Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

September Walkthrough and Activities Guide

Persona 3 Reload - September Walkthrough
This is a walkthrough for the month of September in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). Read on to see a day-to-day guide to the September schedule, the best social links to pursue, the best social stats to raise, and the best days to clear Tartarus!

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September Activities and Social Link Walkthrough

Arcanas to Bring for September

Magician Priestess Emperor
Lovers Chariot Justice
Fortune Strength Tower
Sun - -

September Daily Schedule

September 1 Morning Activity
Morning Class:
Question: Which property of electricity is relevant to superconductivity?
Answer: Resistance. (Charm ✦)
After School Activity
Persona: Fuse or Summon a Justice Persona
Social Link: Justice Social Link 7
P1: Protagonist-san…
A1: It's gotta be a misunderstanding. (✦✦)
P2: I couldn’t stand up to them… But… I… didn’t take anything!
A2: We have to do something... (✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dormitory Computer: Use School X Forum Note
September 2 Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Read a book with Aigis (Charm ✦)
September 3 Morning Activity
Message: Elizabeth will inform you that missing people are in Tartarus
After School Activity
Persona: Fuse or Summon a Lovers Persona
Request: Buy a Lukewarm Taiyaki
Social Link: Lovers Social Link 1
Evening Activity
Request: Chill the Lukewarm Taiyaki in the Fridge
Before Tartarus:Get a Rarity Fortune from the Fortune-Teller in Club Escapade
① Rescue the missing person in the 101st, 109th, and 114th Floors
② Have 100'000+¥ (Including Materials and Consumables) and be Level 41+
③ Reach Floor 118th
④ Clear the Monad Passage Bosses on Floor 117 (Optional)
⑤ Have appropriate Social Link Personas
September 4 After School Activity
Police Station:
① Sell all materials
② Get rewards from rescuing the missing people
① Buy any 10 Sprouts/Seeds from Rafflessia for the Gardening Events
② Talk to Mitsuru and get the Reinstatement Forms for Shinjiro's Linked Episodes
Linked Episode: Shinjiro Linked Episode 1 (Courage ✦✦)
Evening Activity
Requests: Get the Chilled Taiyaki in the Fridge then report back to Elizabeth
Social Link: Tower Social Link 8
P1: Didn’t dad tell you not to do that, huh?
A1: Dad? (✦✦✦)
P2: Where the hell were ya wanderin' around? Iss late!
A2: I was with a friend. (✦✦)
P3: …Now when I go home, I don’t know what to do with myself, so I just come here and drink every night.
A3: Are you running away? (✦✦)
September 5 Whole-day Activity
Full Moon: Hermit Boss Fight
September 6 Day-time Activity
Tanaka: Buy Brand Purse Set (Optional)
Social Link: Sun Social Link 3
P1: ...Why is this only happening to me?
A1: I couldn't say. (✦✦)
P2: It's almost too much for me, if I'm alone...
A2: Try not to talk so much. (✦✦)
Evening Activity
Social Link: Tower Social Link 9 (All choices give the same points)
September 7 After School Activity
Social Link: Lovers Social Link 2
P1: Hey, I think I’m gonna go with the gerberas, but what color do you think I should get?
A1: Cute pink. (✦✦✦)
P2: Oh wait, you've never seen my room, have you? Well then, why am I even asking you?
A2: That's mean. (✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Tend the Garden with Shinjiro 1
September 8 After School Activity
Linked Episode: Koromaru Linked Episode 2 (Courage ✦)
Evening Activity
Linked Episode: Ken Linked Episode 1 (Academics ✦)
September 9 After School Activity
Requests: Accept Request 9 and get all drink to unlock Request 11
Social Link: Strength Social Link 5
P1: Elementary school kids really learn fast don't you think?
A1: It's because you teach so well. (✦✦✦)
P2: Should I change the training routine? Maybe they should be running more.
A2: I trust whatever you decide Yuko. (✦✦)
Evening Activity
Requests: Do the Big Eater Challenge (All Stats ✦✦)
① Look away from the burgers
② Eat without stopping
③ Imagine eating something sour
September 10 Morning Activity
Morning Class:
Question: H-Hey, Protagonist, do you know what it means to "spill the beans"?
Answer: To reveal a secret. (Charm ✦)
After School Activity
① Take the 68th Request then talk to Shinjiro later in the Evening to obtain the Fruit Knife
② Start Request 54 and visit the Shrine everyday until September 12 starting today
Social Link: Lovers Social Link 3
Evening Activity
Tartarus: Elizabeth will inform you that Tartarus has expanded
Gardening: Harvest Soul Spinach and plant another one.
Requests: After reporting Request 68, accept Request 69 then talk to Aigis and obtain Machine Oil
Social Link: Tower Social Link 10
P1: …Well? How’s that sound?
A1: Awesome! (✦✦✦)
September 11 Morning Activity
Morning Class:
Question: Which book helped further the art of magic during the Renaissance
Answer: The Hermetica (Charm ✦)
After School Activity
Social Link: Priestess Social Link 6
P1: I promise I'm going to do the best I can. So can I count on you?
A1: Of course. (✦✦✦)
P2: I know I don't seem reliable, but I want to make myself a useful member of the team.
A2: That's the spirit (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Cook with Yukari
September 12 Morning Activity
Message: Elizabeth will inform you that missing people are in Tartarus
Morning Class: Stay Awake
After School Activity

