Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

All Map Locations and Activities

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Tatsumi Port Island, the main setting of Persona 3 Reload (P3R), hosts a plethora of key locations that you will visit throughout the story, optional or mandatory. Read on for the complete list of locations, its available social links, and what you can do in each location!

All Map Locations and Activities

All Locations
Iwatodai Dorm Gekkoukan Highschool Port Island Station
Paulownia Strip Mall Naganaki Shrine Iwatodai Station Strip Mall

Iwatodai Dorm

Persona 3 Reload - Iwatodai Dorm

Iwatodai Dorm is where the Protagonist will be staying in, living in cohabitation with other students of Gekkoukan High. It may seem like an ordinary dorm at first, but it is also S.E.E.S.'s base of operations. As such you will be living an ordinary and supernatural life here as both a student and a S.E.E.S. member.

Iwatodai Dorm: All Activities and Social Links Guide

Social Links Available in Iwatodai Dorm

Fool Hermit Death
Persona 3 Reload - S.E.E.S.S.E.E.S. Persona 3 Reload - HermitMaya Persona 3 Reload - DeathPharos

Activities Available in Iwatodai Dorm

Activity Description
Cook in the Dormitory Kitchen Cook meals together in the kitchen with your fellow tenants.
Reward: Items
Tend to the Garden Tend the small garden on the rooftop with other dormmates
Reward: Items
Watch DVDs Watch T.V. shows in the foray, alone or with friends
Reward: Social Stats
Access the Dormitory Computer Surf the internet and pass the time using the shared Dormitory Computer
Reward: Social Stats/Content

Gekkoukan Highschool

Persona 3 Reload - Gekkoukan High School
Gekkoukan High School is where the Protagonist spends most of his time as a high schooler. Living an eventful high school life is key to success, so activities such as clubs and studying are important!

Gekkoukan High School: All Activities and Social Links Guide

Social Links Available in Gekkoukan Highschool

Magician Priestess Empress
Persona 3 Reload - KenjiKenji Persona 3 Reload - FuukaFuuka Persona 3 Reload - MitsuruMitsuru
Emperor Lovers Chariot
Persona 3 Reload - HidetoshiHidetoshi Persona 3 Reload - YukariYukari Persona 3 Reload - KazushiKazushi
Justice Fortune Strength
Persona 3 Reload - ChihiroChihiro Persona 3 Reload - KeisukeKeisuke Persona 3 Reload - YukoYuko
Temperance Judgement Aeon
Persona 3 Reload - BebeBebe Persona 3 Reload - AigisJudgement Persona 3 Reload - AigisAigis

Activities Available in Gekkoukan Highschool

Activity Description
Participate in Clubs Join Sports and Culture Clubs to expand to meet people with the same hobbies.
Reward: Social Links
Study in the Library Diligently study in Gekkoukan Highschool's luxurious library
Reward: +Knowledge
Explore Tartarus During the Dark Hour Gekkoukan High turns into Tartarus during the Dark Hour. Progress through its perilous floors
Reward: Progression and Items

Port Island Station

Persona 3 Reload - Port Island Station
Port Island Station is where the Protagonist rides the monorail towards Gekkoukan High. Apart from being a means of transportation, the station hosts activities you can enjoy with your Social Links!

Port Island Station: All Activities and Social Links Guide

Social Links Available in Port Island Station

There are no available Social Links in Port Island Station.

Activities Available in Port Island Station

Activity Description
Watch in the Cinema Watch varying movies alone or with friends. Remember that there will be a film festival during the Summer!
Reward: Social Stats/Social Points
Buy Flowers and Seeds from Rafflesia Buy bouquets of flowers as gifts for your loved ones or seeds for the Dormitory Garden
Reward: Social Points/Items

Paulownia Mall

Persona 3 Reload - Paulownia Mall
Paulownia Mall is the main hustle and bustle of Tatsumi Port Island; being filled with restaurants, stores, and fun hang-out spots. You will always have something to do in Paulownia Strip Mall!

Paulownia Mall: All Activities and Social Links Guide

Social Links Available in Paulownia Strip Mall

Devil Tower Moon
Persona 3 Reload - TanakaTanaka Persona 3 Reload - MutatsuMutatsu Persona 3 Reload - NozomiNozomi

Activities Available in Paulownia Strip Mall

Activity Description
Buy Weapons and Items Keep S.E.E.S. operations well stocked and equipped for Tartarus by buying gear
Reward: Items
Enjoy Leisure Activities Spend your leisure time apart from studies by engaging in fun activities such as Karaoke
Reward: Social Stats/Social Points
Work Part-Time If you are running low on cash, get part-time jobs here to improve S.E.E.S. finances
Reward: Social Stats/Money
Get Your Fortune Read Increase or decrease certain conditions during Tartarus expeditions
Reward: Buffs
Visit the Velvet Room When you are not in Tartarus, you can access the Velvet Room here
Reward: Access to the Velvet Room

Naganaki Shrine

Persona 3 Reload - Naganaki Shrine
Naganaki Shrine serves as a spiritual refuge for anyone in Tatsumi Port Island, hosting various shrines to appease the supernatural. Along with the shrines, a playground nearby that is popular with children is available!

Naganaki Shrine: All Activities and Social Links Guide

Social Links Available in Naganaki Shrine

Hanged Man Sun
Persona 3 Reload - MaikoMaiko Persona 3 Reload - AkinariAkinari

Activities Available in Naganaki Shrine

Activity Description
Offer Money for Smarts Offer money to the Shrine to have a boost in Knowledge through divine intervention
Reward: +Knowledge
Draw a Fortune Draw a fortune card to increase your Social Points with a specific Social Link
Reward: Social Points
Visit the Inari Shrine Duplicate Skill Cards for your Personas
Reward: Skill Cards

Iwatodai Station Strip Mall

Persona 3 Reload - Iwatodai Dorm
Iwatodai Station Strip Mall, when compared to the Paulownia Strip Mall, is more of a tourist spot as it holds localized goods and stores. This location is brimming with locals wanting to enjoy tradition and culture!

Iwatodai Station Strip Mall: All Activities and Social Links Guide

Social Links Available in Iwatodai Station Strip Mall

Hierophant Star
Persona 3 Reload - Bunkichi and MitsukoBunkichi and Mitsuko Persona 3 Reload - MamoruMamoru

Activities Available in Iwatodai Station Strip Mall

Activity Description
Eat Local Food Eat special food such as Beef Bowls, Ramen, and Takoyaki alone or with friends
Reward: Social Stats/Social Points
Visit the Elderly Couple Visit the Bookstore which houses an elderly couple for more wisdom
Reward: Social Link
Hang-out With Social Links As a famous spot to enjoy with friends, most Social Link events happen here
Reward: Social Points

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