Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

Judecca Door Complete Guide and Walkthrough

Persona 3 Reload - Judecca Walkthrough Top Banner
This is a walkthrough for the Judecca Door in Persona 3 Reload (P3R) Episode Aigis DLC. Read on to see a complete guide to the shadows and bosses, what you can unlock, and other tips to clear the door!

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Ptolomea Empyrean

Judecca Walkthrough

No. Objectives
1 Enemies in the area are weak to Strike, Fire, Lightning, and Wind. Yukari is the recommended healer for this area while Akihiko, and Junpei are great damage dealers to include.
2 Make your way to Judecca B7 to find your first check point. Heading 1 floor lower will pit you against the Killer Twins and Red Sigil which are weak to Fire and Ice respectively.
► Killer Twins and Red Sigil Boss Fight Guide
3 Moving forward, the enemy weaknesses will vary and consist of Darkness, Light, Fire,Slash, and Pierce. Koromaru and Ken are great party members to swap over for this layer of Judecca to tackle these weaknesses. Mitsuru is a great option to consider as well due to the elites in the area being weak to Ice.
4 Make your way to B16 to find your first check point. Prepare for a boss fight on the next floor against Reckoning Dice and Eternal Sand. Both can block all elemental attacks and have no weaknesses so bring your strongest physical damage dealers. They can also inflict a team-wide poison attack so a healer that can purge these ailments like Yukari is also great to have.
► Reckoning Dice and Eternal Sand Boss Fight Guide
5 On the next layer, you'll find enemies weak to Strike, Slash, Pierce, Light, Electric, Ice, Dark. Ken is one of the best characters you can have in this layer as well as Koromaru once again. Metis is a great option too for strike damage as well as covering your team for Ice and potentially, even Wind damage types.
6 Continue making your way until B25 using your chosen team to complete the whole Judecca dungeon.

List of Bosses in Judecca

Guardian Bosses
Killer Twins and Red Sigil Reckoning Dice and Eternal Sand
Monad Bosses
Eternal Sand Void Giant
Vehement Idol Rampage Drive

Click the names above to skip to a certain boss.

Ptolomea Guardian Bosses

Killer Twins and Red Sigil

P3R Episode Aigis - Killer Twins and Red Sigil

With the Killer Twins being weak to Fire, and the Red Sigil being weak to Ice, you'll want to bring party members like Junpei, Koromaru, and Metis who can target their weaknesses. Just make sure that you don't use AoE Fire Skills since it will heal Red Sigil.

As for Mitsuru, she's the strongest Ice attacker in the party, but she's also weak to Fire attacks from the Red Sigil. Take this into consideration first before bringing her with you to this fight.

Killer Twins and Red Sigil Boss Guide

Reckoning Dice and Eternal Sand

P3R Episode Aigis - Reckoning Dice and Eternal Sand
Since the fight will mostly revolve around the use of physical moves, it's best to defeat Reckoning Dice first since it can use Tetrakarn on Eternal Sand. It can also use Divine Judgment, which can cut your HP in half.

Eternal Sand will be the offensive enemy in this fight, but keep in mind that it can use drain skills to heal itself. Focusing on it will just take a lot of time, especially if it gets shielded with Tetrakarn.

Reckoning Dice and Eternal Sand Boss Guide

Monad Door Bosses

Eternal Sand and Infinite Sand

P3R Episode Aigis - Eternal Sand
This is another from of the Eternal Sand also present in Judecca. This enemy is teamed with the Infinite Sand, and they're both weak against Physical attacks. Beware of infinite Sand's Eerie Sound which can Distress your party members, which can result into a critical hit.

Void Giant

P3R Episode Aigis - Void Giant
Void Giant s one of the Monad Door bosses you can encounter in Judecca. It's fought alone, and uses Light and Dark skills, like Mamudoon, Makougaon and Maeigaon. Use precaution to avoid getting instakilled by this boss!

Void Giant (Judecca) Boss Guide

Vehement Idol and Hakurou Musha

P3R Episode Aigis - Vehement Idol
Vehement Idol is one of the Monad Door bosses you can encounter in Judecca. Hakurou Musha is teamed with this enemy and are weak to Ice and Fire, respectively. Vehement Idol uses Break skills to stop your resistances against their skills. Hakurou Musha uses Charge with Physical attacks so make sure to prepare well.