Social Link: Strength Social Link 6
P1: Oh Makoto-Kun, why don't you give them some advice too?
A1: You guys got this! (✦✦)
P2: Age difference really matters when you're as young as they are. Do you really think they can beat sixth graders.
A2: As long as we believe in them. (✦✦)
Evening Activity
Command Room: Watch new videos (Optional)
Dorm-life: Cook with Shinjiro
Dark Hour
Social Link: Death Social Link 6
September 13 Morning Activity
Messages: Do not accept Fuuka or Yukari's invitations
Day-time Activity
Tanaka: Buy Emergency Vest Set (Optional)
①Go to Que Sera Sera and get Queen Elizabeth for Request 56
② Go to Mahjong Parlor Red Hawk then choose scissors to get Mahjong Tile for Request 67
Linked Episode: Shinjiro Linked Episode 2 (Charm ✦)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Read a book with Mitsuru (Academics ✦)
September 14 Morning Activity
Morning Class:
Question: Who is one referring to when speaking of their "better half"?
Answer: Their soulmate. (Charm ✦)
After School Activity
Social Link: Priestess Social Link 7
P1: She even threatened to show my parents.
A1: That's messed up. (✦✦)
P2: I'm sure it's because you're our leader. That's why I depend on you so much.
A2: Is that the only reason? (Relationship Start)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Tend the Garden with Shinjiro 2
September 15 After School Activity
Social Link: Justice Social Link 8
P1: I don't really have anyone else I can count on...
A1: I know you're innocent. (✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Watch a DVD with Yukari (Social Point ✦) (Charm ✦)
September 16 After School Activity
Social Link: Strength Social Link 7
P1: It's like the kids have left the nest.
A1: Are you relieved? (✦✦)
P2: Maybe we should have a little party… you know, to celebrate our first attempt at coaching...
A2: Let's do it. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Linked Episode: Ken Linked Episode 2 (Courage ✦)
September 17 After School Activity
Social Link: Fortune Social Link 5
P1: Wait. Then... that means...
A1: You should tell your dad. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Read Science Fiction Novel with Fuuka 2 (Social Point ✦) (Academics ✦)
September 18-20 Whole-day Activity
Story: Typhoon starts
Velvet Room: Unlocks new Special Fusions
September 21 Day-time Activity
Linked Episode: Shinjiro Linked Episode 3 (Academics ✦)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Watch a DVD with Koromaru 3 (Academics ✦)
Characteristic: Auto-Sukunda on Koromaru
September 22 Morning Activity
①Elizabeth will inform you that missing people are in Tartarus
② Do not accept invitations from Yuko or Kenji
Day-time Activity
Gardening: Harvest Soul Spinach and plant another one
Linked Episode: Koromaru Linked Episode 3
Evening Activity
Before Tartarus: Get a Rarity Fortune from the Fortune-Teller in Club Escapade
① Rescue the missing person in the 120th, 135th, and 140th Floors
② Have 100'000+¥ (Including Materials and Consumables) and be Level 50+
③ Reach Floor 144
④ Clear the Monad Passage Boss on Floor 143 (Optional)
⑤Have appropriate Social Link Personas
September 23 Day-time Activity
Police Station:
① Sell all materials
② Get rewards from rescuing the missing people
Messages: Do not accept Keisuke's invitation
Linked Episode: Koromaru Linked Episode 4 (Courage ✦)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Walk Koromaru with Shinjiro
September 24 Morning Activity
Morning Class: Stay Awake (Academics ✦)
After School Activity
Pre-requisite: Talk to Mitsuru to start an event, and say "Wait a minute." to unlock Shinjiro Linked Episode 4
Social Link: Spend time with Chihiro (Non-progression)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Read Science Fiction Novel with Fuuka 3 (Social Point ✦)
Characteristic: Weakness Buffer on Fuuka
September 25 After School Activity
Social Link: Spend time with Fuuka (Non-progression)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Cook with Yukari 2
September 26 Morning Activity
Morning Class:
Question: What is the collective name for the four holy numbers in numerology?
Answer: Tetractys (Charm ✦)
After School Activity
Social Link: Strength Social Link 8
P1: Would you want it to be a boy or a girl?
A1: A boy/A girl. (✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Cook with Shinjiro 2
September 27 Morning Activity
Tanaka: Buy R/C Geta Set (Optional)
Day-time Activity
Linked Episode: Shinjiro Linked Episode 4 (Courage ✦)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Walk with Koromaru with Akihiko
September 28 Morning Activity
Morning Class: Stay Awake (Academics ✦)
After School Activity
Social Link: Emperor Social Link 6
P1: So as you can see, we can't exactly hold a meeting right now. You can leave if you want.
A1: But I just got here… (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Tend the Garden with Shinjiro 3
Characteristic: Auto Bolster on Shinji
September 29 After School Activity
Social Link: Chariot Social Link 9
P1: I'm sure you love lugging all this dead weight around, huh?
A1: I don't mind at all. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Command Room: Watch new videos
Dorm-life: Tend the Garden with Fuuka
September 30 After School Activity
Social Link: Spend time with Yuko (Non-progression)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Cook with Akihiko

