Location 2nd Floor Hallway

Fuuka (Priestess) Best Gifts

Best Gifts ・Glass Vase

List of Gifts

Fuuka (Priestess) Social Link Rewards

Persona Arcana
Scathach Priestess
Starting Level

Completing the Priestess Social Link rewards you with a Headphones, which lets you perform a fusion of the Ultimate Persona of the Priestess Social Link!

How to Fuse Scathach

Can You Romance Fuuka (Priestess)?

Romance Possible Upon Reaching Rank 9

Players can romance Fuuka, the Priestess Arcana, upon reaching Rank 9 at her Social Link. You will know you will enter into a relationship when the game prompts you to be careful of what you say.

All Romancable Characters

Persona 3 Reload Related Guides

Persona 3 Reload - Social Links.png

Social Links Guide and How to Start Them

All Social Links

All Social Links
Fool0. Fool MagicianI. Magician PriestessII. Priestess EmpressIII. Empress
EmperorIV. Emperor HierophantV. Hierophant LoversVI. Lovers ChariotVII. Chariot
JusticeVIII. Justice HermitIX. Hermit FortuneX. Fortune StrengthXI. Strength
Hanged ManXII. Hanged Man DeathXIII. Death TemperanceXIV. Temperance DevilXV. Devil
TowerXVI. Tower StarXVII. Star MoonXVIII. Moon SunXIX. Sun
JudgementXX. Judgement AeonXXI. Aeon


8 Anonymous11 days

oooooohhhhhh. I was so confused about what was going on with her confidant. thank you

7 Anonymous6 months

Fix this guide… Rank 6->7 question is vital for romantic path!!


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