Intrepid Knight (Empyrean) Boss Guide

Rampage Drive

P3R Episode Aigis - Rampage Drive
Rampage Drive is one of the Monad Door bosses you can encounter in Judecca. It's fought alone, and resists all Physical attacks. Using Severe-tier elemental spells, like Inferno and Diamond Dust are the best to get through this fight.
Phantom King (Empyrean) Boss Guide

List of Regular Shadows in Judecca

List of All Shadows and Weaknesses

Shadow Weak Resist Null Drain Repel
Angry Table
Wind Image Slash Image
Ice Image
- -
Carnal Snake
Strike Image Ice Image
Pierce Image
Electric Image
- -
Daring Gigas
Wind Image
Strike Image Pierce Image Slash Image
- - -
Devious Maya
Dark Image
Fire Image
- -
Dutiful Checkmate
Wind Image
- - - -
Fate Seeker
Light Image Pierce Image
Fire Image Ice Image Wind Image Electric Image
Dark Image
Fierce Cyclops -
Pierce Image Slash Image
Fire Image Wind Image
Golden Beetle
Dark Image
Strike Image
Ice Image
- -
Green Sigil
Strike Image Electric Image
- -
Wind Image
Growth Relic
Pierce Image
- -
Wind Image
Harmony Giant - -
Strike Image
Wind Image Electric Image Pierce Image
Hakurou Musha
Fire Image
Ice Image
Slash Image
Haughty Maya
Wind Image
Fire Image
- - -
Infinite Sand
Strike Image
Fire Image Ice Image Wind Image Electric Image Light Image Dark Image
- -
Loss Giant
Ice Image
Fire Image Light Image Dark Image Slash Image
Pierce Image
Lustful Snake
Ice Image
- -
Fire Image
Mighty Beast
Fire Image
Wind Image
- -
Minotaur II
Ice Image
Strike Image
Light Image
Miracle Hand - - - ALL -
Mythical Gigas
Light Image Dark Image Pierce Image
- -
Fire Image
Strike Image
Noble Seeker
Electric Image
Fire Image
- -
Dark Image
Phantom Hero -
Strike Image Pierce Image Slash Image
Dark Image
Phantom Mage
Light Image
Fire Image
Dark Image
- -
Power Castle
Ice Image
Fire Image
- -
Wind Image
Silver Dice
Light Image Dark Image
Strike Image Pierce Image Slash Image
- -
World Balance - - - -
Fire Image Ice Image Wind Image Electric Image Light Image Dark Image

Tips and Tricks for Exploring Judecca

Party Member Ranking

Rank Character Explanation
1 Persona 3 Reload - MitsuruMitsuru A ton of enemies and bosses here are susceptible to ailments on top of not much resistances to Physical skills. This area has some enemies with no weaknesses so your only bet is via Crits.
2 Persona 3 Reload - AkihikoAkihiko If you can grind through a few Monad doors, there is a chance for you to find gear with Auto-Tarukabellion. This, on top of Mitsuru's Characteristic, Akihiko should almost always knock down annoying enemies with a severely buffed Crit.
3 Persona 3 Reload - JunpeiJunpei You should have his level 2 Characteristic letting him hit Crits more often than not. You should also grab any item with Auto-Tarukabellion to increase his damage output.
4 Persona 3 Reload - YukariYukari While not a lot of enemies are weak to Wind Yukari can still shine by Poisoning enemies. Poison can quickly shred Bosses' HP while you can prevent status conditions on your party with Me Patra or Amrita Drop.
5 Persona 3 Reload - MetisMetis Decent amount of Ice and Wind weak enemies and can dish out decent damage with Charged Strike attacks. Since she has her own category of armor, it's kinda difficult to get good pieces for her.
6 Persona 3 Reload - KoromaruKoromaru Can work exceptionally well with Mitsuru for guaranteed Crits thanks to his Virus Breath on top of Power Howling to further increase damage.
7 Persona 3 Reload - KenKen A decent healer but doesn't shine well except for a few enemies weak to Pierce. Best used for Tetrakarn or Divine Intervention so you can mitigate damage from hard hitting bosses.

Enemies are Susceptible to Ailments

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Ailments and Criticals
If you scan an enemy and notice they don't have a weakness, they are usually susceptible to certain ailments which can help you down them with Critical hits with Shock or shred their HP like Poison.

Status Ailments Guide (P3R)

Try to Farm for Gear with Auto-Tarukabellion

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Auto Tarukabellion
Judecca is the first area where you can find gear that has the passive skill, Auto-Tarukabellion which increases Attack and also your chance to Crit. This is an amazing Passive for Junpei and Akihiko and they can also swap gear when shuffling members around.

While you can also try and get it for Aigis and Metis, its is not worth grinding for due to their exclusivity in equipment options.

List of All Equipment

All Linked Episodes Should be Complete

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Metis Linked Episode
After beating the bosses in B8 and B17, the locked chests that contain the items for the Linked Episodes still need two Twilight Fragments. These are needed for Fuuka's, Ken's, Metis', and Koromaru's Second Linked Episodes, so make sure to allot 8 Twilight Fragments for these.

How to Farm Twilight Fragments and All Locations

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Fierce Cyclops is weak to Pierce


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