Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

Lovers Boss Guide: Weakness and Resistances

Persona 3 Reload - Lovers Boss

Lovers is a Storyline boss in Persona 3 Reload that can be fought at Shirakawa Boulevard. Read on to learn how to beat Lovers, know its location, weaknesses and resistances, as well as the recommended party and Personas for defeating Lovers.

Lovers Boss Overview

Persona 3 Reload - LoversLovers
Arcana: Lovers
Date & Location
Date: July 7th
Location: Shirakawa Boulevard
Recommended Level: 25+

Lovers Weaknesses and Resistances

Persona 3 Reload - SlashSlash Persona 3 Reload - StrikeStrike Persona 3 Reload - PiercePierce
Persona 3 Reload - FireFire Persona 3 Reload - IceIce Persona 3 Reload - ElectricityElectricity Persona 3 Reload - WindWind
Persona 3 Reload - Light SkillLight Persona 3 Reload - Dark SkillDark

Lovers Recommended Party Setup

Character Best Skills Explanation
Persona 3 Reload - ProtagonistProtagonist Media
Fatal End
The Protagonist takes up a fluid role, being ready to assist Yukari with Patra and healing, as well as deal Physical damage alongside Junpei and Akihiko.
Persona 3 Reload - YukariYukari Garula
You cannot remove Yukari from this battle. She acts as your primary healer and can dispel Charm using Patra.
Persona 3 Reload - AkihikoAkihiko Tarunda
Sonic Punch
Akihiko debuffs the boss with Rakunda and Tarunda to make the fight easier. He also provides support physical damage.
Persona 3 Reload - JunpeiJunpei Assault Dive
Junpei is your primary damage dealer and focuses on Physical attacks with a chance to critical hit and trigger All-Out Attacks.

Lovers Recommended Personas

Best Personas to Use

Persona Best Skills Explanation
Mithras Rakunda
Assault Dive
Mithras has a powerful physical move in Assault Dive and can decrease Lovers' defense with Rakunda, making the fight go by much faster. Mithras is also capable of learning Patra.
Take-Mikazuchi Zionga
Fatal End
Take-Mikazuchi is a good all-rounder, as it is capable of learning strong Physical attacks as well as Zionga, and healing skills like Dia and Patra.
Rakshasa Fatal End
Assault Dive
Rakshasa is your main damage-dealer, as it has high Strength and can learn powerful Physical skills like Fatal End and Assault Dive.

How to Beat Lovers

The following tips can help you beat Lovers in battle.

  1. Use Patra to Cure Charm
  2. Beware of Heartbreaker
  3. Use Theurgy Attacks
  4. Debuff Using Rakunda, Tarunda and Sukunda
  5. Focus on Physical Attacks

Use Patra to Cure Charm

Lovers Inflicts Charm
Yukari's Patra skill can cure Charm, which is inflicted after Lovers uses its Holy Arrow skill. It also helps to have the Protagonist have a Patra skill on hand as well, when Yukari has been afflicted with Fear.

The Lovers can also use Seductive Breath to increase ailment susceptibility and Sexy Dance to inflict Charm on all party members. Be ready with Yukari's Patra and have some Dis-Charm and Patra Gem items on hand for other members to use in a pinch.

Beware of Heartbreaker

The Lovers' Heartbreaker skill is a powerful move that inflicts damage on all your party members and triple damage on those afflicted with Charm. Make sure you cure Charm before Lovers uses this skill, as it is devastating.

Use Theurgy Attacks

Use Theurgy Attacks

Unleashing your party members' powerful Theurgy Attacks will make the fight go by much faster. Make sure to use it whenever it is available!

Additionally, having your party focus on Physical skills, which take away part of their HP, will encourage Yukari to use healing skills more often, thus speeding up her Theurgy buildup.
Theurgy Skills Guide

Debuff Using Rakunda, Tarunda and Sukunda

Akihiko's Rakunda, Tarunda and Sukunda skills will lessen The Lovers' attack, defense, and accuracy/evasion making its attacks less dangerous and allowing it to be defeated much quicker.

Focus on Physical Attacks

Use the Protagonist and Junpei to focus powerful medium-damage Physical attacks on the Lovers to deal high amounts of damage. Junpei's propensity for critical attacks will also open it up to All-Out Attacks, which help out immensely in getting its HP down.

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