September Quiz Answers

Date Question
September 1 Q: Which property of electricity is relevant to superconductivity?
A: Resistance.
September 10 Q: H-Hey, Protagonist, do you know what it means to "spill the beans"?
A: About romance.
September 11 Q: Which book helped further the art of magic during the Renaissance
A: The Hermetica
September 14 Q: Who is one referring to when speaking of their "better half"?
A: Their soulmate.
September 26 Q: What is the collective name for the four holy numbers in numerology?
A: Tetractys

All September Social Links

All September Social Links
MagicianI. Magician PriestessII. Priestess EmperorIV. Emperor
LoversVI. Lovers ChariotVII. Chariot JusticeVIII. Justice
FortuneX. Fortune StrengthXI. Strength DeathXIII. Death
TowerXVI. Tower SunXIX. Sun -

Persona 3 Month of September Tips

Save 3 Fragments for Ote-gine

On Floor 142, it is recommended to save up to 3 Twilight Fragments to get Ote-gine. Not only is it a good weapon for Ken on Critical teams, it is also needed to complete one of Elizabeth's request!

How to Farm Twilight Fragments and All Locations

Persona 3 Reload Related Guides

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All Episode Aigis Walkthroughs
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Caina Antenora
Ptolomea Judecca
Empyrean Colosseo Purgatorio

Persona 3 Reload All Months Guide

Walkthrough By Month
April May June
July August September
October November December


41 Anonymous10 months

cry about it loser

40 Anonymous10 months

For anyone who doesn't have fridge space on 9/3, you have to accept the request from Elizabeth and space magically opens up in the fridge


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