Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

Gekkoukan High School: All Activities and Social Links Guide

Persona 3 Reload - Gekkoukan High School Banner
Gekkoukan High School is a key location in Persona 3 Reload (P3R) that includes activities and Social Links that the Protagonist can explore. Read on for what you can do in Gekkoukan High School and its available social links!

All Activities in Gekkoukan High School

Gekkoukan High School Social Links

Gekkoukan High School Social Links
Persona 3 Reload - KenjiMagician (Kenji) Persona 3 Reload - FuukaPriestess (Fuuka) Persona 3 Reload - MitsuruEmpress (Mitsuru)
Persona 3 Reload - HidetoshiEmperor (Hidetoshi) Persona 3 Reload - YukariLovers (Yukari) Persona 3 Reload - KazushiChariot (Kazushi)
Persona 3 Reload - ChihiroJustice (Chihiro) Persona 3 Reload - KeisukeFortune (Keisuke) Persona 3 Reload - YukoStrength (Yuko)
Persona 3 Reload - BebeTemperance (Bebe) Persona 3 Reload - Nyx Annihilation TeamJudgement (N.A.T.) Persona 3 Reload - AigisAeon (Aigis)

Magician Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Magician Social Link Location
The Magician Social Link, Kenji, can be found hanging out in your classroom. Kenji can be interacted with after his first social link event.
Magician Arcana (Kenji) Social Link and Start Date

Priestess Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Priestess Social Link Location
The Priestess Social Link, Fuuka, can be found outside the bathroom on the second floor. Fuuka can be interacted with after joining any culture club and having a Courage Rank of Badass!
Priestess Arcana (Fuuka) Social Link and Start Date

Empress Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Empress Social Link Location
The Empress Social Link, Mitsuru, can be found standing near the Faculty Office Entrance. Mitsuru can be interacted with by having a Knowledge Rank of Genius.
Empress Arcana (Mitsuru) Social Link and Start Date

Emperor Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Emperor Social Link Location
The Emperor Social Link, Hidetoshi, can be found in the Student Council Room. Hidetoshi can be interacted with after joining the Student Council.
Emperor Arcana (Hidetoshi) Social Link and Start Date

Lovers Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Lovers Social Link Location
The Lovers Social Link, Yukari, can be found hanging around Classroom 2F. Yukari can be interacted with by having a Charm Rank of Charismatic.
Lovers Arcana (Yukari) Social Link and Start Date

Chariot Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Chariot Social Link Location
The Chariot Social Link, Kazushi, can be seen in Classroom 2F. Kazushi can be interacted with after joining any sports club.
Chariot Arcana (Kazushi) Social Link and Start Date

Justice Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Justice Social Link Location
The Justice Social Link, Chihiro, can be found near the Student Council Room. After joining the Student Council and being introduced to Chihiro, interact with her three times to start her Social Link.
Justice Arcana (Chihiro) Social Link and Start Date

Fortune Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Fortune Social Link Location
The Fortune Social Link, Keisuke, can be found in any of the culture club rooms depending on the Protagonist's choices. Keisuke can be interacted with after joining any culture club.
Fortune Arcana (Keisuke) Social Link and Start Date

Strength Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Strength Social Link Location
The Strength Social Link, Yuko, can be found outside Classroom 2F. Yuko can be interacted with after joining any sports club and reaching rank 3 on the Chariot Social Link.
Strength Arcana (Yuko) Social Link and Start Date

Temperance Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Temperance Social Link Location
The Temperance Social Link, Bebe, can be first found in Classroom 2F. He will then be found in the Home Economics Room after reaching Hierophant Rank 3 which is a prerequisite before interacting with him.
Temperance Arcana (Bebe) Social Link and Start Date

Judgement Social Link

The Judgement Social Link, which progresses during the latter parts of the game, can be unlocked after finishing the Fool Social Link.
Judgement Arcana (Nyx Annihilation Team) Social Link and Start Date

Aeon Social Link

The Aeon Social Link, Aigis, can be found in Classroom 2F after she enrolls in Gekkoukan High School. Aegis can be interacted with without any pre-requisites
Aeon Arcana (Aigis) Social Link and Start Date

Gekkoukan High School Social Stat Activities

Persona 3 Reload - Ace the Exams

Action Description Points
Study in the Library Study in the Library to significantly increase your Knowledge points at the cost of time. +2/+3
Recite During Classes Choose the correct answers for both you and your classmates during class to receive a Charm Boost +1
Ace the Exam Having the highest scores during exams will reward you with significantly increased Charm +2

Being a proper student during your time in Gekkoukan High will reward you with increased social stats and popularity among your peers. Make sure to keep your book smarts sharp apart from your Tartarus expeditions!

Social Stats Guide

Gekkoukan High School Supplies Store

Persona 3 Reload - School Supplies Store

Item Description
Crab Bread Shaped like a crab, but doesn't taste like one
Price: 100¥
Fried Bread Currently Under Investigation
Price: 100¥
Melon Bread Currently Under Investigation
Price: 100¥
Apple Strudel Currently Under Investigation
Price: 100¥
Yakisoba Pan Currently Under Investigation
Price: 100¥
Book Cover Currently Under Investigation
Price: 2,000¥

If you are running late and did not have the time to prepare a bento box, visit the School Supplies Store to grab a quick snack!

Participate in Clubs

Persona 3 Reload - Participate in Clubs
Expand your horizons by joining clubs! Gekkoukan High School has sports and culture clubs which unlock more Social Links you can explore. You can also join the Student Council if you are interested in school politics!
Social Links Guide and How to Start Them

Explore Tartarus

Persona 3 Reload - Tartarus

During the Dark Hour, Gekkoukan High transforms into Tartarus. To explore Tartarus' floors, interact with your bed in Iwatodai Dorm to settle into the Dark Hour and gather the other S.E.E.S. members!

Tartarus Exploration Guide and Tips

Persona 3 Reload Related Guides

Persona 3 Reload - Locations Related Guides

All Map Locations and Activities

All Locations

List of Locations
Persona 3 Reload - Iwatodai Dorm BannerIwatodai Dorm Persona 3 Reload - Gekkoukan High School BannerGekkoukan High School
Persona 3 Reload - Paulownia MallPaulownia Mall Persona 3 Reload - Port Island Station BannerPort Island Station
Persona 3 Reload - Naganaki Shrine BannerNaganaki Shrine Persona 3 Reload - Iwatodai Station Strip Mall BannerIwatodai Station Strip Mall


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