Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

Mitsuru Kirijo (Empress) Social Link Guide (P3R)

Persona 3 Reload - Empress Social Link
The Empress Arcana, represented by Mitsuru, is a Social Link in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). Read on to learn how to start Mitsuru's (Empress) Social Link, social stat requirements, schedule, gifts, unlocks, romance options, and the best choices for every Social Link event!

Mitsuru Related Guides
Persona 3 Reload - Mitsuru Kirijo Profile and Voice ActorCharacter Profile Persona 3 Reload - Empress Social LinkSocial Link

How to Start the Empress (Mitsuru) Social Link

Increase your Knowledge Rank to Genius

On November 21, Mitsuru's Social Link is made available. You can find Mitsuru near the Faculty Office Entrance.

Initially, you cannot progress her Social Link as your intelligence is not on par with hers. The protagonist must have a Knowledge Rank 6: Genius to begin ranking up the Empress Social Link!

Social Stats Guide

Mitsuru (Empress) Social Link Choices Guide

Jump to a Section!
1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6
6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10

Note: All responses marked with (✦) gives +1, (✦✦) gives +2 points, and (✦✦✦) gives +3 points to increase S-Link rank. It is also recommended to bring a Empress Persona for an additional point.

Rank 1 to 2

Prompt 1
It's smaller than I expected.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Is this your first time? +1 ✦✦
2. Do you know how to eat it? +1 ✦✦

Rank 2 to 3

Prompt 1
Sometimes my own ignorance astounds me...
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Want me to treat you? - -
2. Why not give it a try? +1 ✦✦
Prompt 2
Maybe he’s just maturing…
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Are you sad? - -
2. Are you happy? +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
Prompt 3
It's the most peculiar feeling
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Maybe you’re in love. +1 ✦✦
2. Maybe you’re anxious. +1 ✦✦
3. Maybe you’re sad. - -
Prompt 4
Sorry for subjecting you to my thoughtless ramblings… Just forget I said anything.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I'm rooting for you. - -
2. I heard nothing. +1 ✦✦

Rank 3 to 4

Prompt 1
In just a short while, we'll be looking back on these days with nostalgia.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. What's next for you? - -
2. Did something happen? +1 ✦✦
Prompt 2
What does marriage mean to you?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. It’s all for love. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. It's a social agreement. - -
3. It's about compromise. - -
Prompt 3
Am I... wrong about this?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Do you have a boyfriend? - -
2. That's a tough one. - -

Rank 4 to 5

Prompt 1
It seems a lot of thought goes into the design and construction of a movie theather.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. ...Said the rich girl. - -
2. Glad you enjoyed it. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
Prompt 2
She’s likely more suited to riding a motorcycle than I am as well.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. A motorcycle? +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. You're not suited? - -
Prompt 3
I don't regret it. Even now, I spend my time tuning it whenever I can.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. What a high-class biker. - -
2. Let’s go for a ride. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦

Rank 5 to 6

Prompt 1
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Looking for something specific? +1 ✦✦
2. Need some help? +1 ✦✦
3. Borrowing a book? - -
Prompt 2
...Even if I have to make sacrifices to do it.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Did something happen? - -
2. That doesn't sound good. - -
Prompt 3
This is the best solution for everyone involved...
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Is it really? - -
2. I didn't know... +1 ✦✦
Prompt 4
So... I won't run from my fate.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Are you sure about this? +1 ✦✦
2. That's admirable. - -
3. I'll do something about it. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦

Rank 6 to 7

Prompt 1
Or, is that too selfish a request?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I don't mind at all. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. Is that all you need? - -

Rank 7 to 8

Prompt 1
Somewhere far away, where no one knows who you are?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Yes. - -
2. No. - -
Prompt 2
Talking to you has become something of an outlet for me. Heh, I'm sure you're sick of it by now.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Vent all you want. +1 ✦✦
2. This isn't like you. +1 ✦✦
Prompt 3
Ah... Keep in mind, this is a what-if scenario.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. That's up to you. - -
2. It's not meant to be. - -
Prompt 4
How dare you say that!?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Calm down, Mitsuru - -
2. Don't insult her father! +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
Prompt 5
Please excuse me.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Don't give in. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. You're sure about this? +1 ✦✦

Rank 8 to 9

Prompt 1
I am so sorry about what happened last time.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. What happened? - -
2. Don't worry about it. - -
3. It made me happy. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
Prompt 2
I just didn't think I'd end up shouting them in public like that.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Talk about bold. - -
2. Your feelings? - -
Prompt 3
... I feel like I'm going to die of embarassment.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I love you too. +2 (Romantic) ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. I'm sorry but... +1 (Platonic) ✦✦
Prompt 4
(Romance) I've been thinking about this for a while now, but the way you address me...
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. 'Mitsuru?'' - -
2. What about it? - -

Rank 9 to 10

Prompt 1
(Romance) I'll be looking forward to it.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I'll give it a try. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. I’m fine with the back. +1 ✦✦
Prompt 2
(Platonic) The battery and tire pressue look good... And I've already changed the oil, so that's fine.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Impressive. - -
2. Looks like fun. +1 ✦✦

Mitsuru (Empress) Social Link Overview

Mitsuru (Empress) Start Date and Requirements

Persona 3 Reload - Empress Social Link
Arcana III. Empress
Start Date November 21
Pre-Requisites Academics Rank 6: Genius
Days Available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday
Location Faculty Office Entrance

Mitsuru (Empress) Best Gifts

Best Gifts ・Japanese Doll
・ Goggle-Eyed Idol

List of Gifts

Mitsuru (Empress) Social Link Rewards

Persona Arcana
Alilat Empress
Starting Level

Completing the Empress Social Link rewards you with a Motorcycle Key, which lets you perform a fusion of the Ultimate Persona of the Empress Social Link!

How to Fuse Alilat

Can You Romance Mitsuru (Empress)?

Romance Possible Upon Reaching Rank 9

Players can romance Mitsuru, the Empress Arcana, upon reaching Rank 9 at her Social Link. You will know you will enter into a relationship when the game prompts you to be careful of what you say.

All Romanceable Characters

Persona 3 Reload Related Guides

Persona 3 Reload - Social Links.png

Social Links Guide and How to Start Them

All Social Links

All Social Links
Fool0. Fool MagicianI. Magician PriestessII. Priestess EmpressIII. Empress
EmperorIV. Emperor HierophantV. Hierophant LoversVI. Lovers ChariotVII. Chariot
JusticeVIII. Justice HermitIX. Hermit FortuneX. Fortune StrengthXI. Strength
Hanged ManXII. Hanged Man DeathXIII. Death TemperanceXIV. Temperance DevilXV. Devil
TowerXVI. Tower StarXVII. Star MoonXVIII. Moon SunXIX. Sun
JudgementXX. Judgement AeonXXI. Aeon


1 Anonymous5 months

If you want to do the romance with her, in rank 7-8 you may answer in prompt 3 "thats up to you" instead of "its not meant to be". Just saying because the guide dont and I was stuck for a while trying to do this.


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